Friday, November 24, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #15 - Anniversary Month

March 6, 2013

When you get asked out by someone who is charming and who has been seen almost your whole life as a star, you feel flattered and say yes. This woman dated this A+ list mostly movie actor for a month. She called it the worst month of her life and is trying to warn the actor's latest girlfriend about the actor. He started off as charming. Kind and sweet, he would send flowers and call her and send cars for her when they would go out. On the second date she stayed at his place and he locked the door to the bedroom even though they were the only ones home. The lock was with a key. When she asked what would happen if she needed to go somewhere or get some food during the night from the kitchen he replied, that "She would be fine and that she didn't need to go anywhere." The next morning he insisted she stay for breakfast even though she had to go to work. He yelled at her and said that he was making her breakfast and she needed to stay until he finished. It took him three hours and she was not able to leave until noon. He insisted that she take several baths or showers everyday but would not take any himself. They went out to eat one night and he introduced her to one of his male friends. When she said more than just hello, he grabbed her arm and pushed her over to the restroom and whispered that he would hurt her if she disrespected him again in front of his friends. That she should shut up and never speak unless asked a question. He then smiled and said they should have a nice night and when they got in the limo home he slapped her before making her service him. He then had the driver stop at her place and told her to get out. A real class guy. Surprised she lasted a month.

Mel Gibson


  1. Jeebus the minute anyone ever tries to exert any type of control over me, they are dead to me. And this poor woman put up with this crap for a month?

    1. I was reading this and kept asking myself 'she went back after the key thing?!'

  2. Since he cheated on his wife, him and his life have gone fucked up

  3. Confused as to why Himmmm had Mel Gibson on his “good guy” list. Gibson consistently proves himself to be pond scum.

    1. Further proof that Hmmmm is RDJ. Mel hired RDJ right out of prison when no one else would hire him. RDJ always defends Mel for that reason.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This is one of the reasons some folks thought Himmmmm was RDJ. RDJ credits Mel Gibson with saving his career by paying an insurance bond to get him in a movie after he got out of prison, along with some other support.

  4. He certainly didn't know. Himmmm is guy/guys, some men can be good friends with other men, but treat women badly, which might be Mel Gibson's case. No one really knows anyone.

  5. It sounds like his now ex wife kept him in line when they were together.

    That old Simpsons ep with him, is so ironic today.

  6. If this was about a famous actress, I'd say it was Sharon Stone's brief liaison with a famous country singer. When she broke off with him she called him 'A dirt sandwich!' Makes me wonder what, exactly, transpired! Whoa!

  7. Way, way back when -- in the early 80's when I ran into him at a Hollywood bar (This was a little while after his hit Mad Max "Road Runner" sequel film), he was an ass -- with his "friends."

    He was a drunk fool with drunken (enabling) friends.

    Never likes him since.

  8. This 26 yr old he is with now should know better
    But no, gets pregnant
    How did that work out for the last one?
    Poor kid(s).

  9. This guy has some of the angriest eyes I've ever seen. This is not surprising at all.

  10. I won’t see any of Gibson’s new movies. He’s ruined in my eyes.

  11. It was Dwight Yokum that Sharon Stone dated, and he called her a dirt sandwich.

    1. I’ve met Sharon and she was extremely nice, so there’s that lol.

  12. @Thursday November-Wow! You're right! I stand corrected. For all these years, I have had it wrong! I thought she called HIM the dirt sandwich. Day-um. I still like my version best. He also called her the 'AntiChrist'! Would love to know THAT back story! Enty?

  13. My God! Just how low of a self esteem does one have to have to continue going out with a pig like this. That would be a one & done date for me!

  14. Perhaps himmmm has several layers of his good guy the levels of Dante's hell. The center being close friends, the outer being people who are good to work with.

  15. I thought Mel Gibson was always a bad person, is that news? Does anyone remember his Ex?

  16. Thursday and Boo = it was stone that likened kissing Yoakum to eating a dirt sandwich.

  17. texasrose--thanks so much for clearing this up. I thought I was having a bout of dementia when Thursday said it was the other way around. It is certainly a quote you don't see every day! I would love to spend an afternoon with her. She has always been one of my faves.

  18. I don't have a lot of patience for women who, having been treated like shit once by a dude continue to trot back for more.

    Nobody, not even a teenager with a shred of sense or self-presevation would have gone near the guy after the locked door episode.

    If you want to continue sticking your head in the equivalent of a crocodile's mouth after already getting bit, don't act shocked and expect sympathy when you eventually get bitten again and again and again.

    No, having some stupid childish crush on an actor in the past isn't an excuse for ignoring real life nasty and dangerous behavior in the present. Being in your mid twenties isn't an excuse. The fact that he started off nice and cheesy with flowers isn't an excuse. Women are not children and we need to hold ourselves to the same standards as men in taking responsibility for own behavior. Dude acts like a sick psycho ONCE, any woman with a shred of sense will cut off all contact for good. Sick of idiots who choose to repeatedly stick their hands in the fire then spend years whining about how they got burned.

  19. I'm calling bullshit on this.

  20. @J Brantley He's on tape admitting to assaulting his girlfriend, and you doubt this story?

  21. Mel is a POS. Why any woman would date him is asking for it. They must be idiots. No sympathy here.

    He looks like he reeks of alkie and cigs, a real winner. F that.

  22. A pillar of conservative values.

  23. This has nothing to do with conservative or liberal. You find these kinds on both sides.

  24. +1 @Do Tell

    Bad people do bad things from the richest to the poorest and from the furthest left to the furthest right and from the smallest town to the biggest city.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I think Mel Gibson has a lot of facial mannerisms that he repeatedly uses in all of his faces. This bugs the hell out of me and Bruce Willis does too for the same reason.

  27. What utter horse droppings.
