Sunday, November 05, 2017

Blind Item #4

This permanent A list mostly television actor has been an a-hole off screen for his entire career. One of the bigger ever to grace films or television. Just constant a-holery. He knows he is in for it with what he has done to women. I wrote about him last week and what he did with Toback. Now he is just doubling down and the pain for him is going to be twice as bad when it all comes out. I know he is threatening and berating some of those in his past to stay quiet. I hope they have the courage to speak.


  1. First choice Duchovny
    Second choice Rob Lowe since he got caught on video with underaged girls (which he shot himself)

  2. I knew someone who used to work with Duchovny, they said he was great to work with.

  3. I would not call Baldwin "mostly television".

  4. This is Baldwin. He just took a Twitter holiday after berating some of the women accusing Weinstein, etc.

  5. If this is Alec Baldwin, is anyone surprised?! He comes off as a complete asshole.

  6. Alec Asshole Baldwin, duh!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Alec Baldwin. He also tore into Anthony Bourdain, then took a Twitter holiday.

  9. Alec basically said that Rose McGowan was partly responsible for Harvey's reign of terror by taking a $100,000 settlement and keeping quiet. That brought in Asia Argento, and Bourdain (who are a pair, supposedly?), mentioning the documentary that Baldwin did with James Toback and Roman Polanski. Things went downhill from there, and Alec finally bowed out. He won't be gone for long, of course.

  10. Another fake liberal all Predator.

  11. Would not surprise me if it's Alec Baldwin. I know someone who met him a few years back and said he was a complete asshole. I can't recall the details, but the person I knew was a business owner and had some dealing with Baldwin where he was a dick. Granted the guy I know/knew (okay, he's an ex of mine) was a total Type-A dominant type himself, but he dealt with other celebrities like LL Cool J, Eminem, etc., and had no problems with them, and Alec was an ass.

  12. He took down the personal account but kept the attack up from his foundation one.

  13. Alec Baldwin, currently making an arse of himself attacking Rose McGowan and throwing hissies on Twitter.

  14. absolutely alec baldwin

  15. Bourdain is straight? That is a surprise to me. He always comes across like a bitter old gay dude. Yep, Baldwin is a master of douchebaggery. His career is handing on by a thread now....seriously how much longer will he do the same tired old skits about Trump on SNL? I hope his victims speak up. I would love to see him go down.

  16. How many public instances of complete douchebaggery has Alec Baldwin been involved in, starting with calling his then 12 or 14 year old "a thoughtless, fucking little pig!"? He's a total a-hole with serious anger management issues.

  17. 1000% Alec Baldwin. And tbh it's good timing too because Alec needs to be exposed. If that blind that Enty or Entern posted is true...

  18. I never understand how washed-up old bloatbags like Baldwin continue to work. He's fat and unfit, his features are bloated so much his eyes resembles a pig's, he's self-aggrandizing. aggressive and difficult ... and I don't know anyone who'd ever watch anything simply because he was in it. What's he still doing on our screens? If he were an older actress he'd never work again in that state.

  19. Baldwin also got away with serious homophobic slurs and acts of violence that would sink other careers. Someone had his back, and he is acting out because those people are being taken down.

  20. Loved Argento posting a pic of Asshole sitting around with Polanski and Toback, and Baldwin then unable to defend himself. He is the worst kind of sniveling weasel.

    Thank you Anthony Bourdain, 100% support Asia, Rose, Corey, Anthony Rapp, and the thousands of others.

  21. Has to be Alec Baldwin, no? After the last 15 years or so, I'd definitely say he's "mostly television," and his asshole behavior (beating paparazzi, berating his daughter, threatening Kim Basinger, etc) is well-known.

  22. alec baldwin is in jeffrey epstein's little black book:

    and an interesting article explaining it:

    don't get turned off/thrown off by "pizzagate" in the url.

  23. here's an unredacted transcript of epstein's little black book (that was stolen by his butler, containing a list of epstein's important contacts, clients for his pedophilia and prostitution ring and the names of girls). only the contact info was removed.

    other names in here i hadn't noticed before include princess diana's brother, charles spencer; andre balazs (uma thurman's current partner...does this explain her reticence to tell her harvey weinstein stories?); david blaine; richard branson; edgar bronfman; candace bushnell and jimmy buffet. and that's just going through the a's and b's.

    some of these are hopefully just social contacts. but he's a shady guy to be socializing with. just sayin'.

  24. forgot to post the link to the epstein little black book transcript:

  25. flavio briatore (see today's blind item #1) is also in epstein's little black book.

  26. @justsaying ...

    Hmm, spotted Matthew Freud in there. PR company boss. Highly significant. Matthew is the son of noted and now dead British establishment pedophile and rapist of many little girls Clement Freud and was specifically sent to Portugal to handle the Madeline McCann abduction case by PM Tony Blair in 1997.

    Clement Freud, daddy of Matthew, had a house in the same resort as the McCann abduction and made a point of befriending the McCanns during the investigation. Used to invite them over and book them meals (one of Clement's careers had been as a famous chef). Cant help thinking he, a pedophile with many victims and perhaps contacts in the pedo scene in that area of Portugal, was trying to see what the McCann's knew. Seeing Matthew Freud's name right there in pedophile Epstein's book .. join the dots.

  27. that's terrifying rinky...especially as tony blair is in the little black book as well. (don't know how i blinked past that name earlier.)

  28. @Rinky - just a minor point: Madeleine McCann wasn't abducted in 97. It was May 2007. But Blair was still in power (until June 07). Not a nice thought at all though.

    Sickening how many people only maintain their position in the public eye (and in lucrative careers) by mutual dirt sharing.

  29. Baldwin. He knows what's coming and he's preparing the field by admitting to have been abusive and sexist. Of course he was a lot more than just that. He worked with Tobach

  30. Bring back
    Darrell Hammond on
    SNL for the Trump impersonation
    Dump Baldwin

  31. i agree, b626...darrell hammond's already there as the announcer. or hire anthony atamanuik from the brilliant "the president show" on comedy central. (it will never happen, baldwin is livid over atamanuik's success and snl loves baldwin's butt.)

  32. @mrs_meat ... yep, yo are correct, it was 2007. My mistake there. The rest still stands though. Matthew was sent by Blair to act as the McCann's 'media liaison' and his father Clement was a pedophile and rapist with a holiday home in the area who befriended the McCanns post-abduction.

  33. @just sayin', those links and logs are hard to comprehend, but everyone on there isn't necessarily a pedo I would hope. Is "AP" Al Pacino? It would make sense with his low profile travel but he doesn't strike me as a predator. My brain hurts just trying to figure out how to print it. Is this Epstein fuck only free so that he can pay off victims? Hope they clean his ass out. It's revolting. I really can't believe the FBI or other agencies haven't been watching these creeps if this is happening.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. zophie enzo: no, i agree, some of them are business & social contacts. the most important names to look into are circled on the photocopy of epstein's little black book. there are numerous blogs that name them all with a lot of background research.

    to my mind, the most important circled name is "donald trump". as you point out, epstein walks free. donald trump appointed alexander acosta to his cabinet as secretary of labor. alexander acosta was the miami u.s. attorney who prosecuted and later settled epstein's criminal case. part of that bizarre plea deal protected all known epstein associates from later criminal prosecution.
