Monday, November 20, 2017

Charles Manson Has Died

Charles Manson, the wild-eyed 1960s cult leader whose followers committed heinous murders that terrorized Los Angeles and shocked the nation, died Sunday of natural causes, according to the California Department of Corrections. He was 83.

Manson served nine life terms in California prisons and was denied parole 12 times. 


  1. ... and nothing of value was losr.

  2. This morning I saw word Manson and almost died, as I thought it was Marilyn Manson wheew...Boy, he was deraaaanged, I wonder if he went to Hell.

    1. No biggie if Manson the musican passed away. Sorry. I like metal too but not him.

    2. It's fine, to each his own. But artists, also MM, help many kids deal with their own demons everyday. Would be shame if he died.

  3. I read an article on his childhood. His mother was a pig. She didn't want him since she needed to go out with men. Left him alone with relatives while she went to jail for theft. She put him in reform school where he was gang raped. Left there for a brief time before prison for crime. Did not want to leave prison since he didn't have a home. Such a waste of precious life.

    ...and then you see photos of the beautiful victims. My god.

  4. I think you should remove that R.I.P. label - I'm pretty sure nobody wishes him any peace in the afterlife :P

  5. It is freaking heartbreaking and depressing, I admit. But then again there are people who are in worse situations and don't start to kill or order others to kill for them.

  6. A Charles Manson post but no mention of John Hillerman's passing? C'mon Enty buddy, praise good working actors who contributed creatively, not ones who destroyed creativity.

  7. +1million @spider

  8. Burn in hell Manson and take your minions with you.

  9. If only Polanski was home that night, Charlie's Creepy Crawlers would have done the world a favor.

  10. @Jack,no pity party for Manson, most of the stories we hear about child stars are worse, and at no time did he show remorse for his crimes. He lived a long and mostly healthy life,more so than many other abuse victims that take it out on themselves.

  11. @Count,home alone,you mean.

  12. I dont wanna get greedy, just as long as he was there.

  13. I had a professor who interviewed him. For years after the interview, she got postcards from all over the world that said things like, "Wish you were here, xo, Charlie." Creepy, he had minions to do that crap for him...

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Catsup, did Your professor heard something interesting from him? As a deranged teenager myself, I wanted to write him a letter lmao. Just like that, because I liked playing with fire and wanted to get scared. But my mother probably wouldn't let me do it anyway soo...

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. My initial response: "WTF! Why does this evil S##T STAIN merit a Breaking News item .... ANYTIME?!?!?!" Then I realized that there was most likely a collective moment of worldwide celebration that occurred at that breaking news moment.

    Typically not an online "ranter", however it would have been so much more appropriate had the announcement been stated: "The man was responsible for the cold blooded murder of INSERT VICTIM'S NAMES HERE has died."

    That name of that vile waste of human skin has received far more news ink than is justified or deserved! IMHO.

    RIP to those whose names DO deserve mention:

    Abagail Folger, Wojciech Frykowski, Gary Hinman, Leno La Bianca, Rosemary La Bianca, Steve Parent, Paul Richard Polanski, Jay Sebring & Sharon Tate.

    1. Love your statement Dahling!!! Especially Rosemary and Leo LaBianca and Steve Parent.

  18. @Alexandra - she said he was a narcissistic lunatic and he wanted to fix her up with a friend of his named

    I also used to love to play with fire and thought about writing him too! This folly ended when I interviewed for an internship at a county jail. Part of the interview was taking a tour of the lock up...the way those dudes looked at me and the shit they said cured me of any and all desires for contact with the prison population.

    And, definitely, I sympathies should be with his victims and not with him.

  19. @dahling: dont forget the black drug dealer, who was Charlie's only kill. He was the reason Manson warned the others about that blacks and a race war. He thought the guy was a Black Panther and they would come looking for revenge.

    Oh, and the ranch hand Shorty that they only found the head of, or something.

    Now if LSD is trapped in the sack that encases the brain & spine, and never leaves, can we draw Manson's spinal fluid, extract the LSD and trip out? I always thought they missed the boat on that when Jerry Garcia died.

    1. And Gary Hinman.wish all if the convicted would have been executed.

    2. He didn’t kill Lotsapoppa @count. Only thought he did...

  20. @Catsup - well, definitely that must have been weeeird experience for Your professor.
    Jeeeez, I can imagine how creepy it is, being among prisoners. Must be overhelming. I also grew out of it and got a clue. But at the time I thought I was such a reject and wanted to do some "hardcore" stupid shit.

  21. Obviously, he didn't serve nine life terms. He received nine life sentences. And good, he can rot wherever he is now.

  22. And who in their right mind wishes someone else was there that night to get murdered at a point where they hadn't even done anything wrong? JFC.

  23. Many people have had it far worse than that piece of shit, but never became the monster that he was. It ENRAGES me when we collectively (as a society/culture) almost forget that the victims of this monster and his followers/murderers were all REAL PEOPLE. We end up thinking of them almost like fictional characters in a movie or book.

    Sharon Tate was real when she begged for her life, and to kill her if they would spare her baby's life. Sharon Tate's 8 month old baby was real when they cut it, alive, from her stomach. The LaBianca family and all the other vics were very real too. They weren't canonized by a cynically disaffected younger generation and considered "cool" as an anti-authoritarian, rebel poster boy for mall-punk emo-goth wannabe shoegazers who're angry because "daddy didn't love me enough". But Manson was, is, and continues to be.

    When uneducated fuckwads like "Marilyn Manson" or Axl Rose glorify him for publicity/shock value it disgusts me. Wearing t-shirts with his face on it. And Sharon Tate's family had to go to court to get the royalties from GnR releasing Charles Manson's song. They literally had to sue to stop GnR/Geffen from making Manson rich while behind bars!! Then Axl Rose says "Uh, gee, sorry, I guess. I didn't think about it because he's, uh, just a culture figure." Just liek Axl Rose thought it was cool in Germany to wear Nazi gear. Til they almost put him in jail for it. Fucking imbecile.

    I say this NOT to anyone specifically, but to EVERYONE - especially younger people (including my own offspring). If someone rapes and kills your brother, son, daughter, sister, etc....How "cool" would it be to mythologize the monster who did it?
    How'd you like to see his face and name on MTV?
    To know he's being kept famous in the eyes of a new generation by a shock rock performer just to make money and fame?
    Maybe I should start a hardcore punk band named after the Las Vegas shooter or school shooters/church shooters who slaughter innocent children?
    Maybe I could be upvoted on Reddit and make millions on my Youtube channel? Because, hey...#RealityTVworld, like totes yo, #amirite.

    This is not freedom of speech, or artistic integrity. This is just about dimwits picking low-hanging fruit and scraping the bottom of the shock barrel to disguise their obvious lack of talent. Pick a controversial/shocking name or PR move - and we'll sell millions. Alice Cooper or fans of Freddy Kruger...I get that. I understand them. But people who glorify/worship ANYTHING to do with Charles Manson & his butchers? I'll never comprehend.

    Can't wait til Tarantino gets his hands on the topic in his new film. Will he include sex scenes with Manson being a stud and having Tex & Susan Atkins doing some lesbian toe-sucking fetish before butchering people? Or portray him as cool for a new generation? Maybe if QT's education didn't peak at age 14 while learning his history behind the counter of a video store - maybe he'd know something about humanity. Charles Manson wasn't a pop culture icon. He was a fucking monster who slaughtered and encouraged others to slaughter innocents to show their love for him. That's not cool, no matter who is directing the movie. Sorry for my typical 20-page, verbose RANT.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Bravo....another awesome rant!!!

    3. Very well said, amen

  24. If only Do Tell was there that night.

  25. Himmmm I wish You were my dad hahaha You must be great parent.

  26. Maybe I wouldn't be such a fucktard if someone explained that to me back then like You did now :)

  27. Fuck Charles Maddox
    Why are so many creeps from Cincy? (Steven Spielberg is from Cincy, too.)

  28. I hope there's an afterlife so this maggot can writhe in agony for eternity.

  29. I was once riding the #3 bus in Los Angeles and met an elderly Jewish man who as a young boy had lost his entire family in concentration camps (where he'd also been imprisoned), had moved to NYC after the war and had a successful run as a furrier and then after about 20 years just got tired of the whole thing and moved to Los Angeles to relax and enjoy life. But he got bored pretty quickly and so he bought an apartment near Hollywood and Vine. It was kind of sketchy, but he always went personally, the first of the month, to collect the rent, because a lot of these people were out of work actors and there was always some excuse. In contrast, the most reliable tenants were a group of Hell's Angels who kept things neat, met him at the door with their money, insisted that he count it, and asked for a receipt. But there was this one apartment he just couldn't make heads or tails of. He had no idea how many people were there at any given time or if the person who had signed the lease even lived there any longer. They kept the blinds drawn, and he would often glimpse people just passed out, all over the place. The door was usually answered by some vague young girl who behaved like she'd never heard of money and there'd be all this back and forth and finally she'd say "I'll have to ask Charlie." After the Tate-La Bianco killings, he recognized him immediately.

  30. My favorite part of Heidi's story is the old guy showing up to get the rent in cash.

  31. Himmmm,

    I think you just neatly and amazingly bundled up everything I’ve ever thought about that evil individual. Incredibly eloquent and straight to the point. I can think it sucks he had such a shitty upbringing but that’s a circumstance that NUMEROUS people have went through....I can’t look past what he did no matter his circumstances. Thanks for the rants because I, for one, enjoy reading what you have to say.


  32. If only the fetus Jerkula had never made it to the 9 month mark.

  33. And no, Manson didn't kill the drug dealer. He thought he did., but the guy survived.

  34. Thanks @Himmmm for your post. Plus a million. I don't view it as a rant, it's fact and what many people of all ages need to get through their skulls. Not just about CM, but about all the psychos out there who are "worshiped".

    As for other murders, they all lived out there on that huge ranch, I don't doubt that there are some skeletons buried out there.

    As a tax payer in CA, I'm glad that I don't have to keep CM alive anymore. What a waste of millions for a most undeserving individual. I'm all for the death penalty and CM should have been dust long ago. I hope he died in the worst way possible and I have zero shame in mentioning that out loud. Good riddance.

    RIP to John Hillerman and the gal who played Lana in Three's Company. She used to make me laugh. Also, Malcolm Young from AC/DC.

  35. You wish my son was a miscarried? You are a truly horrible person, Do Tell. Was your old screen name Rosie?

    Anyway, if no heirs come forward and there is no will, does that mean Charlie's likeness is public domain? Someone had to be feeding money into his commissary acct for the rights to his likeness, no? Does the Son of Sam law keep anyone from making money off the likeness of criminals, or just the criminal?

  36. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy...

  37. Just to make myself clear - I'm NOT glorifying any serial killers or considering them "cool". I just happened to like MM's music, I'm not admiring his provocative actions. Sorry if I offended or pissed off anyone. Again, it wasn't my intention, sorry about that.
    But still I'm kind of fuckward, I beg You guys for mercy hahaha. I'll be more careful with my words.

  38. "This is not freedom of speech, or artistic integrity. This is just about dimwits picking low-hanging fruit and scraping the bottom of the shock barrel to disguise their obvious lack of talent." - Himmmm, perfectly stated. Thank you.

    May CM burn in hell with SA, and the rest of his deranged, evil followers when they get there.

  39. Himmmm You're very angry at me? Please don't be angry. Not that I think the whole world revolves around me, but I feel he did the rant because I mentionned MM. Okay, sorry for spam. Nevermind. Just felt the need to clarify everything. I don't want to make people feel bad. Sorry again.

  40. Ahhh. Sighhhh....

    No no no ALEX! No way! Not in a million my friend. As stated - my opinion rant was not directed at ANYONE in particular. But if I could find a sky big enough for my verbosity - I'd sky write it! Not sure if you'll see this reply a day later, but hope you do - as I have no DM for you. But I'll say it loud & proud: I was NOT pointing my crooked finger of hypocrisy and evil at you. :-)

    I'm a fan of Public Enemy, but am not a gangsta. I'm a fan of Allison Krauss & Hank Williams Jr. but never had sex with my sister/cousin. I'm a fan of Slayer, GWAR, Maiden & Lacuna Coil but never worship the devil. Am also a fan of the Police, Devo, Talking Heads, RATM, Bee Gees, Adele, Isley Bros...but am not schizo (even if my tastes are).

    The point is - yes, entertainment is often about theater and "show". Coupled with live shows, music videos, album art, merch...(like Eddie of Iron Maiden) it forms a vast brand and creative universe for whatever you enjoy. That's what makes it so crucial to our escape from reality. Whether it's wanting to live the Jimmy Buffett dream, or be part of the Nine Inch Nails multiverse

    But when an "artist" picks a MONSTER whose only fame is due to destroying lives - that's not art, or creativity, or talent. It's bandwagoneering and hijacking the heartbreak of innocents just for fame and fortune. It is a perversion of reality done for the intent of stirring up hurt and pain. All for money and fame. THAT is what disgusts me.

    I'm not trying to preach or convert anyone or alter their faves. I just hope people (not you, but all people) give thought to what they endorse. And if someone WANTS TO INTENTIONALLY endorse and enrich rapists, murderers, terrorists, etc...then that's their right to popularize and create heroes out of monsters. Axl Rose is a piece of shit for doing it - but still is his right. Just like the kids at the GnR shows in the 90s, smoking weed and WEARING MANSON SHIRTS WITH CHARLIE'S FACE ON IT (to be cool just like Axl). It was their right.

    I have had someone I loved very much to be murdered JUST FOR FAME. Because the murderer knew he would get famous and be on TV just like other mass murderers. That killer lived in a world of delusion, video games, and favored media that made murder seem cool, fun, and like a game. So when he shot a sweet, innocent girl that he'd never met before - and shot her in her precious face and killed her? It meant nothing to him. She wasn't real to him. But she was very real to me. I don't correlate entertainment with murder/rape/crime...but we dehumanize the victims and make celebs out of the monsters.

    So please not take that personal. I apologize if you, or anyone else, thought I was attacking you or them. I'm self-aware enough to know my gasbagging rants can blur my intent. SO just wanted to clarify. But above all, my friend, I respect that you, and everyone, are free to think/talk as they please and would never encroach on that. I respect you all in that manner.

    Yes, even the Count J. I respect his rights to say whatever he wants, even if they're not akin to my own feelings. I just hope we all (myself too) can be more respectful of each other. No one's opinions are more valued than another's here - not mine, Enty's, or even the Counts. Hope that explains it. You are not a fuckwad or fuckward to me Alexandria. You're a vibrant personality and a valued member of our community here and glad to have you around. But just FYI...I AM an awesome Dad and have the T-shirt to prove it ;-)

  41. Himmmm, I know I know hahaha, don't worry about it. I understand everything, and I know it wasn't pointed at me. It's hard to offend ME, but I often say things impulsively without thinking, and it might feel like I'm being insensitive, so I wanted to make sure that I didn't offended You or anyone else!
    I know it's not something to joke about or take lightly.

    And I'm really happy to listen to smart people, so I can learn something. I didn't feel attacked, I just thought I upset You.

    Thank You for reply, now I can breaaathe! :)

  42. There are bodies out at the Barker Ranch in Death Valley. I heard an interview with a cadaver dog handler and his dog gave indications of this. Amazingly, dogs can detect the scent of human decomp over 100 years later!
