Thursday, November 16, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 10, 2017

I really don't understand people sometimes. They could end up dead or beaten but if they have a chance to be with someone famous, they take it. This permanent A list celebrity who is famous for entirely different reasons than when he retired from his profession hired an escort for a night. After she saw who it was she would be sleeping with, she has been seeing him almost every day for free and for all practical purposes is his girlfriend.

OJ Simpson


  1. christie prody's probably too old for him. she claims to be scared she'll end up like nicole, too. slow learner...she dated him for 13 years.

  2. Well as they say, you'll never go broke underestimating the stupidity of people.

  3. About 10 years ago we were vacationing in Vail Co. My sis-in-law and I went to a restaurant in the village to pick up dinner. While we were waiting for our carry out a guy walks in with all his winter gear on and stands next to me. He looks up at the TV and says "oh good, they've got the game on" and I turned to look at him and as he starts taking his hat & scarf off and realize it's OJ. He was basically quiet and minding his own business, but once people in the restaurant/bar realized it was him, I was stunned just how many of them flocked over to fawn all over him, take pictures, etc. "Do they just not care that he's a murderer because he's famous?" we thought. Apparently not. As we were walking back to the car with our food I put my hand in my pocket and realized I had my black leather gloves in there. If only I had remembered that when he was standing next to me I would have asked him to try them on to see if they fit!

  4. Remember there are still plenty of people around who don't think he did it and spent these past several years in jail because he was railroaded. In any case, even after he got off the first time I remember reading someplace how he always attracted a crowd of admirers when he was out and about.

  5. you should have asked him to autograph it jennerationb! how oj of him to start a conversation so he'd be noticed.

  6. Not saying I believe it, but the theory that proposes his son did it is pretty interesting.

  7. occam's razor, mhdz.

  8. OJ is huge publicly, I'm not sure he'll work again but people love him. Sports Hero's are easy to forgive I guess, OJ can roam around getting free dinner/drinks forever.

  9. Why are you surprised that there's so many stupid American fawning over a criminal?
    They nearly made one President last year.

  10. Not to be too snarky but not a stretch to think an escort might prefer a life with someone that will always have money( and he will.)

  11. @monteverde Instead, they made a really, REALLY bad choice.

  12. Neither choice was a good one, but in a conversation I was in today, Trump came up, and how he was going to “drain the swamp.” Hmmmm, I can think of one swamp that IS draining very quickly these days, but not the one he mentioned...
