Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Blind Item #5

This alliterate flash in the pan former A+ lister dumped that crazy religion of hers back during the peak fame days when she caught a guy pleasuring himself while she was supposed to be unburdening so to speak. When she complained, a person there said it was her fault and that she should plan on signing up for $100K worth of courses to make up for it.


  1. Replies
    1. And Scientology I guess

    2. Isn't all organized religion a cult?. Sorry God fearing types but damn, the oldest scam in the book.

    3. I think there’s an element of that in most ... but Scio is other level Whacked

    4. Agree, but if you stop going to church or temple, they dont follow you home,govthrunyour garbage, post flyers around the neighborhood that you are a pedophile or a hooker, call you with abusive phone messages, forbid anyone in church or temple to speak to you, so yeah, whole other layer of crazy and dangerous going on there.

  2. Looks like Scientologists are always right, and they have solution to everything lmao

  3. I don't understand people who fall for cults!

  4. That's because it starts slow. It's not like here's all the crazy on the first day. Christian churches do the same thing. Love bomb new members basically, make you feel special & welcome & part of something bigger than and then ask for percentage of your earnings. Scientology just has psuedo science behind it at the start instead of pretty songs & sermons.

  5. After nearly 20 years since he passed away, and +/-30 years since Sci-o tried to recruit me, I still don't hate my dad/father!

  6. I've never been gang stalked or forced into pay to play schemes as a Christian. If I didn't like the church, I would simply leave, and I never worried for my safety. Most organized religion is a scam, but Scientology is criminal in their abuse.

  7. To the person who can't understand why people join cults...they don't tell you everything all at once, as Remini and Paul Haggis have said. In the beginning the cult seems so nice and friendly and for someone who's an outsider and has never fit in,as Haggis said on Remini's show, it seems like a dream come true. It's not until much later that you start seeing the truth. And yes Christian churches do very much the same thing, especially the fundie ones...I've been to plenty of churches that use the same kinds of techniques Scientology and other cults do.

    1. They also have "starter" organisations not explicitly named/associated with Scientology. They're hippy-hippie kumbaya and they advertise To recruit on mental health website and where troubled people go looking for help. They prey on the weak and vulnerable.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Leaving Scientology is as easy as leaving Islam. Just a bit less dangerous.

  10. Priscilla Presley. - Scientology. And ewww!

  11. Juliana - for the win!
