Sunday, November 26, 2017

Blind Item #1

Apparently the widow's mother is not above turning in her own child. So, what does the child do? Until the child can figure out how to remove the problem like that former family member who is no longer with us, the child agreed to transfer $50K a month to the mom for life. 


  1. @Tricia Turning her in for what? I stopped reading this site after the format change and returned only recently, so I clearly must have missed a lot of stuff. Did she have something to do with CC's death?

    1. It’s been speculation by entys posts about it-but heavily so.... I don’t know much about her,only what others have written and she seems quite dislikabke and suspect,I guess— I certainly would hope not but who knows—/ such a shame. What a talent... and good guy

  2. Replies
    1. Is is Rosie but such a shame too😰

  3. What is the backstory on this? I was gone during this period, but I heard there were questions surrounding Chris Cornell’s death?? He had some other celebrity’s former bodyguard...

    And then ChesterBennington’s death — his first wife went off on the current wife for excluding her son...I saw those rants...

    Sheesh, I am glad I just liked to get pics (long before vs. autographs and/or more with musicians when I was younger, these wives and exes of rock stars sound like they are a mess!!

    I am truly curious as to what the BI stories are on their deaths and “grieving” widows are

  4. Whose Vicky K? Sorry if I’m being numb. I’ve just recently returned to the blog and I’m still catching up.

  5. @Tricia13 Thanks for the explanation. It did seem weird how all the circumstances were discribed and her part in them, but it never crossed my mind it could be her deliberate doing. Such a loss.

    1. You are welcome and 👍I agree

  6. Cornell died alone in his hotel room after a show though. Vicky wasn't even in the same city, and surveillance video didn't show anyone entering or exiting the suite after his bodyguard left. What can her mother turn her in for?

  7. mag and partygirl - the 3 of us are on the same page...I am just hoping for some details or

    Vicky K is Soundgarden/Chris Cornell’s widow, but I didn’t hear bad things about her til I came back...

    @just saying, do you know?!? Lol

  8. @austing - There was a criminal case in the US recently where a girl was sentenced to 2.5 yrs in prison for encouraging her boyfriend to commit suicide via text messages. She didn't help him physically and was not present on site, but was still found guilty. You can influence vulnerable people that way by what you tell them. That could be the reasons to turn her in, maybe?

    1. Great post and I was so happy to see her charged in that case! When somebody admittedly suffers with depression as Chris did, the right set of circumstances easily could have led to his catastrophic decision that night. What led him to finally say "#nomorebullshit", what was the status of their marriage? If Vicky did play a part in his decision to end his life you can bet your life her mother Toni is privy to it and could use that info to do great harm. I wouldn't put it past her to do it either should any of this be true!

  9. The mind altering meds he was taking
    that wasn’t supposed to be taking before he died
    Vicki was aghast?
    Vicki was complicit.

    1. What mind altering drug? Nothing in his system contributed to death & was within prescribed levels. There's no way for me to upload ss of that. Unless you know of one.

  10. maybe it has something to do with fake charities or were those established after his death?

  11. Maybe the mom is turning VK in for charity fund embezzlement rather than something related to CC's death. Just a thought...

    Im not sold entirely on theories that VK contracted someone to off her husband. Insurance isn't going to pay out for a death that is deemed a suicide, etc. What I AM convinced of, however, is that Vicky drove him to suicide, and made him increasingly more and more miserable and despondent. I believe she threatened to keep the kids from him and paint him as an addict, and reminded him daily that he never had her sign a prenup, and that she would successfully take him to the cleaners. I also believe she and her family bullied or intimidated Chris, also.

    Things had to have been REALLY BAD for him to have left his children...just saying.

    1. Yummy...I agree with every word you wrote 1000%!!

  12. If it is Chris Cornell's ahem, lovely widow, this arrangement is untenable for any length of time. She spent faster than he earned. What little remains will soon be gone as well.

    Then what?

  13. @Mag, thanks. Unless her mother has a recording, it's just a she said/she said unprovable accusation. Paying her mother off is akin to admitting guilt about something, so she's in a much worse position now for doing that. This reads more like a conspiracy theory than actual fact.

    1. I remember that when Grandma published more often on her Instagram account, she insinuated to have videos of security cameras of the house where they lived. He even insinuated having intimate videos. Maybe a video of a discussion that day?. Speculations.
      That lady is capable of anything in her desire for fame and money.

  14. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Many life insurance policies do pay out afer suicide, after a certain time frame (say one year after policy is taken out)

  15. Don't think there's any realistic suggestion that Cornell's death was suspicious or that his now widow was involved. Its more about her exploitation of his death and her dishonest financial dealings that have made her an object of derision.

    One rule in life everyone should follow - never give a cent to celebrity charities. They are almost inevitably useless, wasteful vanity projects at best and total frauds they use as personal slush funds at worst.

    1. Amen on never giving to celebrity charities! Most are corrupt and/or inefficient. There are much more worthy orgs that really give the bulk of donations to those in need.

  16. True, many life insurances DO pay out after a policy is held for over 1-2 years or so (depending on the insurance company) for suicide. I'd love to hear more about this blind. Chris Cornell was a very talented guy. Something does seem odd about the circumstances of his death. At first I thought it was auto erotic asphyxia but perhaps there's even more to the story.

  17. Maybe CC's policy was newer (recently taken out) or exempt from the suicide payout clause period of time, because VK has seemed so adamant to downplay or refuse to acknowledge his death as a straightforward suicide, and has (or had) taken the position that his judgement was impaired from taking prescription drugs. To me, it seemed she was angling to potentially file a prods liability lawsuit against the drug manufacturer, or maybe a malpractice claim against the prescribing physician. I could be wrong though. Time will tell. There are statute of limitations imposing filing deadlines for those sorts of claims.

  18. i know the source isnt the best but possible smoke, fire?

    "a source close to Cornell has come forward claiming that he had uncovered evidence of a "cocaine and child trafficking ring" in Mena, Arkansas, that was tied to Bill and Hillary Clinton.

    Read more at:

    1. Omg. I have officially heard everything now. Give me a break.

  19. No really questioning the VK guess, just wondering if she has the cash to shell out? Weren't there rumblings of cash flow issues? Embezzling $600K off the top of a "charity" is ambitious.

  20. I hope the mother has a bodyguard (and food tester.)

  21. I think she is having trouble collecting on policy I seem to recall her flying here with a lawyer last month to meet with medical examiner to discuss autopsy but showed up so late he skipped

  22. I wish his band members or someone close to him would post more info.. even anonymously. And what's the deal with his ex-wife Susan Silver? She gets thanked multiple times from bands for helping manage them (even from Nirvana when they got inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame) but for whatever reason it seems the new wife had Chris believe Susan was a horrible manager and scamming them. Thoughts?

    1. @victoria, enty and other bloggers insist Vicky was smearing Susan because she wanted to get her hands on the mgmt money.

  23. Yeahhh....I'm not sure I buy the conspiracy theories that he is another suspicious Clinton-related suicide. I truly think this is a straightforward tragic case of an emotionally unstable human being an extremely poor judge of character and making a very erroneous decision in choosing a spouse - and realizing it too late, after a decade plus of marriage and kids, and being in too deep to walk away from it unscathed.

  24. @YummyBoo i knowwww... odd but with all the pedo blinds on this site it came to mind - strange... same story out there about Chester Bennington

  25. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Thinking the MIL could spill all kinds of tea on her daughter. Financial shenanigans involving the Foundation and/or what REALLY happened on the phone that fateful night in Detroit.

  26. since i was not a "fan" of his music - Chris Tomlin is my guy and he is Christian - was Cornell's widow hated BEFORE his death?!?

    funny how the mainstream trashy gossip blogs (tmz/ny post) talk about Chester's widow being a greedy money grubber and his ex wanting his "true friends/family" to be recognized and yet i haven't seen (perhaps i missed something?) about Chris's...

    again, since i didn't follow either band, i don't know who/whom to believe?

  27. @buddha I tell you what happened on the phone . she reads like torrential bitch and pushed him over the edge. she's downplaying suicide out of guilt perhaps (if capable) or more than likely her own ego 'he would never leave *me*' oh and the kids..

    however I do recall hearing some rumblings and/or cryptic messages from final concert that he was signaling it was his final show (ever)

  28. @Pink Palace,Vicky Cornell was much hated by obsessed fans for years,even devoting. blogs to now much she is hated. Her mother was known her non stop bragging of Chris and over sharing personal info and pictures on social media. She once sent him a message saying she loved him more than her own children! This blog had a long blind about Chris and Vicky breaking up,and it stated she and her family will not go quietly. Maybe someone can post a link? As for Chester,it,would take forever to get through his exes and serious mental health issues,but they are well documented,Talinda is the widow,Samantha the first wife but second ex,who is quite a character and has been saying, "the truth will come out",seemingly against Talinda. The blind here was called " The Rock star's Girlfriend "and I belie e it is from Feb.this year.





  29. Apology for typos,tablet acting up again.😦

  30. This blind saddens me. The best concert I have ever been to in my life was when Chris came to Bogarts in Cincinnati. He took requests, told stories, and played for at least an hour longer than scheduled. He made you feel more than appreciated as a fan, by the end of the show you felt like you were his friend. I will never forget that night.

    I hope Vicky rots for her part in his death.


  32. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Can't get over how much Chester Bennington resembles Podesta.

  33. First of all this is he best site. Now I saw CC & this psycho in LA twenty years ago. She possibly had the worst energy I have ever encountered. He looked miserable. I have always wondered why he didn’t leave her sooner.

  34. @Lisa,he was married to Susan Silver twenty years ago. He married Vicky about fourteen years ago.

  35. I work in life and health insurance. Since Chris was an entertainer, it is possible he had a "jumbo" life insurance policy or one through a specialty insurer that had more or different restrictions (and possibly a greater burden of proof of death) than your run-of-the-mill policy.

    If Chris had one or more life insurance policies from different companies, those companies may have come together to investigate. I believe there is some anomaly in the death cert (as described below) or perhaps fraud is suspected. The penalties are harsh for not paying promptly when the company has all the documentation necessary to process a claim. There is some sticking point here, because even when the dollar amounts are high, it doesn't necessarily preclude quick resolution if all the requested documentation is provided and in good order.

    In general, most life insurance pays for suicide after a two-year exclusion. If you increase/add to your coverage, many times the suicide exclusion begins again, but only for the additional or new coverage. So, if you had 100k insurance, and increased it to 150k OR you wanted to add an accidental death benefit rider, a new two-year suicide exclusion would apply to the extra 50k of coverage or the new rider.

    At the bare minimum, you can often settle a claim with the company's completed claim form and a certified copy of the death certificate. The death cert must have a cause and manner of death (like: car accident, blunt force trauma). When manner/cause can't be determined, a claim can pend indefinitely until a completed cert is issued. I had a case like that once, where the medical examiner couldn't tell if a woman had cardiac arrest and slipped under the water in her hot tub and then drowned, or if she had sudden cardiac arrest resulting in immediate death, and the water in her lungs was incidental. Small distinctions will hold things up.

    There's your unwanted insurance lesson for the day. Sorry it's so long.

    1. Thank you for the great detail into life insurance policy payouts as it pertains to suicide/cause of death. Your post is appreciated Samantha👍🏻

  36. Clear as day this is about Vicky Karayiannis and her mother Toni. Well when you are dishonest and unethical (Foundation) people tend to turn on each other so this is no surprise. Money hungry their whole lives and poor Chris has had to foot the bill for their lifestyle.�� I know one thing if it were me grieving the loss of my husband and/or son in law the last thing I'd be doing is getting plastic surgery and spending money on frivolous things in Rome! I'd also not be lighting up social media outlets telling dispicable lies and hurting the REAL FAMILY of the deceased. They won't let poor Peter Chris's brother grieve in peace along with his beautiful Amy both of which who are beyond devastated. Their time will come, karma is making her way to them now. For Chris's real family my heart breaks for you, for his children I pray the Cornell's will be able to have them in their lives regularly so they have a healthy positive influence like Chris wanted!!

  37. To those pooh-poohing the family as the Kariayannis' -- first, hello Kariayannis image publicists how's it going, and second, this is not about just one night in May on the phone -- this is about cumulative knowledge amassed over years at close quarters. Absolutely Toni Kariayannis knows exactly where how and when her daughter's secrets are buried, and she will never forgive Vicky for driving the object of Toni's affections to his grave. Wring her dry Toni, and when she can't pay, write a book about what really happened to Chris Cornell.

  38. Thanks @Guesser. Guess he came to his senses! Too bad the next one was worse!

  39. Hush money for her mother?! If confirmed, I'll be surprised if Vicky keeps this arrangement going long term. Money seems to be her true love and motivation so to see it going to waste on possible pay offs probably will lead her to finding a solution quickly for that "problem". I wonder how much life insurance her mom has? Toni might need to rethink this alleged blackmailing scheme. Will she have another panic attack as a result? In another blind, Enty estimated that she could make around $100,000 to $200,000 per month on Chinese knock-offs of some yet to be released product. She probably already made enough to keep her mother quiet for the next few months thanks to those ridiculous guitar straps. Strapped for cash so selling crap for cash should be the newly reinstated Foundation's motto since the majority of whatever is donated will most likely be going into V's pockets to help cover her own current and future expenses (alluding to another one of Enty's blinds). It certainly won't be going to the kids, just ask Childhaven. Thank you Enty for yet another intriguing blind item!

  40. @Samantha M-Thanks for the insurance lesson. I never understood all the details involved.

    Definitely Vicki K. and her Mom. Very poor choice on Chris's part it seems. Susan may not have been a Saint, but I don't believe she would've driven him to death.

  41. I've intentionally avoided jumping into anything to do with the topic of Chris Cornell's death, or the ongoing drama of his lovely ex-wife Susan Silver; or his horrific monster of a widow named Vicky Karastanningbedsnuffaluffagus Cornell. I've avoided this mainly because of personal reasons; and not to add fuel to the fire especially with regards to Chris' precious children (ALL of whom he loved EQUALLY).

    First off, thanks for your post Samantha. Very informative and spot on. And also thanks to those of you who've posted the "recaps" of this saga/nightmare that's been ongoing.

    Secondly, Susan Silver is an amazing lady. Sure she's tough in biz, but that's her job. The living hell that woman (and Chris' child by her) has been put thru by Vicky & is unimaginable. She has endured a constant onslaught from Vicky & her family, her hired "people", and has somehow NOT had a total breakdown as Vicky has desired. But trust me on this - Susan will have the last laugh.

    Thirdly - yes, this blind does seem to relate to the Cornell situation and Chris' unfortunate decisions. But believe me - Vicky conned a LOT of people. Not just Chris, but many of his friends and associates.

    This blind is NOT about any murder conspiracy, or about the Clintons, or drugs, or pedos. It's a blind about a case of Fraud involving a charity that has sucked money out of people using their grief and caring. Fraud that has lied, cheated, and even been the recipient of funds transferred to it from other charities. (And yeah - that's a crime).

    THIS BLIND IS ABOUT VICKY DEFRAUDING PEOPLE IN HER CHARITY. Just in case that wasn't clear enough - VICKY has DEFRAUDED PEOPLE WHO CONTRIBUTE MONEY TO THE CHARITY and buy things in the name of the charity. THAT IS A FELONY. Because THE IRS DOES NOT TAKE KINDLY TO PEOPLE WHO FUCK OVER A CHARITY. The hardest part of proving such fraud? Is always having evidence. Of course you get forensic accounting, etc. but that can always be pleaded out to ignorance, mismanagement, blame the CPA, etc. What you really need to prove ACTUAL MALICE and WILLFUL INTENT TO a stellar witness.

    Or better yet? Recordings of conversations where it is discussed by the perpetrators. And when one perp is granted immunity in exchange for helping? You get a lot of evidence and testimony. So when the widow knows this - she's willing to pay hush money to cover own ass. An extortion being run by her own evil mom (or as I like to call her: co-conspirator #2). Even with high-dollar lawyers, threats, and all the PR spin your dead husband's money can may STILL walk away with no more than a bargain and restitution.

    BUT here's the bonus: SHE IS RUINED. PEOPLE WILL KNOW AND SEE HER FOR WHAT SHE IS. HER ANGELIC VICTIM STORY IS GONE. And she can fuck right off back to Paris or Athens and pick right up on her escort lifestyle. Meanwhile, Susan will raise the kids and continue to keep Chris' legacy of love, music, and goodness alive.

    Keep your fingers crossed for that last part coming true. Meanwhile, keep your eyes peeled for some retribution and truth about Vicky coming soon to a tabloid near you. Why? Vicky cannot afford to pay off EVERYBODY who can bury her. Certain paps/tabloids and others who've been protecting her narrow ass are done with her.

    Plus the combined efforts, bank accounts, and PR power of Rick Rubin, Audioslave, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Heart, Alice in Chains, Foo Fighters/ex-Nirvana, Slash, and a dozen other actors/producers/labels make a very formidable machine when they (and their lawyers, PR teams, managers, investigators, etc) ALL join together to grind your ass into powder. Vicky will likely flee to Greece to escape. But they'll have a very hard time doing that when all the assets, insurance claims, and royalties are still based in America. So it's shaping up to be a bangin' year in 2018. Godspeed and RIP Chris.

    1. @Himmm No words grand enough to thank you for weighing in here. For months we have had to watch the spinning of narratives, attacks on Susan, attacks on Chris's family and a shit show of absolute cruel and careless social media posts! This being said nothing is as dispicable as defrauding grieving fans out of money to fund ones birkin and plastic surgery addiction. That's the ONLY addiction that factors into things here Vicky!!! They are tarnishing the heart, soul and reputation of a man who had nothing but the purest of intentions to make a difference in this often cruel world we live in! I can honestly say I look forward to the day it all comes crumbling down on them. To the Cornell's and Susan I commend you for using such restraint and showing those GRIFTERS what class is.

  42. Thanks, Himmmm.
    None of this will bring Chris back, but Vicky deserves to be exposed for who and what she is. She has made a concerted effort to show Chris in an unfavorable light and gone out of her way to appear as the grieving widow (which she's gotten all wrong).
    I hope Chris and his legacy get some justice and those kids get some peace in 2018. And Susan....she is long overdue for some peace.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. This is the best response to a blind ever, Himmmm. Excuse me while I support this site via affiliate links.

    Also glad you confirmed my thoughts on his ex-wife Susan. She seems to be pretty respected in the industry.

  45. Thank you so much, Himmmm, for what you and Enty are doing to preserve Chris' legacy.

  46. Perhaps Himmmm or Enty can confirm or deny this one. Since the beginning people online have often believed that Chris and Vicky's daughter Toni was not biologically Chris Cornell's. Vicky was dating a lot of men at the time she met Chris. She got pregnant and I believed trapped the rich one. Chris. That little girl does not resemble Chris or Vicky at all. The little boy however resembles both of them. Any truth about the little girl Toni's real biologically father? What's the truth behind this?

  47. Toni definitely does have a lot of Chris' features.. His eye color, lips, nose, great voice too.

  48. Toni is definitely Chris' kid. No question. She looks just like him in his younger days. So fucking tragic. Vicky is a troll & I can't wait for her to go down in flames.

  49. So if Vicky currently has or is getting Chris Cornell's life insurance money, if she is accused/convicted does she still get it or does it get held in a trust for his children? Please tell me she will get none of it. We might need Samantha back for more insurance lessons.

  50. Finally! Confirmation of what we thought was happening. Thank you Enty and Himmmm. I can’t thank you enough. When I read this my whole body was shaking. Can’t wait to see how this plays out but hoping the children will be ok. This can’t be easy on them.

  51. Thank you so much Enty (for keeping this issue at the forefront! The Vickster needs to be exposed for the manipulative witch she is) and thank you Himmmm for setting the record straight. It couldn't have been easy to leave that comment, but many of us are grateful for your insight and for confirming the speculation. We know who the real POS in this scenario is and it isn't Susan as the K clan keep trying to insinuate along with Peter/Amy and the rest of the Cornells. Unlike the K's, the Cornells are actually fully grieving Chris' loss. They're not out dropping bens on new wardrobes, flying planes across the world to do said shopping and getting plastic surgery, all with Chris' money (and probably the Foundation's too) and plastering it on SM. I want there to be consequences (finally!) for her (their) actions. I want everyone to see what she has done/is doing and her role that fateful night after 14 yrs of toying with him. Chris was taken for a hell of a ride and now he's dead. That isn't something to just forgive and forget. I can't wait for Seattle to rise up. 2018 can't get here fast enough!

  52. Toni Cornell doesn't look a thing like Chris. The eye colors are different. There is no resemblance to either Chris or Vicky. Anyone saying Toni looks just like Chris needs their eyes fixed. The little boy looks a little like Chris and Lily Cornell is his double. Toni? Nothing at all.

  53. Himmmm, you are a true friend.
    Also, check this out - and look who filed.
    Narcissists ruin lives!!!

  54. What I am finding confusing though, is when reading the tributes on his website - there seem to be a lot of people who acknowledge his great love for Vicky etc... So did she really have everyone fooled? I understand that she could delete any unflattering ones, but what about those who were also close to him and said that? I get that the whole charity fraud is disgusting, but Himmmm, do you think how she treated him was a contributing factor to his suicide/death- and if so - could you please be a little more specific about this? Thank you!

  55. hopscotch101girl she is vetting every tribute that is submitted before publishing. that's why there's so much vicky love in those that have been shared thus far.

    you'll notice that nearly everyone whose tribute is posted on his site that knew him, knew him after he met VK. you don't see tributes from the guys in pearl jam, soundgarden, aic, anyone from the first 30+ years of his life. very telling, imo.

  56. If you want a comprehensive reporting on the Chris Cornell conspiracy, this blog has been keeping tabs on a lot of stories (including CDAN - with HiMMMM's reply today taking center stage). Tons of details all over this blog that sort of outlines how despicable Vicky K has been.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This is a great place to catch up on all the fuckery that has taken place before and after the passing of Chris on the K's sheisty dealings and law suits. You can't dispute the facts and they have plenty there. I encourage anybody who has inside knowledge and facts to submit them there, the person running the site has integrity and only wants the reputation of Chris to remain true to what he was! They do fact check things that come in!

  57. A real tribute to Chris is the page I see fans always sharing on twitter. It was made out of love not publicity and there's no Vicky in it which is the best thing about it.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Himmmm, I thought you were pro-Vicky and hated Susan Silver. I remember when you said you wanted to watch Susan getting gang-raped by the Nazi regime in hell. What made you change your mind about her? And didn't you attend Chris and Vicky's wedding?

  60. So is it the real Himmmm. Enty can you confirm?

  61. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Is it true that Chris was cheating on Vicky? I don't blame him if she was that awful, I'm just curious.

  62. thank you Enty, for staying with this. It's what has kept me loyal to this site for so long. Your hands are full with the Weinstein etal right now, so to see you following thru now FOR Chris is beautiful.

    and your friend Himmmm - dude, you rock. A few weeks back your reply was heart-felt, w/ you not ready to delve into Chris's sad tale. So I imagined it may be a long-ish wait, when all aligned and timing was best for you. Bless you for doing this for him, your friend. and of course for his three beautiful kids.

    there aren't many places online who are willing to honestly fight for Chris's legacy, and I'm thankful for CDAN and LipStickAlley. and of course, run by a loving fan who kinda reminds me of you Enty, she fights for truth.

  63. Thank you @Himmmm !!
    I want to believe every single word you've written here. Desperately. But what's with the inconsistency going from the previous anti- Susan comment to this one here? Where you conned by The Widow? Did someone else post as you? Clear the air please!!!

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. It hurts my heart that this beautiful man is gone. Don't think I'll ever get over it.

  66. Will Himmmm clarify his disgusting remarks about Susan Silver or he's too busy doing another prescription drug fraud? I bet he's gonna hide himself like a coward again just like the last time he got caught.

  67. Toni Cornell looks exactly like her mothers ex boyfriend, Garbriel Garko.



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