Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Blind Item #5

This singer who got her start online is probably B/B- list here, but overseas she is A-/B+ list. Lots of you probably have never heard of her but in Europe, she is pretty big. Still a teen. When she was 16, her still manager made her have sex so they could "seal the deal."


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  2. I posted my answer to the blind, but deleted it immediately after. I don't feel good about outing a victim. How about we OUT the asshole manager and NOT the victim?!

  3. Amen @Glue.

    The shame is not hers. Name him!

  4. Famous overseas but not here brings back memories of London in the 60s when I lived & worked there. There were super famous, super beloved TV actors who were on the front page of every tabloid every week that I had never heard of!It's amazing how they don't even make a blip on the US radar. Two weeks after arriving my roommate took me to a friend's flat for a little get together. Nothing special. Sat on the sofa with a guy who was attractive but not my type. We talked about odds and ends and he asked for my phone number. Lied and told him I had moved to London to be with my boyfriend. He shrugged and eventually left with a male friend. My roommate came over and asked me if I had set up a future date. Told her he wasn't my type. She turned red in the face and screamed, "That was Eric Clapton, you twit!" Well, no one ever said I was MENSA material.

    1. I love that story!

    2. Love stories like this. Are you DianaVonTjirtsyBird? She used to have stories like this all the time. I live for her stories! 👩🏻🍂

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  7. Hey, there's no point in dating someone you aren't into, no matter who it is!

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