Sunday, November 26, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 20, 2017

American Music Awards

This performer last night spent much of the remainder of the telecast shuffling between all of her entertainment and internet identities to talk up how great she was during the performance. She is a great talent, but the constant self promotion under a hundred different names gets old.

Lady GaGa


  1. Woah. That's... unhealthy.

  2. What does the "100 different names" mean? Is that a reference to her singing/acting?

    1. Theres been a few blinds here that say lady gaga has different internet personas/identities. Like if I wrote this and then switched over to another screen name and was like "ohmygodILOVEyou Rosie!" and then slip back to Rosie and I'm all like "omg iknowright"
      I think it means this

    2. @Rosie Riveter: I don't find the notion that an entertainer would do such a thing, but what confuses me the most about this blind item is: Wouldn't the other personas and identités have to have TONS of followers too? Or are they presenting themselves as "fan" accounts as opposed to the usual political-style grassroots astroturfing.

      You can buy fake followers but gaining real followers takes real work. For someone (an individual, not an agency/PR company) to have a "fake fawns" account with real followers they'd have to invest a LOT of time into it. Most of us spend a lot of time on our genuine/honest accounts already. Unless that person retweets/reposts the fake account on their verified account to gain the side accounts attention?

    3. ohmygodILOVEyou Rosie

  3. she is NOT a great talent. Sounds like a certain speaking meme cat. Or like a horny ox.

  4. @rosie riveter ahhhh! Thanks for the clarification.

  5. yeeks that is unfortunate where was this posted I want to read what she said! "gurl oh no you di'int. you just killed it" -LilMoNstEr843

  6. I think she's a great talent, and I'm not a little monster a fan. The multiple persona thing has always been her shtick.

  7. I respect talent, she has it.

  8. I’m pretty certain I’ve encountered her before on an online forum. It (unsurprisingly) was in a post about her/Angelina Jolie.

  9. She really doesn't need to do that though. She consistently gets great performance reviews. Insecurity I guess.

  10. I didn't watch AMAs so I just brought her up on youtube. she is a performer and can sing but that was a super crummy song. although I much preferred that to her at grammys with Metallica (sad face)
    5/10 I am going to create 6 new identities, help her out some

  11. why doesnt she just create HITS again??? then she wouldnt have to do this. for a few years she was the biggest pop star on the planet. when you stop making hits, that can fall to the wayside. she should get on it - we need fresh meat, taylor swift is stale for MANY different reasons.

  12. Why doesn't she just buy followers like everyone else?! Seriously, such a waste of time, and pathetically stupid.

  13. @beepbopcowboy-she bad mouthed song writers, and was taking credit for their work so no one will write her anything, and she can't write for sh*t.

  14. Lady Gaga gets a bad rap because her constant attention seeking is undermining her talent. I did not like her at first, but I watched her perform with an open mind and she is actually quite good. What I hate about her is that her act is a rip off of Grace Jones and Dale Bozzio. For those of you who don't remember Dale Bozzio, go on Youtube and look up the group called Missing Persons. Watch their video for their song 'Words' and you will see that Lady Gaga definitely watched it and took notes.

    She is finding that its difficult to stay on top in pop culture consciousness with all the competition she's getting. She wants to be a pop mega diva like Diana Ross or Madonna was back in the day. No singer today will accomplish that because the media that created those mega stars years ago has been eclipsed by the internet. You or I could put on a wig and makeup, record a song, upload it to Youtube, and become an overnight sensation just like that.

    Gaga based her act on shocking people with imagery. People aren't shocked by anything anymore. People like Nikki Minaj have much bigger asses to shake in front of the cameras now, and they're all shaking those asses.

  15. It was very telling about who she is that she showed up for her sister's high school graduation in a beekeeper outfit. It is very hard to tolerate people who have to have the spotlight every second of every day. And I think she is mediocre at best.

  16. Lady Gaga physically looks like Dale Bozzio but Gaga can sing, Dale cannot. And their music sounds nothing alike.

  17. DonnaMarie, please stop trolling. Its not pretty. I never said that their music sounded alike. I said that Gaga stole her persona from other people.

  18. I wasn't aware that disagreeing was trolling. And whats with the racist rants you have posted on your blogger profile? Why do you have a pic of a black man in your profile pic? Very Strange. No wonder you eat-up all the crap being posted here. You are one of those Trump supporting, Alex Jones believers aren't ya?

    1. that brother takes the morning train?
      I see no racist rants. click bait!clickbait!

      hi JoHnDoe843.5!

  19. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Gaga has talent, but her whacky original persona is dead, and there is little interest in Stefani Germanotta or her 'straight' stuff.

  20. Gaga if you are reading and posting here, I wish your face looked as good as your body does and your voice sounds. Good luck on your engagement....

  21. @october You hit the nail on the head. I haven't worked with her personally but I have worked with people who helped start her off and her career. Everything about the girl is a lie - she took credit for so much of other people's creativity - not just in her music, but in her look (and I don't only mean that she stole her look from Dale Bozzio and Nina Hagen but the people who pushed her in that direction) to how her name came about. It was all stuff come up with by other people that she spun as something she came up with and she's alienated most of the people who made her famous to begin with.

    Even all the batshit crazy looks of hers - the stupid makeup, the "please look at me" outfits, all that, the reason she went that way is because she KNOWS she's ugly as shit and that nothing is going to make her anywhere near attractive in the "famous diva" sense so she decided to go in the other direction completely and make herself as ugly as possible and that became her thing. She just embraced the ugliness and made it work for her instead of trying to fight it.

    But she's not like Madonna, who even if you look at those nudes when she was like 19, as long as you ignore the armpit and leg hair, Madonna was always attractive as all hell, even with no makeup.

    Lady Gaga with no makeup looks like a tranny after a three day bender.

    1. Thank you for making me spit my tea everywhere. I'll be chuckling for days now

    2. Sounds just like beyonce. Stealing people's work and later claiming she was just inspired. Yeah ok.

  22. Oh, goody. It isn't a party until someone brings in irrelevant, unrelated political bashes.

  23. That constant need for attention appears to be dire in Hollyweird

  24. @Eff Yiew - is that what those lawsuits years ago were all about? I remember reading some stuff online about how her former manager or best friend or something was paid a ton of money to keep quiet and keep some things private. I think I read some hints that suggested it had to do with the originality of her name/persona and some documents she wouldn't want to go public.

  25. ohmygodILOVEyou Rosie!

  26. @Khaleesi Exactly. Her former manager was the guy who came up with everything - her look, her name (don't believe all the bullshit stories she loves to tell about how it was a mistake or a bad text), everything about her. She tried to claim all the credit and she ended up giving him a low seven figure amount to make him go away.

    All these young artists are the same - they all want to claim all the credit. Same thing with Lauryn Hill - a friend of mine was working on some stuff with her, she made an oral contract with him, then tried to double cross him and take everything. She thought she was smart because that's how Wyclef Jean operates. He's another scam artist. So she thought she'd pull a Wyclef on the guy but the guy was used to dealing with people like her and has an audio recorder going 24/7 in his studio recording the whole room that she didn't know about.

    He keeps it running for exactly this scenario, and others as well as you wouldn't believe how many female artists threaten to claim rape or sexual harassment in an attempt to gain full control over songs they collaborate on and then want full credit for. So he keeps audio recordings of every minute he's working in his studio as backup. As soon as he presented that to the lawyers for Lauryn Hill, she immediately dropped her claim that the songs were 100% hers.

    Same with Gaga - not that she hasn't gotten smarter over the years. She's a smart cookie - she only has to lose once to learn how to manipulate people so that she doesn't lose in the future.

    You ever see this?



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