Friday, November 10, 2017

Blind Item #12

This foreign born permanent A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner not named Cate Blanchett has been telling people her recent weight gain is because of stress eating due to her philandering husband. Part of that could be true. Apparently she has also been seeing a doctor because of possible thyroid cancer.


  1. I doubt it's Kate he's never even decided she's an A list actress much less permanent A.
    I almost said Kidman but Enty has referred to her as foreign born before, so I'm not completely throwing her out.

  2. Which version of CDAN has referred to Nicole Kidman as foreign born? Wasn't she born in Hawaii (or was that Gibson? I always get the origins of the Americans raised in Australia confused).

  3. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Penelope Cruz?

  4. I'm pretty sure it was the old version of this and it was revealed and everybody said she isn't foreign-born. I think it was revealed on the other version though, not this board.

  5. I don't like blinds like these. :(

  6. @victoria neither do I.

  7. Thyroid issues suck let alone one gives u heart attack or failure and slow makes u gain weight but is manageable

    1. Fast one isn’t funny. It’s like the movie Thinner. The more you eat, the more weight you lose.

  8. Slow one also gives you a rapid heartbeat. I learned the hard way, after winding up in the ER and seeing a heart specialist...heart had a slight murmur but was healthy and thyroid working better w/meds and diet.

  9. I’m trying to figure out what A list has gained weight.

  10. I have hypothyroidism, last blood work had my TSH at 62, add anemia to the mix, and it been a rough month. So darn, i can feel the pain on this one.

  11. Chiming in on the thyroid issue, I was on Oroxine for 30years (known as a T4 thyroid medication) it helped but didn't solve the weight gain and constantly cold hands and feet and tiredness. A new doctor put me on Tetroxin
    (Liothyronine Sodium a T3 thyroid medication )all symptoms have gone now and I have loads of energy. Fellow suffereres research it on the internet and get your doctor to try you on a T3 medication instead of the normal T4 it works wonders for many sufferers.

  12. thanks emeraldcity! we went thru a failed adoption (mother kept the baby) and my dr is hoping this is just temporary and stress induced. i have a T2 issue and take synthroid, but I am still lacking energy. hubby loves to do internet research, so i will tell him, very exciting news!!

    truthseeker, same here, i have been getting iron infusions for 5-6 years. this year i finally took a blood test with non-anemic levels and i was so excited til i found out about my thyroid.

    It could have been much worse though, so i am grateful.

  13. Not a blind I like to see. She's A list but no longer Hollywood skinny, she has a cheating spouse AND maybe cancer? But she's A list so she's up for grabs. One of those occasions to say nothing.

    I'll throw progesterone cream into the mix of tips for the ladies. Been reading about it lately and seems we're all 'oestrogen dominant' through enviromental toxins, diet, etc. I'm just waiting for it to turn around my exhaustion (apparently it can take up to 9 months).

  14. +1 on the exhastion. I have thyroid cancer (currently No Evidence of Disease, as we’re never technically in remission), and it does seriously affect energy levels. Plus of the levels are off you can get hyper emotional.
    It is possible to lose weight even with it and other endocrinological problems (PCOS, endometriosis), but it isn’t easy. We normal people can get to a manageable weight, but I don’t know how people like Sofia Vergara and Jennifer Grey manage it; they must excercise and diet constantly

  15. Rachel Weisz, perhaps?

  16. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Kate Winslet

    She's always had a curvy figure but from the recent appearances I can tell she gained weight - look at her face it's more filled out.

    Here's hoping it's not thyroid cancer :(

  17. @ForSure yeah, kidman was born in hawaii.. gibson was born in USA and His father and kids moved to australia to avoid the vietnam draft.

  18. Enough with the Gwenyth and Angelina are the women that brought down Harvey. They fucked him for roles and now are playing the victims.



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