Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Your Turn

The longest you have gone without eating.


  1. Who goes without a meal? I keep a fully cooked turkey dinner in my Birken bag just in case I'm stuck on a big story and the meal bell goes off

  2. From dinner till breakfast

  3. About 7 days when i was ill and NPO. I was annoyed because all i lost was 12 lbs, i wanted like 30!!!!, lol

  4. Just recently I fasted for 36 hours. 2 nights and a day. Wasn't all that hard. Now I live an intermittent fasting lifestyle. 20 hours fast, 4 hour window to eat a meal. 2 snacks. I work out hungry. It is what it is. I'm not going gently into that good night. Not because of discomfort anyway.

  5. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Couple of weeks with no actual food, just IV nutrients, due to an induced coma. All good now.
    I have purposely fasted for 24 hours periodically.

  6. A couple of days after Sleep Apnea Surgery.

  7. 18 days. I was impressionable in my late 20's after a long time coming break up. Read the master cleanse manual and decided to just do a water cleanse. Such a dumb ass lol

  8. a couple of days probably during my anorexia days as a teen.

    1. Yeah, I am so over that. It's so strange what the media can do to you (the thing is, I've always been skinny, but the media had me believing that if I ever gained weight, I would lose the one thing left that people liked me for and people would stop liking me). Thanks for sharing, I had ED-NOS. I hope you never relapse ever again. ♥

  9. 3 days, due to a really horrible flu.
    I remember waking up on a saturday with a ravenous appetite and
    ate a hamburger, a fish dinner and donuts to celebrate the end of being sick.

  10. Just overnight while I sleep. Why would I deliberately go longer?

  11. IDK. I used to have ED-NOS until a school trip to the WFP cured me in a day (I know people go through months of rehab, usually—but I'm not making this up). I was at the UN cafeteria forcing myself to finish up an entire portion of pasta (a standard European/Swiss portion, not an American super-sized one). One of my classmates actually had to tell me to slow down and take it easy. ♥

    First World problems...

  12. Couple of days. Too upset to eat. Only coffee. I'm over it though

  13. A couple days probably a few times just from different sicknesses. When I'm pregnant in the beginning I get TERRIBLe morning sickness so I have problably gone a couple days then too.

  14. Does at 28 juice fast count
    I did that in hopes of loosing weight
    Which I did then ruined it with pints of Hagen Daz
    Go me

  15. What the hell happened to crazydays and nights? We come here for scoops,
    not scoops of ice cream.

  16. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Last week. Yom kippur. For 24 hours

  17. Four days, due to acute pancreatitis as a result of untreated post-cholecystectomy syndrome and a "didn't have to be enforced THAT much" NPO during my one hospital stay. Before that, all I could hold down for the previous two weeks were saltine crackers and crushed ice -- and a barium solution for a pre-admission CT scan. I don't think I lost much weight, sadly enough; my body's built to be on the chunky side. *sad trombone*



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