Saturday, November 18, 2017

Blind Item #5

Most of the time the mentor to this former A+ list tweener likes to have sex with the women the former tweener has been with. The former tweener knows this. What the former tweener doesn't know is that his on again off again girlfriend did the same thing a year ago when she needed some cash.


  1. Selena G\Bieber\Usher

  2. If Bieber never gave Selena the herp, Usher sure did.

    1. I think she contracted it from Bieb who got it from Usher. So either way you’re right. Usher was the original source.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I thought that fake pastor was Justin B's mentor? Usher hasn't been his mentor in over a decade. I think it's the fake pastor who does drugs w/ JB and has been w/ JB's leftovers and now Selena....
    farfetched? maybe....but so is this fucked up world. nothing surprises, nor phases me anymore.

  5. I think @Glue is right,the Pastor is the one that sleeps with his castouts. I think this means Selena was paid by the Pastor? And I think that Neither Selena or the Pastor want him to know.

  6. +2 glue..the pastor for sure.

    1. And the pastor is probably banging Hailey....not Selena.

  7. The guy is not a fake pastor, but I do believe this blind is stating he is. Hillsong is an incredible church. I do admit that I know a lot more about the Australian home church vs. the US satellite branches, but since Beiber has gotten more heavily involved, I have done a little research on the US branch. My bonus kid attends the AUS home church, which is why I know about Hillsong to begin with.

  8. It would be Hailey. Selena would not have cash problems.

  9. Gross all the way around....

  10. @Pink_Palace - Hillsong is "incredible" all right...Brian Houston, the original founder of Hillsong (and father of its current leader) is a confirmed serial pedophile, and his son concealed it for years.

    It's a shady ass cult.

  11. $cio is an incredible religion too, incredible that anyone believes and follows that shit.

  12. wow Did someone actually post as real a radaronline story? really? Brian Houston's FATHER Frank Houston was a pedophile, and has come out many times saying so, Brian in fact testified against his dad and has said he feels there are many more victims of his father. He has never concealed it. Ever.
    Hillsong is actually an amazing church, Christine Caine and what they do for the sex trafficking trade in Greece and other countries is amazing. All of these more liberal new age churches have many ppl that have had a past, and have overcome them, that is the point. But just wow.

  13. The Hillsong Church is a complete scam. Founded by a paedophile and his enabling son. It makes them MILLIONS of dollars (through compulsory tithing) that do NOT go back into the community. The current leader was hauled before recent Royal Commision into Child Abuse and seriously chastised for failing to report child sex offenders within this church community, including his own father. Bieber is replicating the money spinning business plan in the US. What fool considers Justin Bieber, drug addled, STD infested and generally just a public nuisance as some one to admire and look up to. Bieber has had a long direct connection with the paedo enabling founder of Hillsong and this is entirely a money making scam like all the other Mega Church scams that exist in the US. Hillsong also have connection to Gay Conversion Therapy. Yeah... such a wonderful church NOT. If Christians need Bieber as a role model, I pity their feeble minds.

  14. Just to respond to another claim above, , Brian Hillson did NOT report his paedo father to the police, nor to the members of the church community. Did NOT. His evidence at the royal comisson was incredibly suspect and the Royal Commissioner said so in his summary. Houston come out of the Commision severely admonished and with zero credibility. Facts, people. FACTS.

  15. And if RADAR isn’t to your liking, perhaps a more reputable Fairfax news link is to your liking?

  16. @Truthseeker oookay. if you don't trust Radar, there's a dozen other sources I could post, such as this one:

    Their past support for gay conversion therapy is real. Frank Houston's pedophilia was real, and Brian Houston doing everything he could to cover it up for years is real. Fuck them and their tax-exempt, hipster prosperity gospel "church".

    Like @Ben Wilson said, they're a scam just like all the other megachurches in the US.

  17. 1st post: Nothing drives me nuts more than these phoney pastors. What a travesty.

  18. Radar online is part of national Enquired and pro Trump. No respect for them.most of it is malarkey

  19. I started a response, but am wayyyy too tired to respond tonight.

    @truthseeker, we talked a bit about this last week and that is when I did more research on the Americas (North and South) pastor. Plus, we talked to my bonus kid as well.

    I always forget his name - the US Hillsong Pastor, but he went on the View (God Bless Him) and Joy Behar started her attack dog act. He shut her up quite Anyone who gets that “broad” to shut her trap is my hero/ine. JK but you ALL know what I mean She is about as entertaining as Kathy Griffin or Lena Dunham these days. I used to love her, but these days I can’t go near that show!!

    We are in spiritual warfare right now and you can see plenty in Hollywood alone. Our world is in a sad state.

    I am a Christian who walks the walk and who tries not to preach, but it might sound like I am tomorrow as I will compare a cult to a big church. I apologize in advance, because I will not be trying to —which is why I am putting more thought into what I share. I want to make sure it comes across as loving vs. preaching. Sure, we have fake pastors out there, but the guys @ Hillsong are the real deal. None of us are w/o sin, so we are ALL fallible and make mistakes, including pastors, but Hillsong and other “megachurches” are NOT a cults, just because they are so big!! Quite the opposite! They may believe in things that you don’t such as gay conversion therapy - but that does not mean they are hypocritical or fake.

  20. Definitely too tired to be typing as I just deleted my own post - it disappeared, and I signed myself out. I was talking not talking about my personal views when it comes to conversion therapy. We knew my nephew was gay by the time he turned 3. He came out 2 years ago. I am sure some of you think I must be a “Bible thumper” now, but my hubby and I were the only ones in the family who accepted him from the start....

  21. I've been close to high ups and run not exactly with but pretty close to the big dogs in the mega church/prosperity gospel movement.

    I trust no one and nothing about Hillsong or any of them.

  22. All organised religions are money spinning scams. The Catholic Church being the biggest. The higher up you go, the more shit they're covering up.

    By all means trust your congregation, your priest, your pastor, whatever they call themselves, but with healthy skepticism against human frailty.

    I'm not religious, but I've attended events organised by churches where the goodness is shining off some people. And I have friends who are very religious and better people for it. But people in power don't get there by acts of kindness or spirituality.

  23. @Pink Palace
    Hillsong Church may be "wonderful" where you are, but you cannot compare a church in Australia (or anywhere else in the U.S.) with a Hollywood church. Hollywood makes its own rules, regulations and bible theories to fit their sick sexual drug-fueled and sometimes-pedophiliac agenda. So, while I applaud you for standing up for what you believe in, just because hillsong in AUS is great, does NOT mean the one in Hollywood is great.

    Defend your church in AUS all you want. No issues there, but when you claim that a Hollywood church is on the up and up just because the same name church in Aus is on the up and up, then you have blinders on. In the bible, God tells you to be vigilant "the devil roams around like a roaring lion waiting to devour..." that fake pastor is the devil (and yes, he's fake because he's preaching one thing but doing another behind closed doors) and ready to devour young girls of their innocence and drugs.

  24. SellyG needs to get into sitcoms. Once she gets one to syndication, she won't have to whore out her tender vittles for cash. Invest the sitcom money, record/tour when yer not shooting and use that money to live/piss away. If she would just have sex with me and let me keep her drugged up enough to control her life, it would be much easier for her.

  25. I'd say Scooter Braun is more likely to be Bieber's mentor, not Carl Lentz or Usher

  26. @Laura, plus one. He was my first thought.

    Whatever the case or rather whoever the case, it's all SOOOOOOOOO disgusting. They're ALL shattered people. So much abuse, giving and taking.

    They have free will, they can walk away...
