Sunday, November 05, 2017

Blind Item #5

This permanent A++ list celebrity/host/sometime reporter is giving money to a place which is just being used to launder the cash of the religious sect.


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  2. ? Can we get a little background on Ron Clark/his "not for profit" middle school presuming this is the target of the BI? Some sort of Co$ front or some other cult?


    On Friday, the school celebrated its tenth anniversary - and some big names were in town to help commemorate the occasion.

    Oprah made an appearance in Atlanta on Friday to celebrate the Ron Clark Academy’s tenth anniversary – and make a major donation to the nonprofit middle school.

    The highlight of the evening was when the media mogul gave $5 million to the school. 11Alive got the chance to speak with Oprah about why the school is so close to her heart.

    A little bit of everything happened on Friday night as the school, its students and supporters celebrated a major milestone – its tenth year. A major supporter in that group was Oprah herself who believes that the school and students there are going to change the world.

  3. ugh -- the comment at the end that oprah "believes that the school and students there are going to change the world." sounds like co$ thinking. also like oprah's inflated-sense-of-herself thinking. she's hardcore buddies with john travolta and a sucker for every new self-help guru. can she be this dumb? could scio be threatening to out her for something secret?

  4. Well she's a long "rumored" lesbian, but really who cares. I think back in the (reporter) days she was also a crack fiend?

  5. Oprah has been shilling for COS for years,not officially a member,but remember the softball Travolta and Cruise interviews, it could only be cover for gay rumors. Why anyone would care now,I don't know,but maybe to protect others,like Gail and Stedman ? Also, old Ted C fans, remember a story about her groping another Woman in an unwanted manner?

  6. I'm an old Ted C reader but missed this somehow

  7. Oh oprah, $5mil??? So flashy and so wrong. Change the world-Your world will change when you are brokefrom giving away your moola. I mean, its her money and she do what she wants, but i hate to see people get duped

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  9. @guesser

    Ted C!!!! Miss him! Has anyone heard from him in ages? Star Magazine had a funny but nameless blind tabloid gossip columnist who had awesome juice in the late 80’s/early 90’s...Then there was Ben Widdicombe aka the “Gatecrasher,” and the husband/wife team from the NY Post - George Rush and Joanna Molloy, Liz Smith (she still alive?) and Cindy Adams. Gatecrasher had the BEST blinds, to me...Anyone else have a favorite that I missed?!?

  10. @Pink Palace, the last I heard Ted was running an art Gallery. How about the Hollywood Kids,I think that's what they were called,they did funny,obvious blinds on Joan Rivers show. Unfortunately, I believe they both died of AIDS related illnesses.

  11. At first I was thinking Greta Van S., but I agree that Oprah seems to better fit this blind.

  12. Oprah's always sold pseudo-science theories to the idle so COS isn't much of a stretch.
