Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Blind Item #6

This former A list teen actor from back in the day who is in the news a lot is thisclose to having his wife dump him because she is tired of him yelling at her when she doesn't bring home someone to have sex with while he watches.


  1. Yes Cory's married!

  2. All that abuse would leave some twisted desires, but even so.....THERAPY! Don't palm your shit off onto someone else and then cry victim.

    Of course it might not be CF, but who else does this fit?

  3. Has to be Feldman.. he may be naming abusers but where did he get the idea to have his own parties with the angels where the dudes pay money to get in... I hope some of that 10 mill he asked for the movie also includes a large allocation for mental health services.

  4. Shithead LaDouche is married too. I'm going with him and Mia.

  5. Brian Austin Green and Megan Fox
