Friday, November 17, 2017

Four For Friday - Raped For A Part

This movie is generally considered to be one of the more vile movies of all time. It condones statutory rape and purposefully filmed outside the country and lied about the dates of production just so they could show the star naked and having sex even though she was underage. As bad as that sounds, it was much worse.

Lets go back in time to before the movie was shot. You had a 60 something Hollywood lecher/director who was scouting high school talent he could convince to have sex with him for $100 by using his former A list credentials to convince her he could make her a star. Sure, they were in the middle of nowhere and not even close to Hollywood, but it was a game he played often.

He knew photographers in the city who would pass along photos of the mid teen females who thought they could be big in the modeling world. Some scam agency would tell them they needed head shots and send them to the photographer who would see how if he could get them naked and what they would do for money. Then, dirty old men like the director would come in and spin tales of money or fame or whatever was their con and then rape these teens. I use the term rape because most of these a-holes were middle aged to old and most of the teens were 15-17.

Anyway, lets call our actress Lisa. If you have been reading the site the past few weeks, this kind of all ties it together doesn't it. Lisa was 16 when she met the director. He spun his tale and she loved it and they had sex every day for a few weeks. Apparently the director became convinced from his own words to make a movie starring this teen who he was in lust with. He wanted to keep having sex with her and thought she could be a star. Mostly though, he just wanted to have sex with her.

He has an idea for a movie which fulfills all his horrible fantasies and the great thing is, that movie already exists. He just needs to switch it up a little. He also needs money. He goes to his friend who we will call The Big Cheese. One thing you need to know about The Big Cheese is he is crooked. He also loved to make money. Oh, and he also loves teens. One thing led to another and he also raped 16 year old Lisa.

The Big Cheese also saw it as a way he could have sex with someone who was barely legal he had been lusting for on television. She would turn into an A+ list actress and she remains A list to this day. He offered her a role in the movie for about 50 times what she was making doing television but she also had to have sex with him for a whole weekend. She did it and says today it was the worst weekend of her life but it also made her career. She never slept with any other guy for a part.

Now, Mr. Big Cheese was really on board and he saw this as a way he too could have sex with a bunch of teenagers and knew where they could film the movie to take advantage of that. He also knew which A list actor to hire. The actor loved sex with teens and loved filming in out of the way fun places. He also loved a check more than any script. The actor, who we will call DRS also raped Lisa. He did so repeatedly throughout the filming of the movie.

The filming of the movie was just one big orgy with no care or concern about making a hit. The only thing they cared about was staying under budget which was not hard because they were shooting one take of each scene so they could go back to partying. The A lister says she hated going out at night and blames the movie on her drug problem later in life because she just sat in her room bored at night so turned to drugs.

Lisa made more shows and more movies but was usually required to get naked in auditions and in movies and to have sex with whoever was casting her. She burned out and left the business when she got married. A few years went by and then out of the blue she got a call to come do a movie. To be close to top billed. She had been out of the business for almost a decade. Why was she called back? The producer/writer of the movie had a crush on her from back in the day. Despite the fact he is married he wanted to have sex with Lisa and pressured her for weeks and weeks until she agreed. She got the part. The movie sucked. Lisa had been willing to give it one more try but after that she said no and has never worked again. 


  1. Lolita with Dominique Swain as the movie?

  2. No I can't make the rest fit...but it might be another Swain movie because I think she is Lisa.

  3. Could this be Phoebe Cates in Fast Times at Ridgemont High?

    1. No I take that back. It was filmed in California.

    2. Jailbait (2000) and alycia Purrott she was mostly tv until this movie then didn’t do another movie until she was in the cutting edge 2008

  4. Yea, the Lolita remake was filmed in New Orleans.

  5. Bugsy Malone, Jodie Foster?

  6. Phoebe Cates, Movie: Paradise.

  7. I thought it was Lolita from 1997 too, but director wasn't 60 yet.

  8. Phoebe cates = Lisa kudrow alias

  9. Sounds like the movie Fantasies with John and bo Derek. Check out its wiki page

  10. Phoebe Cates comes from Hollywood royalty--no way is this her

  11. KIDS. Beyond vile. Weinstein produced it. I think a couple of red herrings are thrown in.

  12. That Paradise really doesn't work but the Paradise in 1991 seems to. Melanie Griffith, Don Johnson, Thora Birch

  13. So far I can't come up with a movie with two female leads an underage girl who no longer works (DS IMDB resume is full of current projects) and an actress who started in TV but is now A List.

    1. Kids. Look up Larry Clark. NC17 movie starring kids. Chloe is A+, AS for Boys don't cry, Big Love on tv. Vile, is a strong word. After I watched Kids, I threw up.

    2. Lol Chloe for A list I don't think so

  14. "I was only 17 when I did my nude scenes in Paradise (1982). They were serious and more difficult because they were not easily justified." - Phoebe Cates

    Good call

  15. Stealing Beauty? Jeremy Irons likes these parts.

  16. Demi Moore movie=Tempest Paul Mazurski director

    1. Molly Ringwald is the star they were listing after.

    2. Molly Ringwald is the star they were listing after.

  17. What doesn't make Phoebe Cates work for me is the phrase: "The Big Cheese also saw it as a way he could have sex with someone who was barely legal he had been lusting for on television."
    Paradise was her first role; TV ("Lace" movies) came later.

  18. How about Endless Love with Brooke Shields? Director Franco Zefferelli?

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Kids was definitely vile. But the POS Larry Clark wasn't 60 yet when he did it.

    1. Red herring? It's the only movie I consider vile.

  21. Michelle Johnson - Film: Blame it on Rio. Needed a judge's approval to film her nude scenes. Director Stanley Donen was 60. A list star, Michael Caine. Came back to film Mickey, written by John Grisham. How big was her career though?

    1. That works with DRS being a clue for Dirty Rotten Scoundrel... That is what I immediately thought DRS was a reference to.

  22. If it is someone who is still A list then it can't be Dominique Swain.

  23. Without a doubt, it's the movie KIDS! All teenage sex scenes, Harvey Weinstein attached, and Chloe went on to win an Academy Award!

    1. Lol when tf did Chloe win an academy award at best she's probably won $1000 for taking the survey from the Rite Aid receipt

  24. Someone Said - Forgot about Blame it on Rio! Good guess.

  25. Lisa would have been Dominique, I couldn't fit an A lister into that movie with her.

  26. @ someone said-- Yahtzee!

  27. Kids were filmed in NY, and director wasn't 60 yet either. Going through the list of "lolita" kind of films and checking it haha.

    1. I think he fudged a few details. Does it all the time. That movie was vile. Chloe is A+, Clark a total pig. But...i could very well be totally wrong! Cruel Intentions?

  28. First thought was Lolita.

  29. Had not thought of that Pterodactyl. This is another sad and messed up Hollywood story.

  30. Did a google image search. Lovely wet buttocks on the young Miss Cates. Would eat.

    1. She was definitely the It girl for a couple of years. Stunning!.

  31. So far Blame It On Rio fits.
    Director Stanley Donen was 60 at the time
    Demi was on General Hospital and 20-21 during filming and her career took off doing the brat pack movies shortly thereafter.
    Michelle Johnson was 16-17 and hardly ever worked after 2000 with 2004 being her last movie.
    Good job Someone Said

    1. The 16 yr old went on to become A+ list. Michelle isn't A+. It fits everywhere else, but the A+ clue is a big one.

    2. No the 16 year old barely worked again Jesus you are insane with these guesses go get some fresh air

  32. one thing i've never forgotten about michael caine is that he has said many times he loves to film on location. doesn't really care about the script and even money is secondary to where he's filming.
    doesn't mean it's him, but the description of that actor fits him.

  33. Lisa - Michelle Johnson
    Director - Stanley Donen
    Film: Blame it on Rio (1984)
    The Big Cheese - Larry Gelbart (Sherwood Productions)
    A+ list actress - Demi Moore

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. ^
    The television actress became A list, not the 16 year old.

  36. If it's Blame it on Rio, then Michael Caine is the actor who also slept with the 16 year old...?

  37. @Someone Said, looks like you got it. No credits after she got married in 1999, except Mickey after she was divorced, and then nothing. So add Michael Caine to the list, along with these directors.

    Pretty girl.

    I'd note that this is another case where they were intentionally worse than necessary. The film could have been legal, if they'd just waited a few months until she was 18. They wanted her to be underage, even though audiences wouldn't know. They would know, and they'd get a little thrill at pulling another one over on the squares.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. More proof it's Blame It On Rio:
    "He has an idea for a movie which fulfills all his horrible fantasies and the great thing is, that movie already exists. He just needs to switch it up a little." -> BIOR was a remake of the 1977 French film "Un moment d'égarement."

  40. So based on the BI Michael Caine is into teenagers?? Wow so disappointing since I USED to like him especially since he had one of those rare long standing marriages to the gorgeous Shakira Caine.

    It's the ones you LEAST expect I tell ya....

  41. John Grisham was the producer/writer for "Mickey" which was the film Michelle Johnson came back for.

    FFS, is this ALL these guys effin' think about? How to get laid?

  42. In "The Quills" Michael Caine also played a child rapist, interesting fact.

  43. Can't be Dominique Swain because she is still working. She has more than 10 projects in the works according to IMDB. She also has never taken a break in her career...much less a 10 year break.

    Not Kids. Although definitely vile, it was filmed in the US and Chloe was 21 and is still working today.

    The Michelle Johnson/Blame it on Rio guess actually fits the best. Not sure that I would consider her A+ or A list, but everything else fits.

  44. Well Michelle Johnson married in 99. She worked steadily from ‘84 - ‘97 then 2000 and 2004 so the fact that Lisa took off for almost a decade doesn’t fit.

  45. Movie is Blame it on Rio
    Director is Stanley Donen whose A-days were the 50s and 60s.
    Lisa is Michelle Johnson who did go on to work pretty steadily until 2000
    TV Actress turned A-Lister is Demi Moore
    DRS is Dirty Rotten Scoundrel Michael Caine.

  46. I was confused at first too but I do think this is about Blame it on Rio. The "A/A+ lister" and Lisa are not the same person, as I had originally read it.

    Director: Stanley Donen
    Lisa: Michelle Johnson
    A/A+ actress: Demi Moore
    A Actor: Michael Caine
    Producer/Writer: Grisham
    Film: Mickey
    Big Cheese: Not sure, Marvin Davis??

    1. Read it once again. "She went on to become A list, and is still A+ to this day. There's no second actress mentioned. The other A list star mentioned is male. I think lol

  47. OMG. Just read Blame It On Rio's plot on Wikipedia & my first reaction was "Holy S--t!" This was a comedy? Sick sick sick.

  48. Oops, misread the part about the A+ list actress who is still A list today. They are referring to Demi Moore who was just 18 for Blame it on Rio. That is definitely the winner.

  49. Gotta be Last Tango in Paris, directed by Bertolucci, easily considered vile and condioning rape. Schneider was supposedly 19 when it came out, but maybe that was a lie. Brando could easily fit for DRS.
    But no idea who Big Cheese or the A+ actress would be . . . . .

  50. Michelle Johnson is from Anchorage: "in the middle of nowhere and not even close to Hollywood"

    Interesting acting credit: Lisa, Menendez: A Killing in Beverly Hills, CBS, 1994

    1. Lisa was the name of two of her characters. Saw it on IMDb

    2. Michelle Johnson went to Alhambra HS in Phoenix, AZ.

  51. Film: Blame It On Rio (1984). Godawfulm cheap-looking, rancidly dated even then piece of shit. I remember it coming out and the film mags of the time scraping the barrel to try to find anything nice to say about it.

    Director: Stanley Donen, who was 60 in 1984, when Rio came out.

    Actor who like filming overseas: Michael Caine

    Young actress who quit the industry: Michelle Johnson

    A-List Actress: Demi Moore, who had a small part as Michael Caine's daughter in the film.

    The Big Cheese: Larry Gelbert?

  52. What blinds lately keep referring to a movie set that peoe were having sex everywhere?

  53. There is no way this is Kids - does not fit AT all. Its not Phoebe Cates either - I think her husband would have been mentioned - plus the movie doesn’t fit either. It seems like Blame it on Rio is the best fit - actress hasn’t acted since 2005? And Demi was the other star they wanted to get at.

  54. Keri, you need to read it again. There's no indication that Lisa and the A list actress are the same person. They are two different people. So there are three total actors/actresses in this blind: Lisa, A-list female, A-list male.

    1. Ok, chill. I don't read it that way. It's just a guess on a blind item. Jeez

  55. Whaddya know, Larry Gelbart attended the same high school as Demi Moore. Not at the same time, of course. But that might explain the fascination. Looks like he's dead; guess we can't hang him.

    @keri, there are two actresses:
    Underage "Lisa," whom everyone had sex with: director, Big Cheese, actor; dropped out of industry later except for one comeback movie
    Barely legal actress, became A lister, spent weekend with Big Cheese for a huge payday

  56. I just watched the trailer for "Blame It On Rio" on YouTube. I need to take a shower. Yuck.

    There is a second actress mentioned in reference to the Big Cheese who wants to have sex with a TV star who goes on to become an A+ list actress. That's Demi Moore who was on a soap. "Lisa" is the one mentioned earlier who had never acted before and that's Michelle Johnson.

  57. As euphoriamourning said....

    Lisa - Michelle Johnson
    Director - Stanley Donen
    Film: Blame it on Rio (1984)
    The Big Cheese - Larry Gelbart (Sherwood Productions)
    A+ list actress - Demi Moore

  58. +1 Blame it on Rio and Demi Moore, and the rest

  59. Also I noticed that Sidney Kimmel’s name is attached to the trailers credits but isn’t on his imdb list... LG is a good fit otherwise but thought the Kimmel piece was interesting.

  60. Demi Moore also did modeling as a teenager and posed for nudes at the age of 16, which were later published in "Oui" magazine, so that part fits for "Blame it on Rio" as well.

  61. Demi was 16 for those pics? I would have imagined it to take 20yrs or more to grow a bush like that.

  62. That movie sucked so badly.

    Why do I think that I read Grisham's name on here just a few days ago. Something about a writer?

  63. I've never seen Blame it on Rio, but I remember it coming out when I was in high school. It was one people kinda whispered about as being racier than most. It's kinda weird to see pages about it now saying it was terrible, because I just remember all my friends wanting to see it.

  64. Blame it on Rio fits! A shame. I used to be a fan of MC especially in the Neil Simon's California Suite.

  65. BIOR's not overtly "vile" (or not in the way Last Tango is) but upon viewing it's pretty obviously a flimsy pretext to show underage chicken in the "humorous" Humbert Humbert fashion. Caine, Moore, and Donen all being legendary names who'd take this one back if they could. Sad for MJ who was a beaut but went nowhere after being "made a star" in said sleazy style

  66. " If you have been reading the site the past few weeks, this kind of all ties it together doesn't it." Yeah--this does not refer to Lisa, but to Demi, who has been popping up in quite a few blinds lately.

  67. haven't read the whole thing yet but after the first sentence i'd say "tess". nastassja kinski, based on "tess of the d'urbervilles".)

  68. +1 for blame it on rio. now there's a movie that wouldn't get made today!

    there's an equally disturbing story behind "tess" (roman polanski, 16-yr-old nastassja kinski, daughter of the sexually-abusive klaus kinski).

  69. This sounds a lot like Indecent Proposal...could this be another hint for Demi Moore rather than a description of what literally happened?

    "He offered her a role in the movie for about 50 times what she was making doing television but she also had to have sex with him for a whole weekend. She did it and says today it was the worst weekend of her life but it also made her career. She never slept with any other guy for a part."

  70. Yes folks, it is Blame It on Rio.
    But the REAL blind here is why Enty chose to call her "LISA"??
    lololol. I still can't breathe from laughing so hard.
    This kills me.
    Good goin' Enty. Hahaha.

    Hey gang? Anybody here ever watch The Simpsons?

    "Blame It On Lisa". Look THAT title up. Hahaha.
    Now I gotta try to get the mental image of Lisa Simpson in Rio and on a casting couch OUT of my head!
    Good goin' Ent-wad. Nice touch of humour to a dark week ;-)

    Now I just wonder if Michelle will get her own yacht - like Mariah Carey did? Since she's all over James Packer now. You remember Packer? The billionaire ex-partner of Ratner in RatPac?

    And that...dear how you tie it all together.

  71. On the why "Lisa," BayArea got it up above. Enty made a veiled reference to the murdered Menendez father in a blind a few weeks ago, so Michelle Johnson playing "Lisa" in a Menendez movie is a nice callback.

  72. does this mean that michele johnson's into scientology as well? i'd love to know how she and packer met.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. He called her Lisa, because in "Blame it on Lisa" Simpsons went to Rio De Janeiro? Clever.

  75. i admire your self-control s c. probably a wise choice, but check back in, because we WILL be solving all the problems of the world, lol.

  76. Oh God it does all fit tragic. No wonder Demi is such a mixed up woman. As for Michael Caine, well that is another one I will not watch again. I am going to be stuck with cartoons only soon.

  77. Not Michael Caine! 😖

  78. i know, i live for dirty rotten scoundrels.

  79. I have to say I always found MC kinda creepy.

  80. Also disappointed, I loved him as Alfred from Batman as a kid :(

    1. Alexandria, i might have to put this comment in that things that make you feel old your turn.

    2. Hahaha my destroyed childhood is making You feel old Count? Lmao

    3. Yes, Alexandria. I think i was mid 30s when they came out.

    4. Count, don't feel old.

  81. My first thought, being a 'rape' movie was 'A Clockwork Orange' starring Malcolm McDowell, but it appears to be 'Blame It on Rio.' Haven't seen either. Very disappointed with Michael Caine, thought he was a good guy!

  82. michael caine's opening monologue in "blame it on rio". gross.

    “One time a company I worked for transferred me to an island in the Pacific. Fantastic place. I invited my girl to visit me. I sent her a postcard everyday with a single word on each card. I wrote “Found a virgin paradise. It’s yours. Matthew.” Naturally, they were delivered in the wrong order. The message she got was “Found a virgin. It’s paradise. Yours, Matthew.” Never heard from her again.”

  83. i'd like to know what valerie harper saw.

  84. Blue Lagoon first thought.

  85. 1/3 of the way thru "blame it on rio" and i can't watch anymore. it's straight up kiddie porn.

  86. Blame It On Rio. Gross but so is Michael Caine

  87. Chloe Sevigny does not have an Oscar and A+ in what universe? She couldn't open or carry a movie if they tied the reel to her back.

    Chloe, is that you?

    1. Lol I wrote the same. That one is full of dumb guesses and gets defensive when told so

  88. commenters who missed the earlier discussion:

    vile movie: "blame it on rio"
    lecherous 60-yr-old director: stanley donen
    "lisa": michele johnson (named after the simpson's episode "blame it on lisa")
    the movie already exists because it's a remake of the 1977 french film "un moment d'égarement" (a moment of delusion, distraction)
    the big cheese: larry gelbart
    tv actress who's a list today: demi moore (on general hospital at the time)
    a list actor who liked teens: michael caine

  89. Age is still problem unless they shot scenes 2-3 years earlier?. Possible I guess.

  90. the blind says they lied about the production dates so the could show the star naked and having sex.

  91. Lisa - Michelle Johnson
    Director - Stanley Donen
    Film: Blame it on Rio (1984)
    The Big Cheese - Bruce McNall (wisdom)
    A+ list actress - Demi Moore (wisdom)
    producer/writer - John Grisham

  92. " If you have been reading the site the past few weeks, this kind of all ties it together doesn't it."
    Pretty sure he is saying it ties together because of the Himmmm blind from last week that the most likely guess was Jose Menendez for one of the players. Michelle Jonson played LISA in a movie about the murders.

    1. Which blind mentions Melendez?

  93. The Big Cheese: Definitely Bruce McNall

    Pretty obvious from this article.

  94. @KD ... I think you're right. What a sleaze.

    "I don't think anybody realized — I don't think anybody had a clue that she was that age," McNall says today. (He says the production subsequently got Johnson's parents to sign off on the nudity.)

    Johnson's youth played to the movie's central theme, as McNall remembers it. "The idea was she was an inappropriate age," he says. "I think the idea was the typical older guy falling for the young girl, which happens constantly, especially in Hollywood."

    Oh, the pathetic rationalizations of middle-aged perverts. Look, if you have to get the parents (and what were THEY thinking?) to 'sign off' on a girl's onscreen nudity and sex scenes, she's too young. Case closed.

  95. If Lisa is Michelle Johnson she just sounds like a whore. Sleeping with everyone. Doubt it was rape. She just did it for her career

  96. enty uses the word "rape" instead of "statutory rape" for underage sex, whether it was with or without consent. it's a legitimate use of the word, not an over-statement.

    from the merriam-webster dictionary:
    "unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the will usually of a female
    with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent".

  97. I just went to Michelle Johnson's website. WOW. Go to her music section. The names of some of her songs are: Hollywood Player, Naughty Boy, Promises of Love, Sex, and Sport F*cker. About midway through the last title she sings Blame it on Rio. Also the music in my opinion is really bad. Be forewarned.

  98. She also worked with Producer Damian Lee on: Inner Action, Moving Target, Specimen, When the Bullet Hits the Bone, and The Donor. Additionally she was in The Glimmer Man with Steven Seagal.

  99. I watched the clip of her trying to golddig James Packer on Aussie TV. Embarrassing. She seems to be a product of her upbringing and environment, let's put it that way. Pathetic, really.

  100. Sorry but I don't think it's Caine as his wife, Shakira, goes on set with him - always.

  101. McNall does look like a better match for the Big Cheese than Larry Gelbart. That's a relief for old M*A*S*H fans, I suppose.

  102. Anonymous7:28 AM

    I did some research and went through michelles official facebook, and a recent interview.

    I dont think this was rape of a nonconsensual kind. I think this was creepy old men having sex with a willing underage female.

    I say this because in the interview and on her fb page, she speaks very positively of michael and stanley. As well as her experience on the film in the interview.

    If it was a traumatic experience like rose mcgowan she wouldnt be talking so openly about the film and stanley and Michael so positively.

    Dont get me wrong what these men did was repugnant. But i think it was consensual thing with a young woman who didnt know any better at the time.

  103. Yeah, it could have been a Traci Lords-type situation, where she was as enthusiastic about it as anyone. That happens, which is why statutory rape is illegal. I do wish we had different words for forcible rape and statutory rape, because it does change the story if one guy after another was physically forcing himself upon her, or if she was so screwed up she happily jumped from one to the next. Neither one is okay, but they're different.

    Now she's 52 years old, one 3-year marriage, no kids, and a career that will be remembered for one footnote: topless 17-year-old. Maybe it was worth it, I dunno. I'm getting old; reading never-quite-famous people's Wikipedia pages is depressing.

  104. Alexandria: i am 43, my best days are behind me. Its all payin bills and raising my kid now.

  105. The Grisham connection reminded me that in 2014 he was roundly criticized for claiming that the US punishes child pornography possession too severely. He got a lot of side-eye, as well.

  106. Lisa is definitely Michelle Johnson.

    Michelle played 2 roles as 'Lisa', one of which was a movie based on the Menendez Brothers!

  107. As Himmm has confirmed somewhere above, it is in fact Blame It On Rio with Michelle Johnson as Lisa (Simpson's reference). I don't know much about Larry Gelbart but from what I looked up it seems that Bruce McNall would be a better fit for "The Big Cheese". He was done for bank fraud and served about 6 years in jail for it and with the whole NHL fiasco, I'm sure that counts him as being "crooked". Not to mention he owned the L.A Kings and Toronto Argonauts.

    The only thing I found a little misleading was saying that Johnson had not worked for about a decade before being called out of the blue by John Grisham I presume for "Mickey". But that could mean just not doing anything A list since Far and Away and Death Becomes Her. She had done mostly direct to video dross and TV work in between.

    There's a pretty awkward interview with Stanley Donen and Bobbie Wygant and she even bought up Caine playing a dirty old man but he spun it back around and palmed it off as just being charmingly humorous. You could tell the interviewer thought the movie was trash and the people behind it were sleaze bags.

  108. Life, imitating art, imitating life.

  109. I tend to think that “The Big Cheese” was actually David Begelman now after that Dina Merrill blind.

  110. Can someone please help me??? Where can I find the answers? Does he link to the reveal? When do the reveals come? I’m so confused please help!


  111. lmao

    Chloe Sevigny couldn't carry a movie if they tied the reel to her back.


  112. Stanley Donen died yesterday too, aged 94. If this is true then it all went with him to his grave.



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