Wednesday, November 29, 2017

NBC Fires Matt Lauer

Matt Lauer was fired from NBC News on Wednesday after an employee filed a complaint about "inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace," the network announced.
Savannah Guthrie made the announcement at the top of the "Today" show. "We are devastated," she said.

If you have read the site at all, then this should not come as any kind of shock to you at all. What is shocking is that NBC didn't fire him a long time ago. 


  1. What about the pervert in the White House? Why can't we get rid of him?

    1. He will then be replaced by another pervert then in 3 years a Democrat pervert, then the cycle will keep repeating

  2. Isn't that the truth? Most news items like this aren't surprising because we read them here first. I wish Larry Flynt would hurry up and find dirt on DJT like he has offered money for. Sigh.

  3. Somewhere, someplace Ann Curry is doing a *happy dance*

  4. Anonymous7:08 AM

    @Aunty, Bill Clinton? I think that ship has sailed...

  5. I’m sure his time will come Aunty

  6. @Aunty, Trumps time is coming, and that's just the tip of the iceberg which will take him down.

  7. Once again a long standing rumor on this site was proven FACT! Thanks Enty for proving the naysayers wrong. #luvmesumCDAN

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Aaaand another one gone, and another one gone, another one bites the dust!

  10. I'm actually waiting for the Bill Clinton takedown!

  11. I think most CDANers already knew this about Matt Lauer.

  12. How smart does Drew Carey look, only banging whores. Pretty soon every station will be dark except the one running Price is Right 24/7. Friggin 1 hr blocks of Plinko and the lil Mountain Climber.

  13. @Admin User and @Khaleesi No. Not Clinton. "President" Trump. Remember this quote:

    " I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything."

  14. I think Ann Curry knew this before Enty! The truth is though, NBC choose him over her,knowing what happened.Maybe now the full story?

  15. I’ve been dying waiting for this thread to pop up. Ding dong, the jerk is dead! I stopped watching the Today show because of all the rumors on this site about him. He’s disgusting, and I hope Ann Curry is enjoying a nice cup of vindication today.

  16. @ Count, a lot of females will be on the air. You are right,Drew was called a perv because of that.

    1. Guesser: unless they showin a lot of cleavage and ass, no one is interested. The entire sit com genre will be out the window. I could probably watch Kate Hudson's Butt Doing Yoga for an hour on FOX Tuesday nights, though only if first 1/2 hr is yoga pants and 2nd one is in a thong.

  17. I wonder if Ann or Natalie blew the whistle?

  18. Singer, Geffen, Spielberg = when? Throw Franco in there as well and the A list superstar well liked 40 year old supposed family man who raped Corey Haim on the set of Lucas in '85. Clintons as well as Trump...actually - all the f#*&s discussed here on CDAN. ALL of them.

  19. I'm thinking Natalie's husband threatened to divorce her and, knowing he would ask for a DNA test on that kid everyone speculates is Matt's, she reported it. Both to save her family and her career. JMO.

  20. I'm so happy that smarmy fucker is gone.

    Wasn't there some question/blind about some pervy shit going down between ML and Megyn Kelly?

  21. Now Megyn can take over Matt's Today Show seat.
    (I think that was the plan all along.)

  22. Doubt the NBC president Meghan Markle blackmail will be public knowledge after this.

  23. If anyone cares to re-post some of the Matt Laurer previous blinds it would be much appreciated.

  24. (Grabs a bowl of popcorn, props feet up on desk.) Let the reveals begin!

  25. This is hilarious. I love how NBC is nipping this in the bud before ALL the women come forward.

    One person came forward, the board had a meeting, realized they are not going to be able to pay people off and cover it up any more, therefore let's get rid of the pervert we protected for decades while paying him $25 mil a year. LOL.

    Nice to see NBC finally came to their senses but again, only AFTER it became a public liability. When it's a private liability, everything gets swept under the rug.

  26. Don’t worry @FancyFel, I’m sure Enty and the enterns are busy prepping those reveals for later today.

    NBC Prez/Meghan Merkle blackmail - what?!?

  27. +1 that somewhere Ann Curry is dancing and laughing her ass off! Karma baby!! Talk about revenge is a dish best served cold. Its about time that he got his!

    1. Can you remind me what when down between he and Ann? I loved her!

  28. She would probably do it too, @Count.And how very PG of you,LOL

    1. Guesser: it is network TV, so cant ask for too much. FCC would probably go nuts when the show the darkened outer ring of her bunghole peeking out the sides of the buttfloss.

  29. Can we get Weird Al to reprise Another One Rides the Bus to commemorate all this swamp draining? "Another one down, another one down, another one down the drain! Hey Matt Lauer, we're gonna get you too, another one down the drain!"

    Aunty, I really wish we could throw some Republican media drones on the fire to balance things, but, well, they were all purged long ago, weren't they? I guess there's still Hannity, but he seems awfully square, probably not much juice there. Glad to burn him if there's real evidence, though. Otherwise, I guess we'd have to venture out to tinfoil-hat territory to find someone. Maybe Alex Jones copped a feel once upon a time?

    Somewhere, Steve Bannon is smiling. And maybe even checking off a box on a list.

    1. Alex jones just married an escort. Easy research on that one. No one cares about him though. Even us conspiracy theorists know he is controlled opposition.

    2. Alex jones married a whore? If he paid her for sex before the marriage, would any offspring still be considered trick babies? If 2 soulless whores have a kid, is it born w/o a soul?

  30. lauer was rumored to have not only had affairs with natalie and savannah but even fathered at least one child, as i recall.

  31. Over the years worked at NBC. ABC, CBS as an Adm. Asst. Never saw this in the office. No one ever came on to me because they knew I was politically connected through family and could get them in tons of trouble if they were inappropriate. The only shady behavior I ever saw was in 1972 at the Dem and Rep Conventions in Miami Beach. I was working/living in London and the news org. I was working for came to cover them. Shared a trailer with one of the networks. They hired really pretty gals from Miami for their offices. Wined and dined them. When it was all over, I flew back to London, and the news execs returned to their 'sterile news studios' and their wives. This didn't just start. I feel so sad for these men's families. Matt Lauer will have to sell all his Hampton's properties. We're talking millions. His wife will probably divorce him now. Finally.

  32. For this to go down THIS SUDDENLY and with the FINALITY of ONE accuser, it must be huge! If he was the BabyDaddy of Nat's son, it was a consensual relationship, so there would be no grounds to fire him. I can't wait for the reveal on this one!!! Yes, I have known he was a pompous donkey for 15+ years, but I thought he had to have major dirt on someone - since he kept getting away with his antics. Meanwhile, everyone he had a beef with was tossed aside. Yes, I think so many of us thought of Ann Curry today! Someone posted that she was loud and rude in a gym, and I wanted to ask them if they had her confused with Megan Kelly. Ann had class and was the opposite of a loudmouth know-it-all...

    Let's see, how many people did he push out?!? The list is a mile long, so I truly hope the full story will be revealed!!

    I thought I was having a dream when I woke up. I never watch the Today Show and it was on, and there sat Hoda and Savannah stating Lauer was fired. I had to ask my hubby to pinch me, so that I realized I wasn't

  33. Any word on the allegations against matt or what did the previous blinds about him say? I'm a newb

  34. Rk: Allegedly, Lauer sexually assaulted someone during/after the Olympics. She had receipts. Lots of irrefutable receipts.
    You're free, *Annette!! Finally free!!
    (*Mrs. Lauer, a very long-suffering wife).

  35. Anonymous8:55 AM

    @khaleesi- Bill was impeached, so he was taken down. He is no longer president. We should be focusing on the pervert in chief.

  36. Speaking of Bill -- Does anyone know where Monica's money come from? Her rich, long-suffering parents? She has never worked a day in her life. Don't consider selling her handbags a job. Got a degree at London School of Economics. Not cheap. Lived in London. Not cheap. She goes to artsy parties, hangs around with Alan Cumming. But what does she DO? There is a real, meaty story there that no one has the gonads to write. She was sent to the White House to do exactly what she did. Bill & Hill know the truth. Too afraid to speak up.

    1. I recall reading somewhere years ago that she was a Mossad agent, who knows...

  37. Clinton was tried but not convicted.
    So, he wasn't impeached.

  38. Hey Boo, I feel sorry for Monica even though she pursued the old pervert. She has never had any lasting relationships and is paying the price for her discretion. She has an excellent education and is a free lance writer. and her family is rich.

  39. This is certainly no shock.
    BUT this one is (at least to me) it just came over the news Garrison Keillor was fired today by Minnesota Public Radio for "inappropriate sexual behavior." Thank goodness Mr. Rogers is dead!

  40. I am no Trump loon, but please, give it a rest. Dude been rich his entire life, he could spot a golddigger at 20 paces. No crime treating them like whores. Besides, as proven w/ the wall and many other things, he's all talk.

  41. From reading past blinds on this website about Matt Lauer, I'm not surprised about this firing. However, the general public does not know about this and NBC's statement that it was just one complaint is setting a terrible precedent for future sexual misconduct allegations. All it now takes is one accusation (true or not), and a person(most likely a man) is fired from their job and their reputation ruined. No due process, no investigation, nothing. A consensual relationship turns sour and the angry lover can level sexual misconduct allegations. Someone wants your job or wants you out of the company, sexual misconduct. Even an innocent compliment by a man to a woman (e.g. "Your outfit is really nice") is now being portrayed as sexual misconduct in some newspaper articles. The definition of sexual misconduct expands daily. It's no longer men and women in the same workplace but men and women in the same industry. All women are now always blameless, pure, truthful and easily traumatized by the mere expression of sexual interest and all men are now sexual perverts. Once again, nuance and truth is lost in this new American panic. Meanwhile, the actual Hollywood pedophiles are still running loose. Lest anyone think I'm a man, I'm not. Just sick and tired of where this eventual trainweck is going.
    The funny thing is this all started as a way to punish Fox News for what was perceived as their role in helping Trump get elected and the left's anger at Trump's win. All the pearl clutching at Roger Ailes and O'Reilly when it was obvious that settlements were the way of business in the entertainment and media business and as we are now finding out even in congress.

  42. @David Howes, Bill Clinton was impeached by the House and then acquitted by the Senate. Impeachment is the process itself and not the final act. He was the second President to be impeached.

  43. I meant to add, to all the lefty loonies, IF there was any actual dirt to be found on Trump it would have been found by now.

  44. True, from the outside looking in, it doesn't set good precedent.

    /begin rant/
    NBC only cares about their image and bottom dollar. They have known for years that Lauer was a bully and had rampant affairs, alleged sexual harassment, etc but chose to pay him $25 million a year and look the other way (and seriously who pays a douchebag to put on makeup and sit and read from cards/teleprompter/earbud for just a few hours a day for $25 million a year, it's absurd).

    Now all of sudden what NBC tried to keep secret is coming out so they have to save face. It's not just one complaint. That's ludicrous. This is been going on for YEARS.

    NBC will look like assholes for paying an asshole $25 mil a year to be a bully, harass others and have sex wherever & whenever he wants -- so as soon one person said they are going public. Bam. NBC nipped it in the bud to look like they are the good guys...but they're not. NBC not only allowed this to go on for years but fucking rewarded him for it. Fuck you NBC.

    /rant over/

  45. @.robert, Mueller plays things close to the vest and runs a tight ship so no leaks. The jury is still very much out, and the investigation is nowhere near finished.

  46. @Acad - NBC must have known for years & probably protected Lauer, so this "first complaint" didn't come out of nowhere. The victim went in there with her attorney so it's the first formal complaint that they couldn't cover up. I can you from 1st hand experience (handling litigation), women get fired for far less all the time. When a man gets fired after just ONE complaint, then the victim has some pretty strong evidence of something horrific. I have recommended terminations after a 1st offense, when there was or pics of the bad act, or even bragging on social media--yeah, people are that stupid and arrogant.

    Someone who gives an inappropriate compliment is usually reprimanded & sent to sensitivity training. We don't fire people over misunderstandings. Whatever Lauer did, it must have been pretty bad.

  47. I meant: when I have video or pics of the bad act -- sorry for the typos.

  48. Rep. Luis Gutierrez has made a sudden decision to retire from Congress. I'm wondering if there had been a previous blind here about him, I know I had read something very negative about him and I thought it was here, but maybe not.

  49. Katie Couric says that Matt Lauer's most annoying habit is that he pinches her "on the ass" a lot.

  50. Do Tell, I think Luis Gutierrez and Jason Chaffetz (spelling?) are leaving/have left because of scandals they are trying to minimize. Too thirsty and ambitious to willingly walk away from high powered roles.

  51. Check out this old Today show bit about Matt being the victim! Yuck, yuck... hilarious.

  52. Both Variety and the NY Times were working on Matt Lauer expose's. That's why he went down, not because of just one accusation. Don't mind the link.... it just collects tweets from Variety and NY Times.

  53. @BayAreaGirl I agree that NBC must have known for years and it's obvious they are trying to cover their tracks and nip in the bud a possible avalanche of accusations but since most people/companies outside NBC don't know this, NBC may have just started and/or contributed to a feeding frenzy. I think companies might just not want to deal with the bad publicity any complaint might dredge up especially if a newspaper/social media pick up the story, so they would just rather fire the person for even an unrelated reason (e.g. Jordan Charitton from The Young Turks who I do think should have been fired but the reasoning given seemed suspect). I suspect that in the future, reprimands and sensitivity training may be replaced by firings to meet an ever revolving purity test. The bar will keep on being lowered.
    I actually don't like or care for most of the people caught in this storm. My issue is how even some of the reporting and exposés are being done. E.g. the Glenn Thrush story included a consensual encounter between him and another woman. Why was it even included. All this does is redefine or obfuscate actual sexual misconduct. Also, the Duke lacrosse team scandal is just one example of how media induced public outrage allowed the law and justice to be pushed aside.

  54. fufu lou: Are you talking about Monica Lewinsky? I wish I could share all the inside info I know about her and the whole WH debacle! The reason she lives so high, wide and fancy is she is being paid handsomely to keep her mouth shut. Which, we all know, isn't easy for her to do! Pun intended!

  55. @Acad, I don't think you have the facts. I know for a fact that you're wrong about companies lowering their standards for investigating these allegations. The business folks are always reluctant to fire their golden goose/geese and in-house attorneys/HR often get a ton of push back when recommending termination of a predator. That's why companies with good corporate governance, allow their Legal and HR Dept's to conduct these investigations independently and to issue written reports of their findings. I often have to find some really strong receipts or multiple victims AND cite real life jury awards from similar fact patterns.

    NBC did not create a feeding frenzy, they're salving their reputation. The NYT just went live with their 1st story and Variety had warned NBC 2 months ago they were publishing one. Also, I assume Lauer used his company issued devices and work email for some of this conduct, so NBC (like every other company) could check their own servers for the evidence. Yes, your company email account & devices are subject to review by your employer, without a warrant.

    The Duke lacrosse incident represents 3% of reported sexual assault cases. I don't think we should use that against the other 97% of victims who do come forward. Also, the DA in that case ignored testimony & evidence that was inconsistent with the accuser's story. He was later disbarred, which is pretty rare.

    re: The Young Turks, he was having an affair with a subordinate, which was a clear violation of their written policies. I applaud them for actually following through & firing him. The founder also said "that their internal probe turned up other problematic behavior."

    As for Thrush, this does not look consensual & there's more than one:


  56. oops, sorry the NYT article was about his firing. The investigative piece has not dropped yet.

  57. do tell and dogmom: i noticed gutierrez last night too, and immediately thought of the new orleans blind:

    "That producer led to buzz and more buzz and more noise. It also provided cover for people who were forced out. Want your wife to find out about the sex games you like playing with college girls? Then, now might be a good time to retire."

  58. @just sayin, good catch!

    @ Boo, I really wish you could tell... I actually feel very sorry for Monica L and have never understood (even as WJC was on trial) why she was so demonized and he was called out, but did not pay a higher price. She was verbally assaulted for nearly 20 years by the media. Double standard. I have also wondered why she didn't tell everything. A pay off makes sense. I always assumed her family was just very wealthy.

  59. The Variety article about Lauer is now online. This is why he was fired, because they knew it was coming.

    The NY Times will also have one, soon.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Plus, these pigs will put up with anything, as long as their boy is making them money. It's pretty clear that "everyone knew", but Lauer was too important for NBC to do anything, until they were forced.

  62. Here's the archive of the Variety article if you'd rather not click on the real link.

  63. i've asked it before and i'll ask it again: what is it with men showing women their penises? sending unsolicited dick pics, pulling down their pants and masturbating, etc. etc.

    men: do you really think we want to see this? you know that every other guy has one, too, right?

    not much love for shania twain on cdan this week, but she nailed it with this song:

    Shania Twain - That Don't Impress Me Much

  64. @ just sayin: no clue. I try to keep my lil pecker covered until we are past the point where a broads disappointment could cause her to leave. Last thing i would consider is whipping it out in public or when a broad is still clothed and panties dry.

  65. good to know, count!

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Boo, You should write a tell all!

  68. Why would CDAN give a s*&^ about what you have to say about ML? Sounds like a dodge...

  69. Whoever's advising (?) on these cases is being smart in piling up a full expose on the person before breaking it. In the past it would typically be one accuser, maybe even one event. The accused would dodge a bit, maybe do a half-apology, and survive, somewhat inoculated against future charges. This time they gather as much evidence from as many accusers as possible together at once, and provide it in a nice package to a respected site like the Farrow piece on Weinstein or the ones coming out here. Then when they make that phone call, there's no chance of the company even stalling when they see it.

  70. boo hearne: rather than be banished from cdan i'll bet enty would LOVE to hear your stories. he gets some of his best blinds from other people. send him an email and let him turn them into a blind! now i'm dying to hear what you know!

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. holy cow, boo hearne. sounds like it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better...a lot more heads will be rolling. well, they knew about so they get what they deserve. i hope this leads to more transparency regarding trump's behavior that they covered up. not trying to start a fight with anyone here! i'm just for openness and honesty.

  73. @Boo... I should have been more specific. I was responding to your piece about Monica Lewinsky, but I just realized that the ML initials could also stand for Matt Lauer.

    I stand by my question... why would CDAN ban you for saying anything about Monica? I know that it might put you in a bad spot with *others* so you might not be willing to go there, but saying you would be banned from CDAN for life doesn't seem realistic (unless Enty is really William Jefferson Clinton, in which case we really aren't in Kansas any more).

  74. Cheezy--I did understand what you were referring to. I cannot comment on many things concerning Monica and Bill etc. Do you understand the big picture with regard to what is happening in Show Biz? Not the politicians, but the major players who make or break an actor, a series, a picture, a network? Until last month they had a stranglehold on the entire industry and what we see and hear. The sheer panic right now is if these people lose their grip on how they control the thinking pattern of the American citizen, the repercussions will be devastating beyond words. I predicted this 5 yrs. ago at lunch with my best friend. I told her this was going to happen and she just laughed. "No way! We're way too powerful now. It won't happen." Hate to say I have not heard from her since the day the Harvey Weinstein mess began. And she won't take my calls. She is a friend of 20 years! My prediction is coming true and she knows all too well the ramifications long-term.

  75. @Boo Hearne Thanks for the info. Maybe I am naive, but why do they think the Matt Lauer story will bring the network down. Fox survived the Ailes and O'Reilly scandals. Is it because they are trying to pretend this was a one-time incident that they just heard about and not an ongoing issue that they ignored? I'm pretty sure this crap goes on in every network. Or is this why they think it will kill news media. More stories will come out of the woodwork from all networks? All these news outlet (print and media) are hypocrites.

  76. My posts aren't showing up so if any get duplicated, my apologies.

    @Boo thank you for the inside scoop. I love behind the scenes info. I believe the top brass are threatening everyone to "keep quiet and pretend you are devastated" which means NOTHING has changed! NBC still trying to play the game and pretend they knew nothing, when they not only KNEW but REWARDED that douchebag $25 million a year. Telling everyone to keep quiet and continue to lie just proves nothing is changing - just reshuffling around - that's it.

    I want Hollywood and DC to implode in their own filth. This has gone on too long!!!

    Food for thought:
    "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." E Burke

  77. DRATS!! Even when I try to break it up it still shows up as an actual link. ARGH.

    When I try to break the code down individually, it won't allow me to post saying the code incomplete.

    Let me see if I can find a link for you that will help show you how to do it.

  78. Here you go MovieBuff. Hopefully this helps:

    How to Make a Link

    Glue & Others: Just as I told you last night, today's issue of The Hollywood Reporter is echoing my exact words. There is fear and panic at NBC News! You can subscribe for free on-line. I get it every morning. Worth reading.

    They are scared of: tons of lawsuits by the women involved who see a big pay day if they take them to court. Or threaten to. They don't want to give up their stranglehold on what we Americans hear. Just look at all the hysterics at CNN and President Trump this entire year. If the American people only knew the false news they have been fed for over 50 years they would be furious. You have to leave the US and live overseas to really see how much we don't know about anything! So sad.

    Russell Simmons resigned. This tsunami hasn't even begun! Wait till the GUYS come out and point fingers are the MEN in the industry who did the same thing to them! You are going to see some major, major personalities fall!

  80. awesome, boo hearne!

  81. @Boo, Thanks. No kidding about the international view of things versus the US view. Very different perspectives. I an interested in the amount of collusion necessary to pull the wool over people's eyes for so long.

    Regarding NBC, Megyn Kelly is getting raked over the coals for saying that Matt Lauer's exposure is progress. She is correct and the status quo over at NBC is roasting her for saying it.

    The citizens are seeing the wizards behind the curtains and no one is happy about that.

  82. @Boo -- Well, the ground is certainly shaking beneath their feet. I'd love to believe that the earthquake/tsunami is coming, but these clowns in entertainment and news still hold most of the power. It depends on "ordinary people" who have been either paid off or intimidated (or both) for decades to step forward.

    The only thing that gives me hope is that they *used* to completely control what we saw and heard, and that's no longer the case. They don't know how to handle a world where they don't have complete control. So, maybe the opening is big enough to squeeze out all the corruption.

    The other possibility is that they can still control enough of the victims that this will die down soon and it is merely a precursor to the real event, which might still be years into the future. For instance, if NBC is turning the screws to the max on their people, they might just go along, mightn't they? They still want their cushy jobs.

    OTOH, maybe the cracks in their control aren't really big enough. Isn't the demise of Net Neutrality just another way to control what we see and hear? Interesting times (an old Chinese curse).

    Bottom Line: I hope to God that some of the blinds that Enty has posted over the last 2 weeks about child rape, etc are not true. But if they are, we should all do what we can to make sure the guilty are (figuratively) hanging from the nearest tree.

  83. dog mom: i suspect that when it all shakes out, megyn kelly will be the new matt lauer, the face of nbc morning, as they should have made her (considering that hard news and interviews are her forte and the amount of $$$ they paid for her.)

  84. @Cheez Whiz, not sure about other org's but NBC is f-----d. The button under the desk shows knowledge which leads to liability for a number of torts that are easier to prove than sexual harassment. There is no legitimate business purpose for that button & Lauer is not handy enough to install that button himself. Anyone who has worked in an office buildings know how difficult it is to get any repairs or installations done. It took 2 months of paperwork and doctor's notes to get a standard lock put on my door when I returned from maternity leave. A smart attorney would start with the button & work backwards.



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