Friday, November 24, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

April 19, 2013

This actress is A list. I would say until a few years ago she was A+ list. Mostly movies. Now, as she gets a little older, she might even be close to dropping down to the B's. It is not that she won't always be the top lead in whatever movie she stars in, because she will be. She is not a big fan of being a supporting actress, but maybe that is something she needs to look into. Our actress has kind of faded from the spotlight that she was basked in for years. Although she has been around a long time, her experience does not really reflect her age. She is not a big fan of discussing her personal life so she has been very good about hiding her growing substance abuse issues. Normally this would be quick blind perhaps, but with this actress any abuse is scary. First it was a glass of wine and then a bottle. Just once a week she said. Soon it was just once a week that she was not getting drunk. People who came into contact with her were shocked she was drinking and watching her get drunk before their eyes. They always thought she had stopped. Nope. Wine became pot because she told people that pot was not a real drug and it was about the same as wine, but with less calories. Of course since she usually ingested hers in brownies, I'm not sure about the calorie thing. This was not an overnight process. This was a years long process. Well, one day she was with some friends and buzzed on wine and pot and she did something she vowed she would never do and that was a line of coke. One became two which became staying up for three days straight doing coke like she never had before. She thought she could handle it. She couldn't. There was a very very silent trip to rehab and for 30 days she was gone. Since then, she has been less about work and more about life and as much as she would be celebrated for becoming sober again, she just won't talk about it.

Drew Barrymore


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