Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Blind Item #8

All it would take is for someone to release any of the recordings capturing this A-/B+ list writer/actress who had her own show talking about interracial sex. She might pretend she is this liberal voice, but the recordings do not lie.


  1. Mehhhh never been a fan. Just another child of white privilege who had her career handed to her. I prefer my celebrities who came from nothing and made their own way to the top.

  2. Lena Dunham
    She can go fuck off. I've been over her entitled ass for years now.

    There is a special place in Hell for girls like her

  3. So happy her time has come to an end.

  4. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Isn't she part of Swifts "squad". They all pretend and lie.

  5. She is way to self absorbed to have a filter. Anyone with an agenda could manipulate her into a career killimg quote inside of 5 questions.

  6. http://www.vulture.com/2017/11/writer-zinzi-clemmons-leaves-lenny-letter-citing-dunhams-known-racism.html

  7. I kind of hope her bf leaves her or ends up cheating with her "friend" Lourde!

  8. Please release the recordings!
    I've always hated that she was called the voice of our generation.

  9. Tired of seeing the crutch phrase "white privilege " thrown around. She grew up in a well off home, just like there are black kids, Hispanic kids and Asian kids who grow up in well off homes. That said:

    Lena Dunham is a POS. And I think she is very likely racist in addition to her many other faults. But HBO would never have run with that show and kept it on for as long as it did if it was simply "handed" to her. She did have a hand in its inexplicable success. And I would love to see this tape have a hand in her downfall.

  10. By the way, Carly Simon also came from a wealthy family, so did Katherine Hepburn, and Michael Douglas, and many other people who have more than firmly established themselves in their own right. Coming from a poor family or a hardscrabble background does not give you more or less credibility than anyone else.

    1. @do tell I read your comment with an open mind and I agree

    2. It's called nepotism and it's rampant. Would rather see real talent instead of boring, less talented offspring. I went to private school and many peers had the biggest sense of entitlement ...and ended up failing. Never liked Lena.. smug artsy types are the worst!!!

  11. Why is this pedophile still famous?

  12. @AlistDiva,I thought he did. Did you see them perform together? A lot of chemistry.

  13. I could never stand this bitch.. she's overrated. The hype surrounding her and girls was ridiculous

  14. Dunham is entitled and always seeking to be the hipster poster-child / girl-gang leader. She's just so full of herself. Never liked her. Does anyone?

    1. My sister likes her and I do not know why....ewww

  15. Never liked her and I wish she would go away but I really wonder what was on the tapes and if they would be enough to convict her as a racist. Even if she is a racist, based on her behavior towards Oded Beckham Jr, she obviously was down for interracial sex with him and that's why she acted so miffed because he displayed no interest in her. I doubt that she's had any interracial sex. She came off as entitled white woman who thinks every black man has to want her.

  16. Sorry all... I love Lena. Let the beatings begin.

  17. Anyone who puts rocks in someone else's vajayjay deserves bad karma. Dunham is a grotesque.

  18. Didn't Dunham also make up a story of being raped in college to help sell a book?

  19. Do tell +1000000000

    Sick and tired of this divisive bullshit. The talentless Smith were being forced down out throats, but I didn't hear anyone complain about minority Hollywood privilege. There are so many examples.
    Such retarded crap.
    Btw, I loathe LD.

  20. @do tell, I don't know if you would agree but I take the term 'white privledge' to mean that without someone asking for it, they receive access or a pass to certain opportunities just for being white. I think what makes everyone aggregated is when those with whatever privledge are self absorbed and aren't aware of how things work for 'the others'. Lena either doesn't care or chooses not to care that she lives in a bubble of self absorption without regard to how her action impact the marganilized. Just my thought on how privledge shows up.

  21. @FancyFel, Jews aren't white.
