Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Blind Item #10

This entitled a-hole of an A- list mostly movie actor who was in this space a week or so ago for his a-holery spit on a woman this week who spurned his sexual advances.


  1. "This entitled a-hole of an A- list mostly movie actor who was in space a week ago"

    definitely read it like this first read. my mind is going, WHAT THE HELL WHAT A LIST ACTOR WENT INTO SPACE LAST WEEK?

    wheres my coffee

  2. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Oh this could be anyone!

  3. If you ever read in the NYC newspapers that I was arrested for murder, it will be because someone spit at me! Homey don't play that! I hope the person being spit upon did some serious damage to his jewelry box! Who IS this POS?!!

    1. Same here. My biggest pet peeve. I hate watching pitchers spit on tv. Can’t imagine my rage if it landed on my face!

    2. I took the deposition of a police officer who tasered an unruly drunk man who spit on him. The attorney defending the man who was tasered kept asking questions of the cop about this and that, all the details. I can't recall specifically. But what I do remember was when the officer paused and looked at the attorney and said very directly, "Sir, have you ever had someone spit in your face?" The lawyer was at a loss for words.

  4. I like the Russell Crowe guess and he was in this space a week or so ago.

  5. Russell Crowe did spit on Azealia Banks, so I think it's him

    I don't know if any of the others have spit on a woman in the past. I didn't want Actor spit on woman in my search history. And was scared of what images it would show.

  6. What's the matter with these people? Most of them didn't grow up entitled and now they feel they can do whatever they want just because they're in movies.

    This might be a good Your Turn - has anyone refused an autograph or picture with a famous person? I did, but I was 9. The crew had a great laugh anyway.

    1. This reminds me of Pumkin spitting on Ms. BY. SHEESH

    2. Anonymous2:44 PM

      The problem is these narcissistic men are finding success in entertainment and think they are entitled to any woman they want. Sadly I’ve dated one and nearly had a breakdown when i discovered all of his side women, who were barley legal. It’s disgusting.

    3. That's awful, Fifi. Glad to hear you got away from him. I've been involved with a narcissist, not in Hollywood but a lawyer, and it was a serious mindfuck. Then after that I found a psychopath. It's like success shows who someone really is. Now that I think about it, I also dated a pilot years ago who was a nasty manwhore, but wasn't that way before he started flying for an airline. A guy I knew had known him when he was a struggling flight instructor and said he was a dork, but that lots of them turn into assholes ones they start flying jets. Gag.

  7. Spitting on someone is actually classed as assault in my country. If you're prone to doing it for any other reason than as an act of self-defence, you probably should be muzzled like a dog before going out in public.

  8. @Rinky - as it should be here. its fucking disgusting.

  9. Spitting is fifth degree assault here.

  10. If someone spit on me, I'd most likely be arrested for assault, but it would be so worth it. Disrespecting me with words is bad enough, but putting your spit in my face/wherever, you're going to get my foot in your crouch or a slap on your face.

    My guess is Crowe since that's his MO.

    Where do you guys live that it's assault? Just curious.

    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      In California it’s considered offensive touching, and therefore assault.

  11. Fifi- sorry to hear that and hope you've recovered and since found a good, decent man who treats you well. Is your ex someone any of us would have heard of?

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Yep. I won’t say his name because he’s violent and I’m still very afraid of him. It makes me sick to see him having success when very few people know the real him.

      I’m now with a man who treats me like a queen, but I’ll never recover fully from the wounds my ex left me with. Thank you for your kind words :)

    2. That does suck that you have to see him being successful. I'll bet people that know him know what he's like though. Glad to hear you found a good guy.

  12. The reason I agreed with Crowe being the right answer is that I'm still so grossed out about the recent reveal last week about him, a hooker and food stuck to his face. Just so gross. And yes, spitting is his MO.

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Do you have a link? I missed that one!

  13. I live in CA, I didn't know that it was assault!

    @Thia, I had to laugh out loud about the food stuck to his face comment. I remember reading that and laughed then. Just SO SO GROSS. NO amount of money would want me to sleep with someone disgusting like that.

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Yep! I didn’t either until I researched.

      Russell is a pig. I’m glad his wife got away but I hope the kids don’t spend too much time with him.

  14. @Thia, I had finally gotten that image out of my mind!

    Could you imagine if you didn’t orgasm during intercourse? He’d most likely parade around the room yelling, “ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!?”

  15. Does something seem off about this site to the rest of y'all?

    1. Something has seemed off about this site since I found it not long ago

  16. This spitting fuckery sounds like Russell Crowe. Why do I like him as an actor?

    1. Anonymous8:48 PM

      He was so damn good in gladiator

  17. I'm going with Mel after that blind about holding his ex gf hostage as he made breakfast for 3 hours.

  18. @shakey I did a spit-take at your comment, no pun intended :)

  19. I hope she punched him in the f*cking face.

  20. Gotta be that disgusting Russell Crowe.



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