Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Anniversary Month

October 1, 2012

This actress is the true definition of B list. Or she once was. She used to be everywhere. Look at a movie and she would be there with her quirky look and name and just adding glue to a movie. She has tried television in the past few years but has never really had her heart in it. She basically is living off the returns from a career which has never seen her bring home that one really huge paycheck. Always a critically acclaimed actress, she has never had that true popcorn movie role and at some point needs to work. Over the past few years she has been known for more things she has done outside the acting world. One thing she is desperate for again though is attention. She loves attention. She misses when people don't give her attention or notice when she walks into a room. By circumstances she has been forced to spend a great deal of time recently at home and not out. She loves going out and wants people to notice her. Not to clubs, but just shopping or taking walks. One of her favorite things to do when she goes out is to wear very few clothes. She will wear a shirt and shorts, but will make sure the shirt is loose fitting and leaves her very exposed. She likes to make an impression. She will drop f bombs in a children's store just to get attention. She will return her meal 5 or 6 times and get louder each time just to get attention. She has said that when she is on a movie set there is no greater feeling then to have people want to notice you and to fawn over you and to make sure you have everything you need. That while you are on the set you are the center of their world and that is what makes her happiest.

Chloe Sevigny


  1. Sounds like a pretty good reason nobody hires her.

  2. Gawd, she's insufferable. And now Greta Gerwig is the new Chloe.

    1. Greta Gerwig was, but curious to see if her career can rebound her anti-Semitic ways...

    2. What anti Semitic ways? I thought she was just an annoying indie actress who hooked up with the right director.
      Also now it seems Carrie Fisher's dead eyed spawn Billie Lourde is getting all the Chloe parts.

    3. She signed a letter to Lincoln Center demanding an Israeli play be canceled. Later said it was a mistake when she realized Jews won't vote for her during award season if she publicly hates them.

    4. Ohhhhhh damn! Thanks had no idea. Like I said down thread she has some good PR because all I ever read is how amazing and talented she supposedly is (gag)

  3. Christ. Perpetual childhood. I kinda liked her back in the day. I respect that she was never an obvious beauty and she didn't try to change that. But most of us get over this attention-seeking shit at about 30 max. We settle down, have kids or a dog, see that the world doesn't revolve around us.

    It's so toe-curling to see this in action on someone old enough to know better. This was from 2012, please tell me she finally realised that she's not central to the universe's plan?

  4. I think she's a decent actress, but I would be bored to tears if I had to spend 3 minutes talking to her pretentious self.

  5. She lost all credibility when she gave an actual blow job onscreen.

  6. Has about a dozen or more credits in the past two years. Nothing really big but apparently she is still employable.

  7. If I were the waitress returning her food for the 6th time, I'd make sure she'd get something extra.

  8. Greta Gerwig wouldnt even have a career if she hadn't fucked Baumbach while they were filming Greenberg.

    kinda said, Baumbach and Jennifer Jason Leigh wrote Greenberg together and they filmed it while she was pregnant.

    Personally, I find Greta insufferable just as she is - but when I learned that, I realized that the only reason she made Ladybird is bc for 5+ years she was Baumbach's mistress turned film muse.

    1. Thank you. This isn't said enough about Greta she must have great PR people to have had her basic ass become a Sundance darling when really she just stole the right guy.

  9. also damn chloe, arent you in your forties?????? damn.

  10. Many celebs share these traits.

    1. I do wonder what the exact percentage for Histrionic Personality Disorder is in Hollywood (not just people we observe to be attention-thirsty or "narcissistic", but people who would actually get that diagnosis by practicing mental health professional—this one sounds interesting).

      People like this, if you meet them in person who can tell that it literally, pathologically bothers them when they're not the centre of attention (they become visibly restless). In some extreme cases, I've seen people who get upset during semi-emergencies-like situations where are the attention is on a victim (or someone getting medical treatment, it's really sick).

  11. Always found her to be smug and overrated. But then again I think 99.9% of actors in Hollywood suck at their job. They are too self absorbed to leave themselves and play someone else.
    It's pathetic. Hence the fact all movies are stupid comic and super hero movies, no acting needed.
    She is just a typical narcissistic asshole.
    Nothing new here.

  12. One of the most boring actresses EVER.

  13. Sounds like she shares personality traits with at least 50% of the celebrity world.

  14. I was wondering why she wasn't asked back to do this season of American Horror Story...Which is sad. She out-acted everyone but Kathy Bated and Tim O'Leery in AHS:Motel. I was hoping to see more of her😢

  15. *Bates (dammit auto-correct!)



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