Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Blind Item #3

This A+ list mostly movie actor is driving producers crazy with his wishy washiness about continuing to play a superhero in various movies. I'm sure they would love to replace him because no one likes him as the character but it would cost them a bunch of money and they would have to quickly find a replacement.


  1. CDAN Poster boy Ben Affleck?

  2. I agree with the Ben Affleck as Batman guesses. I never liked him in the role. It was odd choice then and it's odd now.

  3. RJD has been talking about giving up Ironman since summertime. With the Avengers franchise a cash cow, that would fit.

  4. I don't think RDJ fits the "no one likes him as the character" description.

  5. People like RDJ as Ironman though, so that part doesn't fit. Totes Affleck.

  6. Batfleck was a disaster before he even started. No one wanted him to play the role, and now that he's done it (sort of), he proved everyone right. Add to the fact that his personal & professional reputations are forever trashed and getting worse every day, and it's a problem that's only going to multiply.
    They'd be smart to replace him and save the character arc. It would go a long way with fans if they got someone nerd-approved.

  7. Def Ben Affleck since i saw an article this morning that said he was making a suggestion that he may not play Batman much longer. I dont care either way, for me, there is only one Batman, and that is Michael Keaton.

    1. Truthseeker, why did they even get rid of Keaton? I enjoyed Christian Bale in the latter series but Keaton, while an odd choice @ first, was amazing!! I also liked Jack Nicholson’s Joker and Heath Ledger’s. Very different styles, but they both drew me in.

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  9. it's not hugh jackman, who everyone loves as wolverine, plus he already left that role. but i mention him because bryan singer essentially made his career. if hugh knows things, as a "family man", i'd hope he would to talk. especially if he is in a fatal battle with skin cancer...what does he have to lose?

  10. Prior to Affleck, Batman was the one DC franchise I would watch and he put a stop to that.

    I hope this is him and he walks.

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  12. People love mark ruffalo and evans as hulk and cap. Has tone batffleck.

  13. @Pink_Palace I agree. I am not a big superhero person, but Michael Keaton for me is just it. Everything about him in that film was perfect. I was not a fan of Bales in the 1st movie at all, his voice drove me nuts, like he was trying to be Darth Vader. lol, but I would have to agree he was the 2nd best choice of the current movie Batmans. Jack Nicholson was amazing, and Heath's performance was so dark but to me really great, I just watched that one a few nights ago. Such a waste of talent with that one.
    If I recall, Keaton hated the script for the 3rd Batman so turned it down.

  14. Adam west will always be the best batmen.

  15. Oh please be affleck, i cant stand him. Fire his ass!!

  16. well @longtimereader I realize that the true fans will prefer Adam West. Being as I was a kid in the 70s and did not like superhero shows, I did not watch him, i have seen it a few times in reruns, and I am sorry, I just did not like it. I liked the old western style shows, Lone Ranger, and anything with Robert Conrad in it, or even the Rifleman.
    I pointed out in my comment that I was giving my choice as the best Batman for the current movie era Batmans as I was not a fan of the old show.

  17. My assumption is that the BI is about Affleck. That said, I feel compelled due to my pedantic nature to point out that his casting was roundly criticized and the version of Batman presented by BvS was criticized but Affleck's actual performance was roundly *appluaded* by critics and fan community alike as the best thing in that movie with the possible exception of Wonder Woman.

  18. Oh, and again if it is Affleck it's pretty much an open secret that he is out as Batman but the studio wants him to hold off on announcing the decision until after Justice League has run it's course to avoid any negative impact on the box office.

  19. I too hope that this is Ben Affleck. Definitely not RDJ. Anyone who has read the comic book series, knows that RDJ is Tony Stark IRL.

    Sorry Truth Seeker & Pink Palace, I prefer the Bale/Ledger combo. While I realize that Batman is a comic book character, Keaton as Batman & Nicholson as Joker was more comedy than dark drama. Also, Keaton didn't have the looks to pull off the golden-boy Bruce Wayne facade.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Wait, what? How is RDJ "Tony Stark IRL"? Isn't he just another random Hollywood actor dude? Someone enlighten me, please? 👩🏻☕️🔍

      I thought Elon Musk and his clunky outdated hardware (it's called "astral projection", Elon) was the real-life Iron Man?

  20. I dont know why they want a drunk associated with their films. Affleck needs serious help.

  21. Whatever money it cost, it would be worth it for them to dump him. And worth ten times that amount to ditch Zack Snyder for good. Wonder Woman would've been an even better movie if he hadn't been mostly responsible for the shit third act.

  22. The only A+ lister playing a superhero who's not likable at the moment is Affleck. Which you all know that JL is the last time he plays the role and a new Batman has been already picked months ago by WBros. He's just way too problematic for a family oriented franchise which should earn billions to the studio. Not only his addiction and family trouble but now also the sex harassment scandal and his former link to his sexual harasser brother too. So they just forced Ben to rehab and damage control PR op ahead of JL and then he'll be publicly fired and the new Batman announced. My guess is Armie Hammer.

  23. @Scandi Sanskrit, Tony Stark is a drug-addled alcoholic in the comics. RDJ is clean now, but he used to be a mess.

  24. Agree that it's Affleck. Definitely not RDJ, and although Evans has talked about not wanting to do CA forever, he's much loved by the fans. As for Keaton leaving the role, he absolutely hated Schumacher's script and even turned down $15 million to appear in Batman Forever, back when that was still real money (although not a fraction of the approximately $66 million that Nicholson made for getting a cut of the gross of the first movie).

  25. Batman v Superman would have been a much better movie if either a) Ben directed it but not starred in it (it would have been a great suspense/mystery because imo he really kicks ass in that genre), or b) let him act with a better director guiding him. And if the movie was written better.

    Having said that, T B75, Armie Hammer is a nice choice.

    The one thing I truly wish they would leave alone is Batman's voice. Hated it when Christian Bale had to talk like that, and hated it in Batman v Superman. Cripes, if Superman can get away with wearing glasses as a disguise then they don't need to change Batman's voice.

  26. @Pink_Palace Keaton told the execs and co that 'taking batman into bigger bolder more bad guys and less dark' was wrong and the opposite direction is should go.. they said no, so he wanted out.

    Keaton was awesome batman.. as was Bale. the rest inbetween needs to be scrubbed from all memory and history as a blight against humanity.

    Yes even worse than Batfleck..

    could be Thor/Hemsworth... as he is quite anti-hollywood atm.. tho hes a great Thor..and got his wish to make 3rd one good. so I doubt its Hemsworth.
    downey jr is perfect iron-man and its perfect for him since he doesnt need to follow the muscle building the rest have to do.
    Evans doesn't wanna be Capt much more..

    Batfleck does look like the top choice.
