Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Anniversary Month

February 26, 2016

I'm pretty sure everyone has come to the conclusion this surrogate was murdered. It didn't have to be that way. Probably some differences in communication. Another issue were there were several levels of communication so it was like playing a really bad game of telephone. The biggest issue was probably that the people doing the killing were starstruck. Even though they never met or even spoke to the people at the top of the ladder, they knew who they were working for and wanted to be hired again.

It all started a few years ago. This A+ list couple wanted a baby, but the mom to be didn't want to sacrifice her body or take any chances she would not get her body back to pre-pregnancy levels. That being said, they did try and have a baby a few times. Mom miscarried and also was just not that enthusiastic about carrying a baby.

They talked to some surrogates and services in the US. After about a year, they finally found someone they thought would be suitable, but she miscarried after a couple of months. After the miscarriage, our A+ listers had to shell out six figures because the surrogate was going to spill to the tabloids.

Giving up on the US, our A+ listers went abroad. They heard about a surrogate factory. Sounds about as horrible it was. There were different levels of surrogates at this factory. The surrogates who were the lowest paid or just breast milk providers lived in certain conditions. Our A+ listers were put in touch with surrogates in the same company who were the best of the best. They only carried babies once every three years, had an impeccable background and were the choice of royalty and the rich. Discretion was not even an issue or so our A+ list couple thought. They were never shown the more awful parts of the "home." Their meetings were at a hotel in the country and then again at a hotel in London. Everything was agreed to and everything went according to plan. A baby was born and mom and dad were thrilled.

They then remembered what had occurred with the woman to whom they previously paid six figures. What would stop this professional surrogate from selling her story? Although our A listers had paid her well, how much of the fee she received was unknown. It is suspected her employer received most of it. A tabloid story could make the surrogate wealthy. So, our A+ listers sent word to make sure that the surrogate would not say anything and that everything was hush hush. At some point, this communication turned into the surrogate has to die. The secret needs to be kept. It took awhile, but word filtered back to our A+ listers of the fate of the surrogate. Probably why they have never had another child.

Jay Z/Beyonce (and almost a year after this blind was written, she did get pregnant via IVF)


  1. This should of been a Black Friday reveal. So Beyoncé didn't want to sacrifice her body for Blue Ivy but did for twins. Y'all know she didn't carry blue ivy.

  2. I thought there was another blind here that said this pregnancy was also a surrogacy.

  3. Not the first person Jay took care of, probably not the last.

  4. So if Enty/whomever has prove of a crime, I hope it is being delivered to the proper authorities.

    1. Thats the thing about a lot of crimes....they do this without witnesses. Doesn't mean it didn't happen.

    2. The surrogate is so low on society's totem pole that no justice will ever be served. Moms that do this are extremely poor.

  5. So I'm to believed these two are so stupid as to not take preemptive measures of surrogate number two? They live in a world of NDA's but shrugged at it over this situation?

    1. It's not that simple. They live in a world of NDA's in America. When I hear the term "surrogate factory", I think of India, especially because Enty mention them living under "certain conditions" (there are documentaries on this on YouTube). The London hotel meeting sounds like England was a 3rd party country. Différent jurisdictions, different laws.

    2. Unless you're dealing with someone with good intentions, it's all meaningless. That being said, she didn't need to die.

  6. Hence the long-denied, collapsable belly!

  7. So they paid the surrogacy company well, but did not care how the surrogate would be treated, how she would be living or how much she was actually paid. It sounds like hmm, we want a baby but it's so hard, let's order one like pizza or drugs. How heartless and careless. And what did they think would happen when they said make sure the secret doesn't get out? Is she taking her "queen" title literally?

    1. Rich people can be,quite stingy. That's why they are rich.

  8. “They then remembered what had occurred with the woman to whom they previously paid six figures...”

    Doubt they ever forgot that in the first place - this end result was the actual plan all along. “Allegedly” - Just my own opinion.

  9. This blind is ridiculous. Seriously, Enty. You've outdone yourself this time.

  10. and beyoncé's visible annoyance when katie couric tried to touch her belly, cinnamon stick!

  11. wow I'm going to go out on a limb and call this truly scandalous. certain celebrity decisions are so quirky. who cares if you have a surrogate? and how does this "finish her!" conversation even happen? quiet night by the fire? "you know boo about this baby mama.."

  12. I remember the deflating bump. What a gross story.

  13. Wasn't blind pretty much copied from an incognito poster in one of LSA's fan forums?

    She may not have been preggo the first time, but she definitely carried the twins - you could see it in her face.

  14. Never believed she actually carried her first baby. Remember that folding tummy with Katie C??!!
    They're as evil as can be. They took care of at least one person prior to the surrogate. Jay's mistress!

  15. Horrible if true. Karma is a bitch Jay and Bey.

  16. Except that Kim and Kayne are supposedly blackmailing Jay-Z and Bey by using their original surrogate for their current baby. I'm calling BS on these blinds.

  17. you think you're masters of the universe, jay and bey? wait til your kids are teenagers, on the internet and they learn EVERYTHING you've ever been rumored to have done. good times ahead....

  18. While I do think Beyoncé used a surrogate, i find it hard to believe they had her killed. They could easily pay more than any of the tabloids to keep the "mother" quiet. Even if some magazine was willing to pay her $1 million for the story, they could easily pay her 10x that without it hurting their net worth. Not buying this one.

    1. Rumor has it they are not nearly as wealthy as they seem....

  19. Sounds too fantastical to be true, i just cant buy it.

  20. It doesn't say they had her killed. It sounds like they told someone to make certain she wouldn't talk, and didn't offer any guidance on how. Either they didn't care, or they were too naive to realize that in sketchy circles, "make sure he doesn't talk" means "cut his throat."

    I wonder how much they're now paying to cover up both the surrogacy and the "miscommunication."

  21. I love how ppl doubt that something like this is to farfetched to be true. Especially after the last several weeks, months of the stories we have been hearing.
    The Kim Kanye story is probably not true, but I think you misread @Isvara there are 2 surrogates mentioned here, one that miscarried and that they paid off, and one that evidently they allowed to be killed. IF the Kim/Kanye story is true, then they could be using the 1st surrogate, the one that was PAID off after miscarrying ,. Just takes a little common sense to run back on that circle a tad.
    Sad thing, Beyonce actually has talent, she never had to be the type of person she is. She is not my cup of tea, but even I will admit she can sing.

  22. I'm calling BS on this blind as well. Makes me question the validity of others posted

  23. This one is pretty out there, but then again truth is stranger than fiction and JayZ has always given me very sleazy vibes, yuck!

  24. It's a known fact that they had Jay's old mistress killed. Having a surrogate killed is no different. Especially after all the claims about how fake her first pregnancy was. that demon would never accept losing face in front of her cult members.
    I CANNOT wait for the day her fake image falls appart.

  25. What do the parents say when the kid grows up and reads it on the net?

  26. If true, this is utterly disgusting, grotesque, and grounds for these people to be shunned from civilization forever. It's odd that everyone is pretty much focused on the deception about the surrogacy rather than the murder of the surrogate. Yikes.

  27. I'm skeptical again because it is perfectly legal for parents to remain anonymous in a surrogacy contract, right here in the US. Surrogates often do not know whose child they are carrying. And, there is a whole team that brings a surrogate child into the world - doctors, embryologists, surrogacy agencies, lawyers, hospitals, nurses - why is the surrogate singled out for blackmail concerns? There are tons of people who could blackmail them. Finally, anyone who actually disclosed this kind of information would be sued for TONS of money. Every dime a big mouthed surrogate might gain for info would be lost in a serious, expensive lawsuit. Makes no sense.

  28. this blind doesn't say that they ordered a hit, or even endorsed it. just that due to some miscommunications, some people took it on themselves to do it to impress the bosses in hope that it would curry favor/trust/get them more work in the future.

  29. @wicked i heard that too. Streets are talking. My friend is going to his concert this weekend i'll have to ask her how packed it was.

  30. @wickedbee-that's everywhere including this site, just look at Enty's past reveals on them.

  31. This home for surrogate mothers sounds rather Mad Max Fury Road-ish. I know babies have been sold off from young mothers before, but a factory-type setting? I'd like to know in which country this is located.

    1. Just Google "surrogate factory" and you'll get results (and some YouTube documentaries/stories).

    2. Probably India (going by the description Enty provided + having watched a documentary on the subject).

  32. Anonymous1:39 PM

    This sounds incredibly fake

  33. Wait, what is the story about his mistress?

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. @Gossip Hound-which one there are several...ones that come to mind is that Mya is one of his mistresses, he killed another.

    Just look at Enty's past reveals.

  36. @shakey ... there are known to be quite a few surrogate 'factories' in India and Thailand. No doubt there are others in other poor countries too.



  37. First of all,to the skeptics, look at what's going on with so many untouchable celebrities now. Enty has always embellished, exaggerated, and thrown in red herrings. It is the style of writing, take it or leave it. We have called out Enty's mistakes or deliberate turns,it is part of the game. Nothing someone with JayZ's questionable background would surprise anyone,and Bey's appearance with the twin's pregnancy compared to the first, that almost confirms the fake belly.

  38. @Guesser my skepticism is due to the fact that Intended Parents can be anonymous. If the IP's want anonymity they can buy. It costs more to be anonymous, but it is perfectly legal and is done all of the time. I am flabbergasted as to why Jay Z and Bey wouldn't simply wouldn't remain anonymous to their gestational carrier (the more accurate term for a surrogate who carries a couple's embryo and has no genetic connection to the child.)

    If they valued secrecy above all else here, it could be purchased. Why wouldn't they?

    And, yes, there are surrogacy factories in India, Thailand and Ukraine. They are nasty and are usually used by people who cannot afford surrogacy in the United States.

  39. Wow. So many celebs are murderers according to enty. Now let's see that's Johnny Depp, George Clooney, Bey and Jay and quite a few "old hollywood" people. Someone should go to the police.

  40. That reminds me of this scene in a TV show where the mob boss was complaining about a minor league pitcher and says "someone should take care of that guy." The next day one of his minions says "hey boss, I have a present for you" and presents the pitcher tied up in a warehouse. The boss is all "WTF, I didn't mean take care of him like that."

  41. This does not surprise me whatsoever

  42. +1 mannyv: not hard to believe that some of the minions/sycophants/rap wannabes/hangers-on might take the gangster image a little too much to heart and do something horrible to "impress" jay.

  43. I totally believe they’d use a surrogate and I absolutely believe they’d settle on one out of the country for maximum discretion.

    The rest seems far fetched though.

  44. @ Gossip Hound...google Jay Z Cathy White...

  45. I don't know why some of you think it would be far fetched for JayZ to hire a contract killer. Have you forgot that he was a ghetto thug drug dealer? He's ALL about the Illuminati.

    If there's one person I would fully believe to have killed and/or asked others to kill for him is Jay.

  46. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Why does everyone find this blind so far-fetched? Have you seen what these people openly practice?
    And the baby factories are real.
    There are places in this world where people are worth less than money. America is in danger of becoming one of those places. Maybe there is still time to turn things around.
    Living beings are worth more than money.

  47. Thanks for the articles, Rinky. Very interesting and I sincerely hope the Indian surrogates are paid/treated well, and it wasn’t all for show. I’m suspicious because the owner is described as having a backstreet clinic.

    And that 24 year-old Japanese guy sounds shady af.

  48. I’m wondering how messed up these kids are going to be

  49. @Blissbo the blind doesn't say he hired a contract killer. The blind said they just wanted the girl to stay quiet and didn't realize asking for that would end up with her dead because of overzealous underlings in the chain of communication.

  50. I absolutely believe this story Jay-Z and Beyonce openly practice satanic worship and I don’t believe for a second that blue ivy is a girl I think she was born a he but because Hollywood and cabal/elite are trying to ruin the husband and wife family values look and promote outrageous things it wouldn’t surprise me 1 bit and no offense but if blue ivy is a girl she is one ugly kid nothing surprises me with this evil disgusting couple and I pray people wake up to them



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