Monday, November 20, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 14, 2017

This former PLL actress can't get any acting work at all. None. The only money coming in is from appearances that are barely making her rent payments.

Ashley Benson


  1. Apparently she sold her house so i guess the money did go up her nose.

  2. She seems dime a dozen. She an add on Yacht girl at best. Like if ya have 2-3 top name whores, and you can throw in Benson on the cheap for that one buddy you aint tryin to impress but had to invite.

  3. Leo should buy time with her for Lukas Haas.

  4. It's called "investing and saving"...

  5. Count, that was funny. Thoroughly thought out...

    1. @shawn: not that much thought, just common sense. If you can afford a yacht, you spending $75k on SellyG or Hpants or $15-20k on Benson. How bout when y'all dock yer yachts to party and you show up w/ Benson as yer top whore? "Oh that's Sergei, new money from an app that went public. He's on the budget yacht plan, don't let him have any of our blow and caviar."

  6. 160 episodes of PLL and she does not have a nest egg?

  7. Privé Rivaux, tho?

  8. She was at Tim Tebow’s celebrity golf tournament a couple years ago. I always thought it strange he was friends with her.
