Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Blind Item #8

You know this slimy organization must be feeling the heat getting closer to them if they are bringing out one of their least credible celebrities to speak out. No one believes anything this B list actress/part-time reality star says. 


  1. I agree... Kirstie Alley calling for an end to the witch hunts... maybe she's worried about what skeletons might fall out of her closet?

    1. Oh thats rich. SHE'S calling for end to witch hunt??!! Just how stupid is this nincompoop??? Crack open a book lady, or go on the internet- life happening around you shows Scio is nutso deal and you are just perprating the sickness.

  2. It's Kirstie... and just like that Travolta gets called out for abusing masseurs. She is pathetic.

  3. While we are on the subject of Scis, someone needs to start paying closer attention to the one who has the ultra-feminist almost-TV-show but keeps quiet on the inconvenient conflicts between her show's ideology and her own (with the help of "friends" who make sure no journalists are allowed to ask about it). They might also want to pay attention to some of the women who have been to parties attended by her foreign-born co-star, the former Bard of Miramax in his hometown. If those women will come forward, they have lots of interesting stories of a Weinstein-esque nature to tell. The Sci would be a very mad woman if these came to public light and her mini-empire of hypocritical virtue-signalling came crashing down around her.

  4. Jonathan! So of course, that is Elizabeth Moss and Handmaiden - so the foreign born costar? Joseph Fiennes who was in Shakespeare in Love too. Wow.

  5. He has played William Shakespeare who is called the Bard of Avon.

  6. @Jonathan, if Enty needs a new Entern, he knows who to call.

  7. Travolta is in trouble again. He was just accused of feeling up another masseuse. Masterson is being investigated for rape. And Tom Cruise is busy trying to convince everyone that his relationship with his latest beard is real. Co$ is stretched thin fighting off scandals and trying to cover things up that they don't have anybody right now. I'm not so sure this blind is about Kirstie. Her comments more seemed to be aimed at defense of the Hollywood establishment and than of $cientology.

  8. speaking of tom cruise, shouldn't scio want to make an exception and force him to parent suri? for better p.r., to disprove the "rumors" (cough) of "disconnection". he appears to be heartless and psycho and it's hurting both his and scio's brands.

  9. God no leave the kid out of it.

  10. @John Doe
    The blind just stated "speak out", not specifically to defend C0S. I think her calling for an end to the witch hunt is possibly them in panic mode because of all the claims that are becoming public against some of it's favourite celebrity members. As if she has any power or influence to stop anything anyway, she's deluded.

  11. i agree that suri is FAR better off without him annie roo. i'm just astonished that scientology is so tone deaf to public opinion on this situation.

  12. @annie roo @just sayin'
    I often used to notice that Suri looked like such an unhappy child in photos of her younger years, but I assumed that, scient0logy aside, that it was possibly also due to being in the public eye. But I notice now that in photos of her from recent years there seemed to be a significant shift, and she just appeared much happier. She deserves to have a normal, happy, healthy childhood, just like all children. The best thing that ever happened to that little girl is her mothers escape with her. I just feel for her for how she is going to feel when she learns the truth about her father in the future.

    1. Suri. Looks like a well adjusted happy child. Katie is a good mom and having granparents who care help!

  13. suri does look happier, serenity, i've noticed that too!

  14. scientologists are a great cautionary tale against partisan politics. who wants to look as mindless, koolaid-drinking, deluded as kirstie alley?

  15. Ahhhh, every time a $cio blind come up I always think of “Neurotology”, the brilliant SNL sendup of the cult:

    1. Omg, I LOVE this! Thanks for the link!

    2. The Neurotology music videoooooooo AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  16. I don't think they can have Tom parent Suri because she isn't his. Katie H. would reveal that in any custody wranglings. She probably knows about Tom's real sexuality too. She definitely has something 'check mate' worthy to escape with Suri from the cult.

  17. Who’s the bigger masseuse-molester: John Travolta or Kevin Spacey?

  18. @Itttt

    It's a bit of a toss-up. Travolta seems to like trying to pick up masseurs and other men in showers and health clubs. Spacey likes to seduce young actors with the promise of career assistance. He is also much pushier as we have seen. Both of them could easily afford to hire discreet and good-looking gay male escorts, but that does not seem to come into it. Travolta has (allegedly) hit on a producer I know who is FAR from hot, so for him it seems to be more about the thrill.

  19. @ltttt - Travolta, but only because Spacey likes little boys & you have to be 18+ to get a masseuse license.

  20. thanks itttt, i hadn't seen that in awhile!

    i agree that they're very different. spacey's into minors, so that makes him infinitely worse. plus he's more physically aggressive, plies victims with drugs (with liquor at least). i've always thought travolta was more of pathetic, repressed gay man who talks sexy and gets touchy-feely, but doesn't drug them, jump them, corner them, drag them to bed like spacey. i think they share a fondness for seducing straight guys.

  21. I've interpreted Kirstey Allen's lame tweets as a desperate move too. Meaning that they already have Masterson giving them bad PR and now is starting for Travolta: I also had a whiff when CAA dropped him just a few days ago and right before the furs public allegations: I think more is coming and maybe they can stop the LAPD from proceeding with the investigations but they can't stop public opinion and social media going viral. I think there's even more Scions that will be implicated in sexual abuse accusations. They must be desperately making the victims sign NDA right and left and giving them hush money. I hope at least some victims will find the courage to turn down their hush money and speak up.

  22. what's scio down to at this point? i think you can count their "celebrities" on one hand.
