Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Blind Item #2

Not something you really expect from her, but this foreign born A- list mostly movie actress probably deserves to be B+ list at this point. She used to be A list. Has an alliteration for a name. Anyway, apparently a few years ago she got into a property dispute with someone and tried to hire a hit man to kill the neighbor. I know, I know. It was over a tree or something. Apparently then the man who she tried to hire, died, leaving police no case.


  1. Or Keira Knightly

  2. Asia Argento?

    Keira Knightly is actually a really good guess. Bloody hell. I can't imagine it though. I used to live in the same area in London as her, saw her all the time. But back then she didn't have a house, just a flat.

    1. I agree .. seems far reaching but the ratings kinda fit

  3. Wow. Makes me think she missed her calling. Should have joined the mafia instead of acting.

    That being said, have no idea who it could be in this blind item.

  4. I thought the long standing tree feud between Marisa Tomei's parents and next door neighbor Sean Lennon was hard to comprehend, but this.. wow.

  5. Is it me, or does a lot of the blinds lately seem a little far fetched?????

    1. Far fetched blinds? Honey, most are just fan fic and are just posted for entertainment. If you rely on truth in celebrity gossip, you're gonna have a bad time.

  6. @Hannah, this one really doesn't. Recall that Sen. Rand Paul's next door neighbor, a doctor, attacked him out of nowhere last Sunday over a property dispute. He's got 5 broken ribs and I don't know what all.

  7. This actually sounds like Minnie Driver, who has an on-going battle with her neighbor...but, her name is not alliterative.

    Maybe @Montana's guess. Wasn't there a blind about Amy Adams being weirdly obsessed with another actress awhile back?

  8. I'm not sure either Gal Gadot or Amy Adams can count as someone who deserves to go down from A to B+ at this point?

    If it's Keira Knightley though, then the clue of alliteration would be a mistake - The K in her surname is silent.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hannah, in the past I probably would agree w/ you, but now? It's becoming clearly evident that truth is so much stranger (and worse) than fiction.

  11. Anonymous7:44 AM

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  12. @FredLeBlanc,except everyone here knew for years about HarveyW and Kevin Spacey, also many others turned out to be true. The fan fiction blinds tend to out themselves by repetition and the usual suspects in the comments.

  13. They should've hired Rand Pauls neighbor. And just out of curiosity, does anyone else think there's more to that story that we're not being told.

  14. @Bubbles, I thought the same thing. Though I would punch Rand just for generally being Rand.

  15. If anything, Gal Gadot's star is on the upswing, so I doubt it's her.

  16. Catsup: Yes, I remember Enty said Amy Adams was obsessed with Jessica Alba,of all people.

  17. Bubbles - it is Kentucky, so it is perfectly explainable...I joke. I am from FL and live in GA, the state that brought you Honey Boo Boo...

    Only thing I like about Rand Paul is that his wife is the cousin of my best friend’s hubby. Other then that, I don’t know much.

    Paul better be happy that it happened on the wknd, because, this can’t be so cut and dry. Politics rarely is...



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