Sunday, November 26, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 21, 2017

All it would take is for someone to release any of the recordings capturing this A-/B+ list writer/actress who had her own show talking about interracial sex. She might pretend she is this liberal voice, but the recordings do not lie.

Lena Dunham


  1. I hope they go public with them.

  2. There is something about her that rubs me the wrong way. She doesn't come across as genuine and acts very arrogant. Shes like the weird friend that you try to avoid.

  3. this is one UGLY girl! inside and out!! who "discovered" her? i loved her rant towards OBJ @the NY gala last year - the girl who doesn't want men to like women for their outside beauty, goes off on the guy for not giving her enough attention for her "inner beauty." uh hello, do you realize that you contradict yourself ALL THEM TIME?!? pick the subject, she will talk outside of both sides of her ugly being!

  4. Puts her O'Dell Beckham comment in context. She was projecting, but not in the way she claimed. Racist, yet still a feminist who wishes a black dude wanted to fuck her raw.

  5. Based on Lena's version, Odell is probably so glad he didn't talk to her. Now no one will want to talk to her after she pulled this. She is obviously insecure but she seems to fake her extreme confidence. The thing is, her fake confidence is over the top which makes her appear disingenuous and therefore not likeable.

  6. Can't stand the fuckin phony

  7. Remember when Girls had to be media shamed into hiring more diverse actors for roles. I mean it’s pretty obvious.

  8. Can someone please leak these recordings so she can finally go down in flames?

    This also explains why she was so quick to vilify Perrinau...

  9. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Talentless wanna be poser, pseudo intellectual, completely unlikable pedophile. Please please please release those tapes! She loathes herself, so it makes it easy for us to loathe her also.

  10. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Not that some pedophiles are likable... unlikable and a pedophile!!!

  11. I have to plead ignorant on her I had no idea who she was. thought she was from Howard the Duck lol. then I web searched her and without reading a word she screamed FEMINIST. I wasn't wrong.

    further disclosure I do not know of half the people discussed here but it sure can be fun! thanks Ccrew can I get a little ooo ooo lol "coffee"

  12. "unlikeable paedophile" LMAO!

  13. I HATE the fact there are negative associations to the word “Feminist”. Dunham, and all of her entitled ads-holery, does the cause no good.

  14. *ass-holery. Gotta love that autocorrect...

  15. that's because the cause *is* no good. don't get me started You people are crazy days nights and twilights. and I am a woman! (ROAR)

    now where's that count. church?

  16. don't worry @TwoDots, just like fake Christians and fake politicians (which is probably 75% of them as most are just out for themselves), there are fake Feminists...before i came back, i thought i was the only one who loathed this piece of crap. now i wonder if she has one fan? i just remembered that she had a story about her "mean" rescue dog that she had to give back - the people at the rescue said the dog had nothing wrong with it - so even dogs hate Lena!! i feel sorry for her boyfriend...

    i also wonder if she is a lesbian in denial...

  17. Anonymous11:25 AM

    "No, she's just an asshole..." lol

  18. oooo I make anti-fem comment and hush falls across the crowd. and you call yourselves feminists 😏

    1. I couldnt understand your post to even make a comment about it so maybe that's it too? Maybe not

    2. no no I don't think that's it @rosie
      couldn't be™

    3. I couldn't understand the feminist post either so I skipped. I do believe in equality for both sexes. Unfortunately not everyone can be as articulate as others. Back to Lena, if she would tone down her fake arrogance and be more humble, she would be more likeable. She should also not shit talk other people unless she has a very legitimate reason to.

  19. Maybe people just find you annoying, Lucy.

  20. Anonymous11:36 AM

    She is a "millennial hipster racist feminist" which generally means she is a loud mouth fu k up who is not feminist at all.,,

  21. no no I don't think that's it @donnamarie
    couldn't be 😎

  22. she's terrible, always has been. total ugly narcissist that thinks she's some sort of gift to the world.

    RELEASE THE RECORDINGS! crazy that there are plural, too!

  23. True true @Pino_Palace! One can only hope this is the beginning of the end for Dunham’s career.

    This isn’t exactly on topic, but i watched An Open Secret last night again, and i have to wonder when Singer he s fully outed for his predatory shadiness. Not the first time I’ve watched it, but it’s been a couple of years and i completely forgot Geffen and Huffington are mentioned, albeit briefly. Funny how the same names keep cropping up. Truly hiding in plain sight...

  24. Oh Jesus, *Pink_Palace*!! Typos truly on point today.

  25. Anonymous12:10 PM

    She's a total hypocrite, but "Girls" was a gem of a show. Hollywood is paying a steep price for grandstanding about Trump.Just go back to work, and leave the politics to pros.

  26. OT: I just inadvertently clicked "web version" button and it's like whole new world opened up wow! so many stars lol. even with mobile site layout vastly improved (one minor issue but save for another time)

    anyhow well done! I can fully see why such high praise. very nice! I wish it was easier for me to navigate on phone but look there is search button! neat!

    *now* I am officially annoying. have a super Sunday everybody!!!☕

  27. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Girls was a stupid hispter show. Awful.

  28. Lena is the poster child for helicopter parents.

  29. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Playing yourself on teevee is dicey in the Social Media Age, when you are dropping breadcrumbs about your vices and flaws in every episode.

  30. She is a "millennial hipster racist feminist"

    You just described EVERY feminist. There's a reason everyone hates them all and if they all friggin' died tomorrow the entire world would improve by 1000%. Actually they do improve relations because feminists are the one thing that all races and genders equally hate. I still laugh at that time Time Magazine added "Feminism" to the list of words that should die in their poll and it shot to like 50% overnight and feminists went into seizures foaming all over their blue and red haired bodies because they can't cope with the knowledge of how much of the world hates them.

    As far as "Sister fister" Lena the Pedo goes, she looks like 15 lbs of shit in a 5 lb bag. I want to say her day has come and gone, but she never should have had a day to begin with!

  31. yes, PLEASE release the recordings! She gives millenials, feminists, and hipsters a bad name, and democrats, since only republicans can be racist (insert eyeroll).

    SDaly, we would both love to find out who *discovered* this piece of garbage. Even her college friends are turning on her - which i find oh so amusing...

  32. When Enty gets bored and/or some of his blinds aren't hitting the mark, he sits back in his chair, cup of Peet's coffee on the table and says, "I know what I'll do to wake 'em up! I'll throw in a Lena Dunham blind!" And, bingo! Instant barrage of anti-Lena comments! Does this person know how universally she is disliked? I doubt it. Keep 'em coming, Enty! The gal we love to hate! Brooklyn Barbie!

  33. Wait Enty hasn't done a Cumberbitch or Reedus' BI in a while ( how's she's not letting go doing these days anyhow? it had about 5,000 posts the last time I tried to find it) but Lena always gets a reaction because she's such a POS and repulsive.

  34. Considering that her "Girls" character Hannah had a fling and an unplanned baby with a South Asian man, her personal views are odd.

  35. I remember before Girls came out I noticed certain internet intellectuals who regard themselves very highly whisper about this chickadoodle. Lena and Cara the great actress both got the big push to nowhere.

  36. We were never meant to be equal. To the contrary, we were made to be opposites that complement each other. You were built for this, I was built for that, together we can do it all, including things neither of us could do without complementing the opposite©

  37. I did not write that anywhere on the page/if referring to me

  38. Lucy, you dummy. It means equal pay for women for equal work. Equal opportunities, etc.

  39. There sure are some folks on this thread just dying to get attention. It's kind of sad.

  40. feminism destroyed the American family. there is no need for name calling or shaming.

  41. Lucy, you're an embarrassment to women. You're about as unlikeable as Lena. Please stop.

    I've been trying to figure out what I dislike about Lena and I think I figured it out. I listened to part of her Howard Stern interview and it's a factor of several things.

    1. The intonation of her voice sounds like a snooty valley girl at times.
    2. She incorporates less used adjectives in conversation that make her less relatable. I can't think of a good example but a basic one is instead of saying "great" she'll use words such as "remarkable, splendid, magnificent", etc. Everyone knows what these adjectives mean. However, she does this with a lot of words so it's hard to connect with her since it's not words used by most in everyday conversation.
    3. Also, it seems like she doesn't laugh much which makes her seem like she doesn't have a good sense of humor.

    Hope this helps you, Lena. If I was unlikeable, I would want to know why.

  42. Is she anything like that Amy Scummer and her mean-spirited comedy?

    Public figures with feminist views used to be genuinely intresting people with interesting thoughts/ideas (like Betty Friedan and Kate Millet).

    Now apparently we're celebrating... PEDOPHILES?

    I never understood this idea that "feminism" was about getting away with doing the dick-ish things men have always gotten away with doing through the ages! Feminism is about equality in terms of the good stuff (equal pay, voting rights). Not about engaging in the sexual harassment/power plays that men have done to oppress women through the ages. People are understanding it all wrong.

    Yesterday my stalker (who had me kissing a barely legal teen for a film) showed up and started schmoozing. I hope all the men in our group who have daughters find out she never checks actresses ages before they let her get too involved.

    1. Man I hate missing punctuation: "comedy" and actresses', FFS!

  43. I guess I am more traditional in the fact that women should be at home raising the children and keeping house, involved in school, community and planning meals. I think lack of family value is killing society. of course feminism has its positives. right to vote, work etc but I think in the extreme it has resulted in a failed family.

    1. Did you know children benefit greatly when fathers do all those things too. Men have more of value to contribute to families than just their wage packets. Gotta love female mysogynists heaping all that's wrong onto other women.

    2. but what if there is a war and they are drafted? who is home then? where is the legislation, march and outrage demanding women their equal right to be drafted into war at age 18? we need that. keep it fair and equal . keep dad at home while moms drafted

  44. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Well stop hogging the comments board then and go cook something...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. We all think you’re an idiot, Lucy. Women can do whatever they please, including having a career, whether they have kids or don’t want any.

  46. No, "Feminism" isn't just about equal pay and equal rights. It's also about bringing men down for the oppressive things our elders have done. I digress, F this person.

    1. I didn't say it was JUST that. My point was: It shouldn't be about women simply turning into dick-ish men and getting away with it. FFS.

  47. Watching how y'all jump on Lucy, I see that you don't see that you are the same mess you think Lena is.

    No tolerance for anyone else's POV. No discussion.

    Typical Hollywood liberal bias. So many of you are the people you profess to loathe and can't see it through your leftist glasses.

    Peace be the journey.

    1. There’s no discussion because I cannot possibly understand a view that I belong in the kitchen and not out in the world, using my hard earned education to make a difference.

  48. And I AGREE with Lucy. Feminism destroyed the family.

    1. Roxy it isn’t biased. She is attacking women by saying we should stay in the kitchen. That is an extremely dangerous view. Feminism is the belief in equality of the genders.

  49. This is the only thing I’m going to say directly on the matter, as i feel like the thread could quite easily be derailed.

    Being involved with your child’s schooling, having an inclusive, stimulating family and having a successful and rewarding career are not mutually exclusive constructs. Lucy - I can’t make up mind as to whether you’re trolling right now. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    Anyhow, back on topic - I hope Dunham gets exposed soon. I always wondered what the beef was between her and Christopher Abbott - Joan departure from Girls was so sudden.

  50. “”Feminism destroyed the family”?!!



    (Also please do excuse my autocorrectisms tonight...typing much too quickly)

    1. Yeah I don’t understand how the family has been destroyed. There are many, many families out there lol. The ones I know that were “destroyed” were because of infidelity. Mostly on the man’s part.

      If they mean families destroyed by gay marriage then they can shut up. A family takes many shapes and forms, all equally loving.

  51. Straight from the Merriam-Webster dictionary for those who seem to not know what it means:

    Feminism = the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes

  52. "Feminism has destroyed the family" or "Women deserve 'equality' in the work place" are both black and white statements, in a world of grey undertones.

    The latter- albeit being a very reasonable request - has morphed into a demand and entitlement. I think that women should indeed have equal pay, but only if they deserve it. I think that handing out jobs like candies, to unqualified candidates, purely based on sex or race/ethnicity, is counter productive and turns a society into lazy type socialism. Suddenly you see very capable and intelligent contributors to society being punished because they don't have the right upbringing or skin colour (white mainly). Meanwhile idiots get promotions because they're a minority.

    The former statement, although unpleasant, has some truth to it, nobody can just deny it. It seems that the world is dominated largely by 2 groups of men nowadays: the powerdrunken predator type, and the metrosexual man-bun pussy. Nobody can deny that a family needs a strong protective male and a loving caring female to raise somewhat well-adjusted kids. When you flip the roles, or confuse them. and the woman becomes the workaholic CEO who has not time for family, families lose their balance. Balance in nature is required for everything, especially for family.

    I am saying all of this as a working mother btw. It's not all black and white. And neofeminism does not seem to allow for any greys.

  53. Montverde, what is funny is that the people who have benefited from “affirmative action” programs the most are, white women. So the argument that mainly white candidates are being punished for the sake of diversity is a bit of a specious one (speaking from experience in the US). Additionally, during my time in university and the workforce, I have seen many candidate (myself included) get ahead due to familial connections, knowing the right person, being male, being white male, being perceived as more attractive... the list goes on. And as a black woman, I have experienced being on the short end of the stick because I was not white or a male, though performing above and beyond peers chosen for certain roles. I guess what I am getting at, is as you spoke of the “greys” regarding feminism, I too see a lot of greys when discussing ethnic/cultural/racial diversity. I also take (personal) offense in your assumption that unqualified minority candidates are disenfranchising white workers.

    1. And apologies for the block of text! Nighttime phone typing might not be the brightest idea 💡

  54. Lena is the embodiment of privilege. Rich parents fund self indulgent first film about concocted struggles, network allows her to parlay this into a TV show. Girls was the worldview of someone so drenched in their own self importance that they can't conceive a world outside their own.

    Co-opting feminism so that she can justify her need for approval hasn't worked out well for her. Watching her stagger from one PR blunder to the next because she can't just be quiet and learn has been a delight. She's dreadful. Let's hope some of this stuff comes to light, and she ends up being Gibsoned out of Hollywood for a bit. I'm sure the irony would be lost on her, but I'd enjoy it.

  55. I am just going to state I have never watched her show on HBO so no opinion there; however it seemed very popular at the time and a definite success. Given that Dunham wrote acted and produced it it is safe to assume all credit is due to her. I understand Apatow discovered her and the man knows a thing or two about comedy. I don’t really see how anyone can call her untalented.
    I read somewhere she got a 50K loan from her parents to film her first project which then caught Apatows attention. To those who find this offensive I wonder why they don’t get equally riled up about so many other instances of favoritism. I find infinitely more offensive the presence of Ivanka Trump in the White House in any capacity for example.
    I don’t even want to comment the points on feminism destroying the family etc. putting it bluntly feminism is what allows you to have a choice of staying at home or working while the alternative is no choice at all. If you want to stay in the kitchen and raise kids be ny guest but don’t make do the same because I want different things in life

  56. And there we have it....the permanently offended again LMAO
    'I'm offended by this I'm offended by that', thing is: nobody gives a shit what offends your precious little entitled egos. People have different opinions, either accept it, or don't, but don't believe the entire world gives a shit about what offends you. Grow up.

  57. You make some categorical statements for a person who feels that the issue of feminism is not black and white. I don’t mean to assume but in personal experience the more ignorant a person the stronger their opinions. More informed, shall we say, people exhibit self doubt

  58. One of the weirder byproducts of the “PC” backlash is that we now have this whole class of people that can’t stand being disagreed with... as they complain that OTHER people have no tolerance for disagreement. It’s a strange dynamic. For example:

    Person A: You lib weirdos claim to be tolerant but are so hateful and intolerant! I think we should ban Muslims!
    Person B: Well I don’t think that’s a good idea. I find that idea pretty offensive. Here’s my reasoning. **insert reasoning here**
    Person A: OMG you stupid smug snowflake screw your feelings you offended pussy **types long winded insult filled rant that ignores actual substance of argument** how dare you actually have the nerve to openly disagree with me! That just shows how intolerant you are!

    Now of course there are people doing this on both sides of the aisle as trolls will be trolls. But lately one side has perfected that art of hurling insults while accusing everyone else of not tolerating the disagreement that they themselves can’t seem to tolerate. It’s fascinating to watch.

  59. Once read an interview with her with by a another wealthy NYC resident who moved to the UK who admitted that unlike London where everyone mixes, in NYC the rich white classes rarely do. Fascinating.

  60. You all can skip over this; it'll be a long one. But if you choose to read it, at least consider some of feminist undertakings:

    1. Feminists brought women out of the household and into the workplace, if they CHOSE to be. Feminists did not FORCE women into the workplace. Their efforts merely afforded you the right to choose to stay home or work. Would you be as happy staying at home if you were forced to be?

    2. Feminists have closed the wage gap from 62 cents to 77 cents on the dollar. More work to be done there, obviously. Do you think women should make less than men for the same work? Should women stop fighting for equal pay?

    3. Feminists did not make up "date rape" but rather called it out and removed the stigma associated with sexual assault. Would you rather rape victims stay silent and live in shame?

    4. Feminists fought for laws prohibiting gender discrimination. To clarify: they fought (and still fight) for the SAME rights as men. Do you think women should have fewer or lesser rights than men?

    5. Feminists helped pass Title IX -- which protects women from gender discrimination on college campuses and ensures equal access to higher education. Do you think women should not have the same educational opportunities as men?

    I'm not even mentioning the right to vote, the rights of domestic workers, or the feminist involvement in the civil rights movement. To dismiss feminism based on a handful of woefully ignorant celebrities is pure idiocy.

    But what should I expect to find on a gossip site? Smh.

  61. Lena Dunham knows exactly what she is doing, and it has worked in the past. I don't know whether it's still working because I don't pay attention to her. She is a troll, plain and simple, and people should not feed the trolls. I rarely do; this message might be an exception, because we should not talk about her at all. We should never mention her name and of course never watch anything she does.

  62. [you] feminist gals make women appear crazed how you are so eager and quick to pounce and attack and anything negative of woman will be used to show how misogynistic one is.

    modern day feminism focuses on man hating, victimization and redundant argument. we do not have it so bad here in First World and certainly not overly oppressed. if you are truly in for women's rights your efforts would be best focussed elsewhere than in the west and most certainly not in naked protests for right to walk topless. furthermore ad hominem attacks are truly indicative of inferior intelligence and I would caution against their use

  63. I see there are some very narrow, naive and sheltered views of the feminist movement and equality, naming no names. I can only assume it’s a diversionary maneuver with trolling as the ultimate intent, and frankly I’m choosing not to engage with absurdity. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    Anyhow, Dunham! Would love to hear himmmm’s thoughts...

  64. Hate this broad. Late comment but love it she is universally detested.

  65. Anonymous6:08 PM

    @lucy is a troll--Spouting off about being topless while their profile picture is of a woman pulling up their skirt to show their ass.

    Feminism is equal rights and representation as men. Not above, not below. Period. Anything else like man-hating and bra burning is your confusion. If you want to bring up the draft, why don't you address american meddling in other governments' affairs for the sake of money and oil, thus causing wars..? hmm? no, you just focus on soldiers and hypothetical drafts that will never happen. grow up.



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