Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Blind Item #1

This B list mostly television actress who stars in one of the biggest almost television shows has always suffered from an eating disorder. When you meet her in person you think she is going to break every time she takes a step. Not helping is all the coke she takes because she is trying to fit in with her boyfriend and his friends.


  1. easy peasy: Natalia Dyer of Stranger Things and her boyfriend who was just busted for cocaine on his way to GB.

  2. Sidenote: I truly am hoping that she's just one of those girls who is naturally thin and can't gain weight ---- and that this ISN'T an eating disorder. Hoping.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Holy cow, just googled her. Looks like a doll head on the Cryptkeeper.

  5. Is this the actress in another blind who co stars says always smells of vomit?

  6. Natalia is so pretty. But these days she looks so so fragile. She's the person who first comes to mind.

  7. Natalia Dyer.
    Before Stranger Things really took off, she use to follow ED-recovery IGs. She stopped once people took notice. She looks emaciated. Hope she's getting help or continues to do so.

    This is a link of Natalia from 2014. The difference is upsetting.

