Monday, November 27, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 22, 2017

I suppose that if you are trying to change a narrative about the relationship between you and an individual, now would be the time to do so. As I documented here years ago, this A+ list mostly movie actress got busted sending pics to the now disgraced producer and not someone else she wants you to believe now was the intended recipient.

Jennifer Lawrence/Harvey Weinstein/Nicholas Hoult


  1. I hope she gets professional help. Her performance in "Winter's Bone", I think, was her best. Anyway, I'm rooting for her to clean up.

  2. @Joel,this probably messed her up more than people think,it always seemed to be her that was singled out for doing this,the fappening and recent events prove it was almost all of them.

  3. No wonder Hoult dumped her

  4. She definitely has drug problems cuz im really hot for her. Im instantly attracted to party girls, one of my many failings! Ha.

  5. I hope Harvey got up in them guts and not just jerked off in front of her. Her meat pockets look delicious.

  6. I wonder if she did this in exchange for not having to sleep with him. Either way, I feel bad for her. You have to be a little messed up to volunteer pictures like that. I wonder if she felt that she even had a choice or not. It's clear these guys have enough power to ruin careers and have done so in the past.

    1. Anonymous10:35 AM

      She had a choice not to enter the business.

  7. Uma sure took a long long time to speak out, and no one questioned her why her explanation sounded weak.

    1. I don't think she sounded weak at all. She has the right to tell her story how and when she wants to tell it. I think people forget how humiliating it is for a woman to come forward. Every woman should be applauded not taken down.

    2. I would have gave any one of them a standing ovation had they come forward when it all went down. real easy to be the brave hero ten years and millions later. "sexual harassment is wrong but maybe if people weren't willing to prostitute themselves for career advancement powerful people wouldn't think it was ok"
      -bathroom wall Dallas circa 1989

  8. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Does she think we are all stupid? It’s known she willingly slept with Weinstein, as much as the crowd over at Buzzfeed will deny it.

  9. I'm not convinced that J-Law was a victim in any of this, aside from the photos being hacked. I think Joan Rivers hit it on the nose.

  10. @Do Tell, I think Joan was correct that JLaw sleeps for parts.
    (I've been criticized here before for agreeing with Joan.)

    My computer programmer brother once told me, "Never take pictures you don't want shared with a cell phone. Your carrier owns them."

  11. It was a bunch of actresses along with JLaw. Probably all from hacking Harvey’s computer.

  12. @AKA thanks for the laugh for the day.

  13. You can see the dumb in the eyes. Hoping the worst for this arrogant pie-faced Plain Jane.

  14. Why is she vilified for thinking she had to sleep with men for parts? The whole freaking business has been set up that way for 100 years. No one should ever have to choose between prostituting themselves and a career. I’m sure it messed her up and the guilt is tearing her up.
    JLaw is THE talent of her generation. We will probably never see her in a movie with Streep because Meryl doesn’t want to have to compete with her on screen. I hope she can get some sane people around her and listen to them

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      I think a lot of people would disagree with you. I think she’s a terrible actress with a personality to match.

  15. Ugh, if she’s the “talent” of her generation, then I once again weep for the future. She’s Kate Hudson 2.0, with early onset of pie face as noted above. As far as “prostituting themselves out for a career”, that would only be the case if one’s only option for a career was to be in front of the camera. Thousands upon thousands of other career choices out there.

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      That’s exactly how I feel. I don’t buy the “She felt she had to sleep with casting directors to get roles!”

      No, she didn’t. She could have chosen a different career

  16. Itttt: your jlaw hate is clouding uer judgement. Hudson had 1 memorable role, showimg her lil nubbins in Almost Famous. JLaw has 3 Oscar noms, 1 win, part of an ensemble cast blockbuster movie series (Xmen) and lead role in another (Hunger Games) all by age 26? Find me another actress, of any era, with that resume, at her age. She is light years ahead of anyone of her generation, much less Kate Hudson, who resorted to the Fabletics scam to supplement the child support she lives off of.

    P.S. Hudson does have the nicer ass of the 2.

  17. the only thing ive seen her in was american hustle :)
    shes been incredibly quiet about the whole harvey scandal.
    i bet she's scared about being exposed eeek what she must knowwwww...

    1. Winter's Bone she was really good in. I watched because the jew from Deadwood was in it and it is about methbillies, but came away from wanting to see her in more stuff.

  18. This was theorized all the way back to the Fappening.



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