Friday, November 17, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Anniversary Month

This blind is actually within a much longer piece. A much much longer piece.

In December 2013 I provided a hint which read,  "He is set to have a very big December. Will he get an Academy Award nomination for his new movie?"

March 19, 2007

There is this other guy she knows who EVERYONE would also know even though he is not a celebrity. He has been with lots and lots of women including lots of celebrities and celebutantes. LOTS. The thing is that he has a very tough time performing and just prefers watching. Watching other couples or the girl he is with or two girls. He pretends he is all manly and virile, but the only way he can be that is with Viagra and lots of watching. She says the only way he can usually finish is to do it himself. Figures.

Harvey Weinstein


  1. ugh. how do i get these mental images out of my head, please????

  2. That's almost sad lmao. Sorry Weinstein, but I can't feel bad for You.

  3. At 55 years old at the time and abusing himself in varied ways no shock he couldn't do shit.

  4. Obese, diabetic, rage-filled and abusive .. yep, figures in reality he's impotent and over-compensating.

  5. Now that's a negative cocaine symptom, fat ass probably has heart issues meaning mixing coke/Viagra would be catastrophic to his oversized yet non human heart.

  6. Too bad Jabba didn’t pull a grabber while he was pulling his sad little pud in front of one of his victims. They would’ve all been laughing at it and him if they weren’t so overwhelmed by the sheer repugnance, disgust, horror, and revulsion.

  7. "He has been with lots and lots of women" Nice euphemism for rape.

    1. I thought the same thing. Enty needs to stop making these rapey encounters sound concentual.

  8. Although Harvey is a douchebag who I do believe tried to force himself on women, I don't believe that all the rape stories about him are true. He's long been a fat, out-of-shape guy who most women could easily outrun or disable with a kick in the nuts. He was at the very top of the movie world in Hollywood. Everybody wanted to be in his movies--including all the A-listers. People came to him, not the other way around. He certainly didn't need to resort to rape. He turned a lot of these women into VERY big stars. I have no doubt that at least some of this was straight up quid pro quo prostitution. There is a reason why some of his biggest A-lit female stars still won't say anything bad about him. They made a deal.

    Brings me back to the Bill Cosby rape cases. Yes, he was a douche for putting roofies in womens' drinks, but the point is: why were they alone with him in his hotel room at night to 'talk business'---instead of meeting in the hotel lobby?

    I'm not minimizing rape, but I just don't believe that all of these women who are accusing him now were as powerless to walk away from the situation as they now claim.

    On the other hand, there was an alternative (though still revolting) scene that some of them evidently found to be more palatable---allowing him to feel them up or watch them pleasure themselves or do things with other people... with him watching though not actually getting involved in the activities himself.

    I get the feeling that these accusations about his (lack of) manhood are probably more offensive to Harvey than the accusations of rape. Seriously though, are we to believe that none of these actresses had ever heard about the casting couch?

    1. Just stop. Rape takes many forms and your trying to throw doubt in these victims statements. Vile.

  9. mansplaining rape may not be your best look, john doe. rape doesn't necessarily mean being forceably pinned down by a grunting man who's verbally threatening you with violence or career threats. it can be very subtle...a guy who keeps doing what he wants even though you're saying no politely, like we're taught to be with men in authority. just because you didn't kick him in the balls or try to gouge his eyeballs out doesn't mean you "consented".

    1. Nicely said, also there is the power dynamic of this is the Only way these women work. That's the fucked up part. Because of this dynamic, the victim goes to predator, for work.

  10. Perhaps you should take into consideration the fact that some of the women who offer themselves up think that is the only way to actually get a role because that seems to be the MO of the industry John Doe - as just sayin’ said you don’t need to mansplain rape or an industry where flesh is currency.

  11. true, crazycatlady. a man or woman who is gritting their teeth until it's over and feeling like they sold their soul to the devil for a job, is gonna go home and shower for an hour and feel sick and cry themselves to sleep like any other rape victim. the base problem is male entitlement and abuse of power. that being said, there are people who use their bodies to improve their lot, and have no qualms about it, so i'm not saying that everyone on the casting couch is a victim.

  12. Mansplaining nothing. Words taken out of context and reverse sexism. Princess Joy Villa had a great take on this in one of her Youtube videos about what really goes down. She had the self-respect to walk away. All of these women do. But they stay and let themselves be felt up and have sex with these men because they want to be stars. There is a price to be paid for that. Hollywood has always been that way. For them to now be acting like they didn't know that is just bullshit. They can play the feminist victim card all they want. A spade is a spade, and a prostitute is a prostitute.

    Quid pro quo or prostitution in exchange for money and fame. Same difference. Being a movie star is not the only career choice in life, even for those who have convinced themselves otherwise. One's self respect in exchange for a part.... doesn't seem like such a difficult choice to me.

    1. 'Reverse sexism' I love how people like you try to play victim when people call you on your shit. Vile.

  13. john doe: i think you're smarter than this. are you saying that you feel that every woman who didn't run away from harvey weinstein, louis c.k., etc., a prostitute? or is it not a sexual assault if the man doesn't touch, merely masturbates in front of them?

  14. I've made my point. I'm done.

  15. I don't know who is more repugnant- Weinstein or John Doe.

    That said, back to the blind, I wonder how many of Harvey's Oscar hopefuls were coerced into playing this sick game?

  16. I don’t feel the need to continue commenting on how you don’t see your own privilege and entitlment shaping your warped opinion here John Doe.

    But - I’m gonna do it anyway because thats how I roll.

    Have you ever interacted with a prostitute? Or have you ever wondered about what life must be like for someone to so “willingly” give their body to another person to violate for money to literally live? It doesn’t matter if you’re selling ass to get your next fix or to get your next movie role - its the same state of mind either way. And I imagine in some of the cases of the women - once again - HW called the meetings in the rooms and so did Bill Cosby - men in power - you do as requested because thats how it works? He is a big name, what could possibility happen? how were all of these women to know? When Harvey’s power and money have bought them time from people speaking out. Either way you look at things you are %100 victim shaming.

    I work in the non-profit sector and have seen it all - no hooker I have ever met (even the bold ones who seem like they chose their lives or situations) would EVER choose that life if they felt things could be different for them.. but most of them do not ever think things will be different or that it is even a possibility.

    And for the women who look for casting couch opportunities and purposely sell flesh - I can tell you that it isn’t their idea to start.. someone put it in their heads they need money and someone probably told them a great wat to make money is off their looks, because what else would they have to offer?

    Reverse sexism is about as stupid as reverse racism.

  17. well put, crazycatlady.

  18. i'm sorry, i just can't.

    john doe: you know, don't you, that a man who exposes himself to a woman is committing a crime, right? a sex crime, as in being on the sex offenders registry. now, a woman's gonna run from a stranger because it's effing horrifying plus you don't know what else they have in mind. in a work setting, if your boss does it, you risk shattering the fragile male ego of the man who has just "complimented you" by showing you the "size of his desire" by shaming him (aka rejecting him -- walking out or telling on him). which means that YOU will be punished for upsetting HIM. the cultural pressure not to press charges that would END the man's career, marriage, put him on the offender's registry is fierce. i dare say it's not until this month that women are feeling empowered to do it. as they should.

  19. I honestly don't think John Doe is trying to victim-shame or make light of abuse. I think he's just trying to think it through, just a different viewpoint. And no, I'm not excusing bad behaviour from men generally either.
    Back to John Doe: his posts, to me, have always been very thoughtful, expressive, and intelligent and he has come across as a decent man.

  20. Yeah, You guys, always keep in mind that women can be extremely abusive too. Of course he did commit these crimes and he's disgusting. But also there were cases when women came willingly to him to get something in exchange for favors. And maybe some of them jumped on the train, when all actual victims came out.
    Some women really can be vile, and that might damage credibility of real victims.

    I knew girl who started rumours that celebrity tried to rape her, because that guy kept politely declining when she was desperate to fuck him.

  21. Remember that story Himmmm told us, I think it was called "I knew her when"...? That actress was very pushy, desperate and was trying to fuck director for role, even when he didn't wanted. There are women who want to and are happy to play by these rules.

  22. of course there are alexandria anna, but we're not talking about them in the weinstein case. i said above that there are plenty of women who use their sex to advance their careers happily -- that not all casting couches have victims. but be sure you aren't heading into "what-aboutism", the disease that's overtaken politics. just because you can point at someone else who's doing something wrong, it doesn't get you off the hook.

    i'm disappointed too, to see that john doe is firmly in the camp that the girls were willing beneficiaries if they didn't fight the guy off, and that makes them prostitutes.

    my son was falsely charged with rape (the girl admitted it was a lie so her boyfriend wouldn't be mad -- he found out she'd cheated so she made up the story). it was in the papers, destroyed his career. you google him now and that's what you find, no retraction from the news, no charges against the girl by the court. i think that a false accusation of rape should be prosecuted too. so i'm sensitive to this subject from many sides.

    1. Sorry to hear that just saying. He should consider suing her for defamation of character.

  23. That's nasty what she's done, she's abusive monster. I understand just sayin', You're absolutely right to be sensitive about it.

  24. Attacking John Doe? "Dont know whose worse him or Weinstein?" Come on Ladies. Unfair. He offered his thoughts. Why must it be that women are ALWAYS victims?? i see truth:
    Truth #1 He turned a lot of these women into VERY big stars. I have no doubt that at least some of this was straight up quid pro quo prostitution. There is a reason why some of his biggest A-lit female stars still won't say anything bad about him. They made a deal.
    Truth #2: She had the self-respect to walk away. All of these women do. But they stay and let themselves be felt up and have sex with these men because they want to be stars. There is a price to be paid for that. Hollywood has always been that way. For them to now be acting like they didn't know that is just bullshit.
    Truth #3: Quid pro quo or prostitution in exchange for money and fame. Same difference. Being a movie star is not the only career choice in life, even for those who have convinced themselves otherwise. One's self respect in exchange for a part....

  25. i hate myself for liking him still

  26. Count me in on John Doe's side. Your points are well thought out and well made; don't let some idiot Feminazis make you feel the need to defend them.

  27. why are so many people turning into rape apologists? of course there are women who use sex to get things. it's the oldest profession in the world, it's the casting couch used to advantage, etc. etc. etc.

    but this thread is about what an impotent, deranged pig harvey weinstein is. are we now going to give him a pass in every case where the woman got a job after he perved all over them? blame it on them for not running away? what the hell, people.

  28. not rape apologists. lets just not throw the baby out with the bath water. i think hes on our side. btw, i appreciate what you offer here, just sayin- jezuz you can break it down :)

  29. I am sick of the term mansplaining.

    I am not a rape apologist but believe there are women who see a HW situation and think "I can make a claim too and get some money and perhaps a little attention even though nothing happened."

  30. I hate peasants with pitchforks and torches, who jump on bandwagons, without a single thought.
    Agree with John Doe. Nobody is 'victim shaming'' or any other trendy social justice warrior expression of the moment.
    Hollywood has always been like this, since the silent era. Women who go into this business willingly, know this. Most of them, have not been raped, they have traded sexual favours for stardom. Willingly. These powerful fat disgusting Hollywood big shots can get any starlet to suck them off. Most of them don't need to rape anyone.
    It diminishes real rape victims' ordeals - and the pedophile culture of these circles - which is why this hysteria is so unpleasantly nasty in my view.

  31. thanks sd auntie. i tried to get him to but he has no money, would need a pro bono lawyer, and he let this make him relapse into heroin addiction, so he doesn't care about it anymore. i'm the one who'd really like to sue her!

  32. You know who's more repugnant than Harvey? Anyone who uses bullshit terms like "Mansplaining".

  33. thanks henlo fren: some of the comments here are surprising.

  34. I don't hate the term mansplaining because men do it. And a lot of you are doing it right now. This blind was written when people weren't really aware and tried to rationalize Weinsteins predatory behavior. It was easier to do it that way because Women are constantly told to put up with the bullshit, that this is the price to pay. And Women are consistently made the enemy when they speak out and I'm sorry, but a woman who is trying to start her career and chooses to sleep with someone for a role is at a disadvantage. Anyone who uses their position of power to take advantage, whether the victim consents or not, is not someone you should be defending. Its a matter of ethics, and the fact that you're all making excuses for why these women aren't victims and turning to textbook stupidity like calling women the EXACT reason why the Roy Moores and Weinsteins of the world continue to get away with it like they do.

  35. It's not Viagra that Weinerstein is using. He has to inject his tiny wang to get the thing stiff.



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