Blind Item #7
This foreign born former A- list mostly television actress who is not the most famous person in her family looked the other way while her son was sexually abused. She didn't think it was her place to say anything.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Joan Collins
ReplyDeleteAnd her son Sasha
Delete@Tricia I was thinking the same thing, but is Joan really mostly TV? It definitely fits considering her son's accusations and Joan's defense of her husband.
ReplyDeleteI think she is-was but surprised not former A+ or permanent even?? I mean Alexis Carrington-helllooooo🙌🙌🙌
DeleteI would call Joan mostly TV...I know her only from Dynasty and that Star Trek episode she did. I can't name one movie she did, that's way back before my time and probably my own mom's time too. Certainly Jackie is the most famous in their family.
ReplyDeleteWtf about it not being her place to say anything though? I...just...can't....
Look at Joan's IMDB, she's done a LOT of TV.
ReplyDeleteIs Jackie really more famous than Joan though? I would call them equally famous.
ReplyDeleteI feel like there's another guess here, but am lousy at coming up with names.
@delete account - Joan was also in the TV series Batman. I agree w/ you. She's more of TV star than Movie star.
ReplyDeletethere's a blurb about this on Daily Mail
ReplyDeleteYes, he specifically says he personally was not abused.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the blind really means he was. To me,Joan is the bigger star, Dynasty for the win!
ReplyDeleteI guess if you consider husbands and ex-husbands part of your family, Anthony Newley was more famous than she is. I don't think Jackie is.
ReplyDeleteDisgusting. It's always your place to say something. Let alone if it's your own kid.
ReplyDeleteBack in the day, Tony Newly was hot as hell and every woman worth her salt wanted a piece of him! Joan Collins was and is just breathtakingly beautiful. Just imagine the heat they generated when they walked into a room. You really never know what goes on behind closed doors. And you don't want to!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of children being taken advantage of: I remember when the Woody/Mia mess hit the fan. I tried to put myself in her place the afternoon she found her daughter's Polaroids sitting on Woody's mantle. She's not only nude but posed in a very erotic way. How is this man still alive? I would have killed him! That was years ago. It isn't going to change, believe me.
Off topic, but regarding the Jackie vs Joan who's more famous debate, if you are measuring in worldwide notoriety or money Jackie was because her books were translated into so many languages and she made serious bank of those.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I was more aware of Joan because my mom watched Dynasty when I was little.
I was reading one of her son’s articles. Apparently she wasn’t around much during their childhood because fame was more important. Narcissism.
ReplyDelete@Dog Mom - I'm British and Joan Collins is considered a 'National Treasure' here (and she was made a Dame by the Queen. Jackie, although a popular novelist, never seemed to make that treasured status here. I always think of Jackie as being more popular in America.
ReplyDeleteMy father in law was socially active in theatre and acting circles in london in the 50s, he had many stories to tell, but the closest to home was about his younger sisters affair and pregnancy with Anthony Newley. He simply referred to him as a womanizer and POS. There were other stories related to pedophilic proclivities of a few, but none were ever related to Newley.
ReplyDeleteWHAT???!!!!! What mother does that???!!!
ReplyDelete@Kimberley, the only way I have ever heard of Joan Collins is from her Dynasty tv show in the 80's. I would bet most under 40 year old American's only know her from that.
ReplyDeleteIt isn't that Jackie Collins was a household name per se, but her books have sold over half a billion copies and have been translated for over 40 countries' reading pleasure, not to mention the movies made from her books. That is a HUGE audience compared with Joan who was just a well known actress for English speaking audiences.
Jackie died a couple of years ago and there were articles all over the place about how big a worldwide following she had. I didn't even know it, until I read about her then. I knew about her romance novels, but apparently she really had a large fan base. Even the New York Times wrote about it. I cannot remember the exact quote, but she is one of the top (fill in the blank) writers of all time. It was something crazy like only the bible has sold more copies than her books. (That might not be it, but you get the picture).
She also made a TON of money from all of that.
whoever this is im sick to my stomach. trying not to judge but its challenging. her innocent child? how can she live with herself?
ReplyDelete@lulu : Agree but this isn't Joan Collins. The news articles are clear that Anthony Newley's son is disgusted by his late father's attraction to girls in their mid teens,which his mother says isn't pedophilia but ephebophilia. Newley wrote and costarred with Collins in a film about it. Back when men ruled the world,they considered it charming and funny to lust after teens.
ReplyDeleteWhat will Barbra Streisand say??! She has a new album, a tour and a Netflix concert where she hints that Tony Newley was the love of her life. So the timing is unfortunate. (And she was definitely an adult when she met him.)
I just can’t with this one..