Friday, November 17, 2017

Blind Item #10

Over the past few months I have been documenting in this space how this former A+ list mostly movie actor who seemingly abused every woman he ever dated and is an Academy Award winner/nominee ditched his long time foreign born girlfriend and has been seeing men. The inside the building kisses have been replaced with multiple public makeout sessions with men everywhere he goes.


  1. Mickey TRANSCHASER Rourke?

  2. Honey I have it on goooood authority that he procures the occasional chick w. a d*ck so him doing men is not that far fetched.

  3. Ridin that tranny, high on cocanny.
    Mickey Rourke you better watch your peen.
    Titties up top, pecker below.
    Mickey best get tested, thats fo sho.

    1. Anonymous8:50 PM

      Best rhyme ever! I love you Count Jerkula!

  4. maybe that's why he abused so many women he hated he wasn't attracted to them and took it out on them. When the problem was him not dealing with his sexuality.

    If it keeps women safe from him, go with the guys Mickey!

  5. I've remember his movies from back in the day. He was a good actor. Knew something was up with him when he kept butchering his face with those bad plastic surgeries. He looks terrible. Probably needs a psychiatrist. Sad!

  6. @timebob agreed. Some closeted men are domineering, dismissive and cruel to their female partners. Some can only be intimate with women during s/m sex or very aggressive sex or anal sex with women. Not a politically correct statement but something to think about . A friend of mine was married to the stereotypical mean drunk for years. When they finally split up he confessed to being gay and cheating on her with men. Now they are friendly and divorced. He went to aa , made amends, apologized and got sober and is now a much different, much happier human being.

  7. @Halloweenie That is absolutely true. I heard that statement from several counselors. Cruel, abusive men are usually taking out their closeted frustrations on women.Most of them coincidentely prefer anal sex.

  8. EM! EYE! SEE! KAY! EEE! WHY! Hey Mickey! Hey Mickey!

    I really loved him back in the day...

  9. @John Doe ... he didn't just have plastic surgery...he boxed for years and it damaged his face...did some bareknuckle fights and needed the surgery to actually have a face again. Just sayin'

  10. If he's embracing his sexuality and not abusing anyone, I'm happy for him.

  11. Good for him if he is enjoying this " new" life
    Anyway, he did have plastic sugery , those ugly inflated lips don't come from Reconstructive Surgery

  12. If Rourke he was never A+.

    1. He probably was after 9 1/2 weeks.

  13. I get the impression Mickey wants to do a Caitlyn Jenner but with his muscles it wouldn't be accepted as well.

  14. Mickey Rourke is not an oscar winner though

  15. He was nominated, though, for The Wrestler.

    1. Oh, so if it says winner/nominee it means either or? I thought it meant both. Sorry!

  16. I remember reading back in the day that he was sexually abused by a male member of his family. Stepfather comes to mind but I'm not sure if that's who he said it was. The fact that he dropped HW while his career was smoking hot to take up boxing again was strange. Given the stories coming out these days about sexual abuse in HW, I'm now wondering if that isn't the reason he quit films back then.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Mickey O'Rourke seems to have achieved a perfect symmetry - as grotesque and ugly (by his own hand, not by an accident of nature) on the outside as he clearly is on the inside. Basically the guy looks like his own portrait in the attic at this point.

    I have no problem believing he's another in a long line of cowardly repressed homosexuals who persistently take their anger out on women while trying to play the big bad womanizer in public. I remember what he did to Carrie Otis. He deserves no peace at all, the vile fucker. Men who spend years violently tormenting women deserve zero congratulations when they finally admit all they want is a big fat dick. None at all. Wasting years of a woman's life is no cause for celebration.

    1. It was truly horrific what he did to Carrie. Read an article in Vanity Fair about the clue and I REALLY hated him after that. Would not be suprised if he transitions.

    2. The incident....not clue. Lol

  19. @Rinky,I agree that people somehow give him a pass on his acts of violence, and how do we know he isn't violent to his male or Trans partners as well? He is someone who was given a pass purely on basis of talent, but so was Kevin Spacey.

  20. How is Micky A+ though? Just to put a name out, Bradley Cooper,abuse could include emotional abuse and when he drank, he was said to be violent to his ex.

  21. wasn't there a lot of domestic violence between him and his girl friend/wife? The whole boxing thing when he was so young and good looking was to me just more self loathing behavior of his. Think it is continuing today with his new set of "friends". And he was a good actor. Dont know what he is now but a mess

  22. I had no idea.

    Must be a huge closet.

  23. It's supposed to be Mickey Rourke, esp after pics of him in DM kissing 'a male friend' in public and given his history in the blinds of abusing gfs. It's just the former A+ rating in his description that is bs. A at the highest.

  24. Anonymous2:29 AM

    This makes a lot of sense being that he's been so abusive to women in the past. Damn, he was so damn good looking back then.

  25. Mickey was definitely A+ in the 80s.

  26. has to be Rourke

  27. FINALLY, I know this one...Johnny Depp, he and Vanessa Paradis never were married, fun fact.

  28. ...and he's Oscar nominated...and he's been in quite the spiral, case in point the latest video escapades with Brian Warner (I use his real name for the nerd factor, what a completely uncool-but-tries-oh-so-hard laughable jerk).

  29. Sean Penn. Foreign-born girlfriend is Charlize Theron.

  30. @Rachewbacca Can't be Depp, unless we completely overlook the ridiculousness that was Heard. Also unlikely because Johnny wasn't thinking with his big head when he left Vanessa for Heard. That doesn't say homosexual to me.

    That said, I have no idea who it could be, other than B. Coop or Rourke.



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