Thursday, November 23, 2017

Blind Item #1

You know what finally made this A list everything leave her A list husband? It was when she discovered how many checks he had written to other women to settle claims he beat them. She knew he cheated and he had even put his hands on her a couple of times, but after she saw the number of checks and the huge dollar amounts he had paid to other women, she was afraid he would kill her someday. So, she walked.


  1. This person is weak! She stays with someone who's hit her but leaves when money is involved.
    Whether you are male or female, It is no way acceptable to be with someone who hits you. No one deserves that.

    1. Fuck off, don't blame the abused, blame the abuser. What a twatty thing to say.

    2. +1 I'm so sick of victim blaming.

    3. Sunspirit. It does take two to tango.

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  3. Think BoldBlonde got it. Skeletor always seemed angry so good for Jenny from the Block in getting herself out. I hope he doesn't lay a hand on their children.

  4. J Lo? That was years and years ago. I'm going with Shakira and the soccer player.

  5. @Sunspirit, I don't think it had to do with money. She likely saw the amount of the settlements and thought, "He had to have beaten her pretty severely to be paying her that much to shut up." She wasn't going to stick around until it got that bad.

  6. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I think Boldblonde got it too. "A list everything" is JLo from previous blind revealed

  7. @Do Tell She left after seeing the amount of cheques he was writing to people yet stayed after he beat her. Why put up with him beating you but leave when you find out what he's doing?

  8. I now see this is JLo. BI 2 could be Ojani Noa

  9. I agree that this is probably JLo, although to me she will never be A List anything.

    Just to be different, this could also be Barbra Streisand. She is A List everything and she has been married to A List men who cheated on her
    and beat her. Rumor has it that she recently split up from James Brolin.

    1. James Brolin is not nor has ever been close to A list.

      Enty has joked for a long time how JLo thinks she is A list in her mind in everyrhing....its JLo

  10. Hi Sunspirit i think it was the straw that broke camels back... she probably stunned he hit her, accepted his apology, wondered (prayed) it was a fluke... and when she saw the checks it was crystal clear and real and she ran... i dont think she cares about the money

  11. Oh I like the BS guess @JohnDoe

  12. Killed by scrawny little Marc Anthony? LMAO. J-Ho could kill him just by sitting on him.

  13. Whoa John Doe! nice not-the-usual-suspects guess (ha) i def dont agree Jlo is A list actress... but def knows how to stay relevant as an A list celeb/entertainer/romantic

  14. Twink... love it!

  15. Yeah, except here he doesn't add the "in her own mind" qualifier. Hmm.

  16. If this is about JLo and Marc, I imagine the two young children they had together factored into her decision to keep trying for as long as she did.

  17. Ick. Story in the Daily Mail that Danny Masterson's publicist is inferring that since Masterson's accuser was his girlfriend at the time, he couldn't possibly have raped her.

  18. Lora its dicey what Enty might categorize him as he has been connected in HWD for so long -

    Maybe A list TV for Marcus Welby MD; The series was one of the top-rated television shows of the day.

    Among other awards, Brolin has won two Golden Globes and an Emmy. He received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on August 27, 1998.

    and his son is an apparent raging menace

  19. If this is a blind about JLo , there have been rumors from Ted C years ago,maybe more accusers are coming out. He is an angry drunk and cokehead.

  20. @Guesser what really happened to Ted C? he disappeared. a shame to waste that snark!

    1. @lulu he accidentally? revealed Jeremy renner as one of his blinds-I believe it was the one with the transvestites in Thailand. So the movie studios pushed E! to fire him.

    2. I LOVED ted c as well. His snarky write ups are legend.

  21. This isn't J.Lo. Enty always says "A list everything in her own mind" when referring to her. Think this is somebody who is actually an A list star in multiple endeavors. Not to mention Marc Anthony is not really an A list in this day and age, no?

    The Streisand guess is interesting.

  22. Oh man.. I miss Ted C. I loved his unique and fun approach to dishing the dirt on celebs. Toothie Tile (Jake G), Morgan Mayhem (Lindsay L), Nevis Divine (Pattinson), Jackie Bouffant (Efron), Priscilla Desert (Swift), Fey Oiled Tush (Cruise), Fake-a-la Ferocity and Trent Spent (Angie & Brad) and on and on. Those were the days..

    1. I always thought Vamperella Vein Pop and Slick Brick were Brad and Angelina!

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  25. @austin wasnt Jolie the Veronica Vein Pop character? he alluded the vein in her forehead

  26. @Rosie Blue 42 yes... and that was almost a decade ago... i thought he'd spring up somewhere else by noiw :)))

    1. Totally got out and stayed out of the gossip rat race. I think he owns an art gallery. You can find him on Twitter.

  27. thx @austin
    different climate now eh????
    i never 'got' the outing fellow gays' thing
    i wouldnt relish outing anyone i liked... or anyone on my team! eg i personally like the blind reveals where i thought they had it coming or asked for it... and cringe when its someone i think is nice or thought was innocent

  28. I was just thinking about Ted C. the other day, man I miss him.

  29. @austin - my mistake - Vamporella Vein Pop... did Ted give 2 difft names for one star? i thought that VVP was AJ

  30. Saw Barbra Streisand on Ellen this week and choked on my fry bread! What has she done to her face? See if you can find it on Ellen. Botox-ed from hell and back! She doesn't even resemble herself. So sad!

    1. Oof Boo, you ain't kiddin! Age and vanity don't always play well together.

      On another note, Happy Thanksgiving CDaNers! It's been fun to be back and see some familiar names in these juicy (if sometimes depressing) blinds!

  31. I thought Fey Oiled Tush was Travolta.

  32. LuLu, John Travolta was supposed to be Seymour Plow-Me-More.
    I don't recall a Vamperella Vein Pop
    But there was a Veronica Bee-Stings (Blake Lively).

    Good times, good times...

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  34. @delete account, the John Travolta pseudo name was for you.
    @jessorella, you could be right about Vamperella Vein Pop and Slick Brick
    A few more classics that come to mind for memory lane's sake...
    Lea Michele = Pat Poisonpuss
    Miley Cyrus = Me-Me Dallas
    Nelly Fang = Alexander Skarsgard
    David Duchovny = Sylvester Slimeball
    Parrish Maguire = Taylor Lautner
    And Ted C. himself was though to be Pete Priss-Ass

    Of course, none of these is set in stone since Ted didn't do 'reveals'
    But most were generally accepted as correct after years of discussion.

  35. The interesting think is — if this really is JLo then Enty has insinuated in another blind(s) that JLo has hooked up with her ex several times since the divorce.

  36. @Rosie, ex could be Affleck. They apparently talk from time to time, even while he was married to Garner.

  37. yeah, Ted C out Jeremy Renner regarding a story with underage boys in Thailand and getting his ass kicked for roughing one of the boys up or some such
