Saturday, November 25, 2017

Blind Item #2

Even though this still under age celebrity offspring who is probably a B list celebrity on her own, just had an abortion, her parents still have not forbidden her from seeing her double her age bodyguard.


  1. Willow Smith. Sad, if true. But, I thought she was gay.

  2. I think it’s hard to be 100% of your sexuality at any time of life, but even more so when you are a teenager.

    I also don’t think Will and Jada have been particularly good parents.

  3. Supposedly she's dating rapper Tyler Cole

  4. Replies
    1. Although Willow Smith is a better guess

  5. Willow Smith was the first one I thought of.

    Wasn't it rumored she's been down that road before?

  6. @Nutty-Flavor. Bullshit.

    1. Soooo ok...this is sometimes a touchy subject but I think Nutty flavor does have a point, in that being a teenager can be a very confusing time, and theres sometimes a certain ambiguity with sexuality and experimentation.

      I dont think it was a statement saying EVERYONE'S sexuality is ALWAYS changing and "fluid" (I believe that's a very popular phrase now days?)
      Nutty flavor is probably more accurate than not, especially with parents like that

  7. Article in today's NY Post, Willow Smith thinks she's had a terrible life:

  8. *yesterday's Post

  9. Depression is common after an abortion. Having weak ass parents does not help..

  10. we don't know how many of their parents secrets these kids have had to sit on. i'd guess they know everything. that's creepy. tho they're spoiled and were raised to be very odd and pretentious, i give them a pass for having had to beard for their parents their whole lives.

  11. Well Will has long been known to be on the DL/DTF anything while Jada is the bull dike, and theirs is a mutual bearding arrangement that is quite the open secret. Then there was the recent New Orleans House of Horrors BI that hinted at him getting caught on film with tween boys and hence a $7MM “donation”/blackmail payment to a SuperPAC. All “allegedly”. 😉.

  12. Willow Smith is B-List?

  13. Willow showed signs of depression for years and her parents make everything worse. Remember, they are unofficial Scio, and they knew what's going on with the parents. They are probably not getting her treatment. A lot of people on certain sites insult her and her brother unmercifully, even when they were very young. I didn't hear about the recent payoff,but I remember he was first choice in a blind about a payoff to someone injured in a violence sex act.

  14. @Rosie riveter - I agree with you and Nutty Flavor.

  15. i agree, guesser, letting scientology be an influence on their children made things even weirder. here's the message i've seen:

    "ok kids, mommy and daddy are gay, but we don't admit it publicly, and we want you to be your own true individual selves as well...i'ts fine to have sex as soon as it interests you, but never admit to any gay feelings, which are great if that's who you are, but don't ever admit it. also we're working hard to make ourselves into superhumans using this cool scio technology, which you are to use, but we're not going to admit publicly that we're involved in it. also, it doesn't work, and mommy and daddy are still gay, but we want you to lie to the world about that and pretend that we're all not only perfect in this family, but SUPER special, okay?"

  16. I wonder if her parents even know? Isn't she living on her own now (or might as well be)?

  17. lol @ just sayin' - Exactly. Couldn't have said it better.

  18. @just saying,and add to that they are mostly uneducated, and who knows how bad,her depression is. The things she says publicly could be a cry for help.

  19. thanx glue! i agree guesser...teen depression is nothing to fool around with, and her idiot parents are probably psychiatry-phobic. and of course are bad-publicity-phobic. it's "tough" for scientologists when they're adorable beard-prop-children don't grow into perfect scientologists themselves (i'm thinking of tragic jett travolta here, whose death i still find frighteningly suspicious.)

  20. Thanks for the backup, @Rosie and @Kimberly. I also have several adult friends who identified as gay (or identified as straight) until - whoops! - they met someone special and fell in love. Surprise, surprise.

  21. @Chip, the kid is B list, not the celeb parents.

    Will and Jada are a mess---individually and as a couple. These kids are beard kids. The love and parenting that children need likely just isn't there.

  22. IF this is true of an underage person, it is not something to talk about. There should be limits.

  23. @Itttt - Frank Ocean is one of Will Smith's on-off lovers. Or at least he used to be.

  24. Amen Just Sayin' and Guesser. Having been involved in education (peripherally) with the pre-teen and teen age group for almost 20 years, it seems to me that it's more prevalent now than it used to be. The Smiths have always struck me as hands off parents, which leaves Willow to figure it out on her own. That could be a disaster waiting to happen.

  25. I just saw a photo of Willow Smith on another site. Her eyes are so sad. It looks like she is just dead inside. That photo haunts me. They say the eyes are the mirrors of the soul, and she is far too young to have such an"old" soul.

  26. It’s gaslighting. She knows something is wrong but everyone is lying to her. Emotional abuse. That’s what happens to beard kids. Did not know about Frank Ocean. I like his music. As a rule sexuality should be declared at voting age, eighteen. These kids cali g themselves bi, tran and pan don’t know what they are talking about.
