Thursday, November 30, 2017

Blind Item #5

This permanent A list mostly movie actress has always been closeted. She has always put her boyfriends front and center, but the women in her life have never seen the light of day with her anywhere near them. Apparently though, her latest boyfriend got her female lover of the past couple years, pregnant. This should all be very interesting.


  1. Now this is what I call gossip.

    Good guess Tricia. Bet you're right.

    1. Thanks Austin.
      She’s a really great person- wish her happiness and I hope this isnt true😰

  2. Just one big happy family.

  3. Maybe they wanted him to be a sperm donor?

  4. @Tricia - I am newish here; were/are you in the industry or around the industry?

    1. Yes@Khaleesi... and the good ones are few and far between-but she’s one.

    2. Halle Berry is a good one too.

  5. Yeah.. or at least as Dog mom suggested, hope it's a plan to add to her brood.

  6. Charlize Theron

  7. I LOVE Sandra Bullock. This is sad if true. The closet is a very sad and dark place to be. At least she hasher kids. But still

  8. Never would've thought of Sandra Bullock. Wow...

  9. I dont know, Wouldn't there be an oscar winner tag in the comment if it was Sandra?

  10. @Dogmom: Hmmm, maybe getting someone else pregnant as a "surrogate" for Sandra????

  11. Is this just a guess or have there been rumors about Sandy? Her ex seems a weird choice for a beard. Plus she's so famous and rich that she has no need to be in a closet. She's doing a lot of comedy lately and not the rom coms that might require that kind of pretense. I don't see why she couldn't be out and proud even in a low key way like Jodie Foster.

  12. Personally don't care if anyone is gay, bi, trans, whatever, but I would think that Sandra Bullock would have the balls to come out. Why would she stay in the closet...I mean she isn't the rom-com type, so it shouldn't really matter to her pr peeps if she came out. I can understand her pr people wanting her to stay in the closet if she was like a Meg Ryan and just starred in romantic comedies, but she isn' what's the issue?

  13. Guess she does't want to come out, in fear of ending that america's sweetheart image.

  14. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Charlize, Emma Watson, scarlette? I don't think Sandra Bullock at all. She was married... no mention of husband in the blind.

  15. @Truthseeker, I think the 'permanent A list actress' category assumes that, and didn't want to make the answer too too obvious. Of course it's hard to throw Tricia off the scent, lol

  16. @M Ag, never heard anything about Charlize, Emma, or Scarlett being life long closet lesbians. Sandra yes.

  17. Sandy never puts her bfs "front and center". That Jesse James guy only...and we see how that ended. I don't think it's her.

  18. Chris Evans, Ryan Reynolds, Jesse James, Ryan Gosling, Hugh Grant, Matthew McConaughey, Troy Aikman, Keanu Reeves, and there's more are all pretty front and center without even trying.

    1. And Keanu is rumored to be gay as well. Also, examine where these guys were in the news or their careers. Could be why they fronted with her. I mean she’s adorable.

  19. Agree with her feeling like she could risk her America's Sweetheart brand. She consistently plays leads in rom coms - I'm sure she has reason to believe she wouldn't get roles and/or Americans wouldn't pay to see her in them - if she came out. Maybe in a couple years when she retires

  20. Yeah, she has her kids but I hope that as they grow up, she doesn't lie to them about it. And for some folks, just the act of coming out is really terrifying. When my son came out to me, he felt relieved and wondered why he was scared. Not everyone has a supporting family.

  21. This is sandy, closet rumours for years.

  22. I once read a study that when polled, the only celebrity who enjoys more universal positive feelings than Sandra Bullock is Betty White. She is beloved by everybody. A huge portion of America only needs to hear the word "gay" to kick you permanently off their list of favorites...sad, but true. So I can see the pressure from that standpoint, because at this point she can command whatever she wants and star in a movie about the dumbest things and half of America will still line up to see it. Ridiculous that this is almost 2018 and this is still the case.

  23. But why now? Shes wanted kids for a while, why not enlist a sperm donor or surrogate before adopting? The boyfriend is gorgeous by the way.

  24. There were some stories on the old Gawker website about Bullock when she lived in Austin and was with McConaughey. One poster who knew them back then said Bullock made his life miserable, she was so possessive. She had moved her whole family to Austin thinking he would put a ring on it and he didn't. One funny story. Bullock accompanied McConaughey once when he went to pick up at his favorite dealer. The guy didn't have the good stuff McConaughey wanted so the dealer left the two of them in his house and went out to get it. He came back an hour later and found the two of them screwing in his bed. He was mad because he only had on set of sheets and wound up sleeping in their wet spot all night. LOL!

  25. Shiz gets real when the merkin impregnates your girlfriend.
