Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Blind Item #7

They will probably record a song together and they might end up hooking up, but this A list singer recently met with this foreign born A list singer because he has the best coke and she loves great coke.


  1. Rihanna and someone?

    1. The Weeknd? He’s FB as well though

  2. Katy the Cokhead Perry

  3. Oh the dude is FB- Katy then for sure and maybe The Weeknd?

  4. I hope it is Rihanna and The Weeknd. That album will be awesome.

  5. Katy Perry and the Weekend are together in a Daily Mail article today.
    Pretty much clinches it if this site's past history still holds true.

    BTW what does FB stand for?

  6. Last night I realized I will die without ever having a cocaine experience!

    1. Me too and I’m perfectly happy with that fact

    2. It’s over rated

  7. Boo trust me you don't want one.

  8. Sam Smith and RiRi or Ariana

  9. Isn't Katy being told to sell a house (The Nun's former convent) she recently bought because she's low on cash?

    1. No. The courts decided she gets the property. The other party has to pay her!

  10. Katy and the weekend. He's canadian.

  11. Sam Smith hooking up with Rihanna or Arianna? Isn't Sam gay? Robbie Williams and Arianna?

  12. See that loudmouthed asshole at the bar? that's you on coke.

  13. I don't know. Despite all the bad stuff I hear about coke, the high that people get from it must be amazing for them to keep sucking up it up like that.

    The Weekend sure keeps himself busy. He was also pumping Selena Gomez not that long ago. I mean, with coke. Well...

  14. coke is treated coal. Coke technology was invented in the UK. Coal in the UK is mined in Wales. Anthony Hopkins is from Wales, and he is a shy person. Coke can mean cock. Shy people usually have a very big cock. Big cock likes big ass. Big ass = big blast furnace for coal. Big ass at Jennifer Lopez, who came from Puerto Rico, whose aborigines were considered exterminated, but they were in fact assimilated by European settlers. Assimilate = to eat. Usually with great satisfaction eat tacos. Taco and Lopez are Latin American tricks. The Latin American is Shia LaBeouf, who wanted to tie a camera to his cock (coke) in the background of the trio of Nympho! Shia LaBeouf likes to sing songs when drunk drunk, like Anthony Hopkins. Jennifer Lopez sang songs.
    The woman is Jennifer Lopez.
    The man is La Béf or Hopkins. To find out for sure, you need to measure the length of their coke to find out if it's suitable for the blast furnace Jennifer Lopez.

  15. Never tried coke and never wanted to. An ex-boyfriend of mine was hooked on crack and that was horrible! I tried speed once and ended up re-arranging furniture all night, cleaning, and couldn't sleep because of grinding teeth!
    Even weed doesn't agree with me, the one time I tried it (for pain relief) I felt sick and dizzy!

  16. Coke whores are so flighty. Hook up saturday & they call or text Mon/Tues in the middle of the day, trying to hook up again. Text or call em Thurs, trying to set something up for Fri/Sat, and ya never hear from em again.

  17. @Stupid Monkey, you're one trippy individual.

    This blind is about Katy Perry and The Weeknd. They recently had dinner together at Mateo. Arrived separately, left separately. Y'all know how much those two lurve their marching powder.

    Katy looked fine with her terrible hair, but Abel looks like he needs rehab, a bit strung out and his pallor is off.

  18. Barbra Streisand and William Hung for the win!

  19. Everyone loves good coke!. It really hates you tho. Worst relationship ever. Lol
