Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Today's Blind Items - She Calls It "Roleplaying"

Over the past couple of months, this foreign born A-/B+ list actress has shown her true colors. I don't know if it was the election occurring in her home country or trying to make herself more likable with a certain segment of fans. Heck, it could just be her racist tendencies are finally coming out for the world to see. Lets be clear. She has always been racist. Unless she is paid an absolute ton of money she won't work with people of color. She has turned down big roles because she would have had to work with people of color. Big roles. Roles that got the actresses cast Academy Award wins and nominations.

People close to her have noticed she is becoming more publicly vocal about her beliefs. It is getting to the point where she is defending her racist beliefs but believes she is not racist. The items seen in public are one thing, but apparently behind closed doors with this boyfriend and a previous boyfriend she liked to bring these beliefs into the bedroom. She says it was just roleplaying and that it was not something she would do or say outside the bedroom. One friend who has heard the actress describe the sex games/roleplaying says the imagination of the actress is pretty vivid and also scary. The friend believes that because of what is going on in the world and in the country where our actress is from and the one where she lives, that she can be more free about expression.

She is going to end up causing herself to get no work in any project. Of course if they ever make that franchise she was in again, she will have great company with the lead and a co-star who feel exactly the same way she does. Maybe that is why they get along so well.


  1. Diane Kruger?
    With the franchise being National Treasure?

    1. Probably... I think enty hinted at this strongly once:(

  2. Racist co-stars, Nick Cage and Jon Voight or Sean Bean?

  3. Montana got it the German election was Sunday

  4. Recent election in Germany with the far right showing strength, seems to point to Kruger

  5. anyone figured out what "the items seen in public" are?

  6. Hold on nick cage is racist!?! i agree on the other two, esp. voight.

  7. This is definitely Diane Kruger! Just check out her IG comments in her Lauren Bacall post. She proves right there that she’s a racist. I find her deplorable & disgusting.

  8. If we could never have another Kruger blind, it will be TOO SOON. She isn't A-/B+ in in any time zone, in any country, in any universe. Enough, already.

  9. I would hope that the other blind isn't her. I cant believe I'm actually saying that. But i have to just say that if it is a fake blind based on her comments in ig last night, it just shows how much she is disliked to have that written the next day. She really should spend some cash on a PR team, because idk if she can ever fix this if it is about her. I cant see N being involved with someone like that either

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  11. So what role playing games does she like?
    Blinds like this leave you hanging.

  12. Kruger just acted in a movie In The Fade about the racism and terrorism.The Director is from Turkey.He casted her because she looked like “ aryan “. She won this year an acting prize at Cannes fest

  13. Is that why Taylor dumped her? JJ likes women of color so how did she deal with that? Hope she fades away since she turns down roles due to people of color BEING cast. WTH.

  14. Kruger was in a two-season series called The Bridge with Mexican actor Damien Bichir (sigh). I wouldn't think she was paid excessively for it. Is she only racist towards people of African descent?
    She does fit some of the clues, but I'd really like to know why Enty hates her so much.

  15. Anonymous1:22 PM

    I'm leaning towards Kruger. Bitch is racist unless it benefits her. Yes, people do that. She played a cop with Asperger Syndrome. So this was Diane's way of working around having to touch Damien. So her facial expression of disgust was required of the character. Hence making it easy for her to continue to display hate. As far as her love for Jason Wu? He's whiter than white. Once again, beneficial. And that movie 'in the fade'. Come on she's playing nice with only the director. Diane can play the racist that she is on screen without ramifications!! Let's bet everyone else was mainly white. Diane's comments on IG last night, IMHO it was to catch JDM attention. He has yet to follow the bitch.

    Feel free to call me a racist. My family especially my father and grandparents will think that's hilarious. Sun not required for the golden tan on my paternal side :)

  16. This is obviously intended to be Diane, based on her all lives matter comments yesterday.

    I’m not a fan of hers (very bad actress), but I honestly think she’s just ignorant of world events, not a racist, but everyone can judge for themselves. I doubt she had any idea what all lives matter would mean. She’s quite self involved. And not that intelligent.

  17. It's just racist people feel more comfortable in expressing themselves. They feel society is more supportive. Same with misogyny.

    Personally I find both abhorrent.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Never mind. I'm just going to piss péople off by going all political like that.

  18. @Unknown. Yes ppl can be racist towards only African Americans or only Asians or only Hispanics or only Caucasians, etc. So Diane Kruger can be fine with ppl of one race but not with ppl of another. Her irate comments about BLM/ALM on her IG is proof of that.

  19. Btw, the idea of Nicholas Cage being racist is laughable. Enty really needs to do his/her research.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Total and utter BS. Diane Kruger has acted alongside "people of color" in plenty of films and wasn't paid an "absolute ton of money" for those films, with many of them being small independent or foreign films.

  22. Nick Cage is a racist? Isn't he married to an Asian woman?

  23. Nic Cage and his wife actually just split, but yes, she’s Korean. And his son is half Korean. He even made some public statements about how there are not enough opportunities for Asian actors.

  24. Every other blind about DK and her past/current boyfriend includes some variation of "beloved Canadian" or "cable star". It also mentions over the past couple of months so was the election recent or a couple of months ago?

  25. The German elections happened two weeks ago, but like all elections were discussed for months.

    I for one, am glad Joshua Jackson is mentioned less in the DK blinds now. Get over it Enty, they broke up a year and a half ago.

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  27. I agree that JJ shouldn't always be brought up in relation to DK. But Enty does have a pattern in how he writes her blinds and those phrases not being included jumped out at me.

    I don't remember DK mentioning the German election either and I don't know what opinions she's shared to win over a "certain segment of fans". When I reread "over the past few months" it seemed to imply that the election was earlier this year and since then the actress has become more vocal so I started thinking about France. Also I don't see DK being offered a "tons of money" regardless of who is cast opposite her haha

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Marion Cotillard perhaps? The French elections earlier this year had a pretty close call with the National Front and Marine Le Pen...

  30. Diane Kruger’s sense of style while she was with JJ was impeccable. So sad to hear about her ignorance.

    And those who do not think Nic Cage is racist must not remember the blind about that atrocious house he bought in LA that was loosely reimagined in AHS. Only a sick racist could have bought that.

    Racism is so confusing when you do not take the time to read & understand it because it really doesn’t apply to let’s just continue to pretend it does not exist while we continue to call black people Negroes & Asians Orientals on this board. SIT DOWN...



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