Thursday, October 12, 2017

Some Harvey Weinstein Musings From A Former Top Executive Of His Company And The Family Member Behind All The Leaks

Just some random, off the cuff remarks about some Harvey Weinstein stories that this long long time executive of his company witnessed first hand.

"Once on his private jet, he asked the select group of execs, including 2 women, to go to his bedroom for a meeting. No one thought this was odd. But when they got into the room, he proceeded to strip down to his boxers and get in bed. And held the meeting just like that."

"It was common for him to ask someone to “babysit” one of the mistresses (those Italian girls) during events so they wouldn’t approach Georgina."

"He would not let anyone else hire his interns. He personally hired them. Because, well, you know why."

"If there was an event he didn’t want to attend, one of us had to go no matter what. That was just annoying."

"Personally, I’ve been alone with him after hours and he was respectful to me."

"This is a power grab by Bob. What no one is saying (and it’s key) is that their mother died recently. These stories would’ve leaked sooner but Bob didn’t want their mother to see this go down."

"Page Six said something about him not using a computer. That’s b.s. He always caught up on email over the weekend."

I also noticed that Rose McGowan started hitting out at Bob after leaving him alone for the first part of this. Think back to that blind she wrote a few months back.


  1. so Rose wrote that blind?

  2. He wouldnt have dared try something with Malia (his recent intern) would he? Funny the timing and the Obamas have been quiet on their "gid" as Michelle called him.

  3. Rose McGowan is a badass pitbull on this. She's talked about for years. Everything needs to come out, many male actors are hiding weak and silent.

    1. Loved her calling out ben a yesterday

    2. I am so fucking happy for her that she is finally being heard and listened to.

    3. She is a hypocrite who worked with Weinstein again in 2004, 7 years after the alleged "rape" and then she was seen with Harvey again in several events from 2004 to 2007

  4. That blind was Rose?! Why didn't she just call his creepy a$& out then and there?! I'm just bewildered how it was all common knowledge that he is a sick perv and abusive, but if staff hadn't outed him Hollywood may still be silent on it.

  5. @the everyday girl - she signed an NDA when she settled with him for 100k years ago.

  6. @the everyday girl, the individualized Settlements with NDA/confidentiality clauses like the one Rose signed are iron-clad. Which is probably why she posted an email exchange about LL instead of one about herself. However the broad ones that TWC had their rank & file employees sign are probably only enforceable for trade secrets purposes, especially in CA...

  7. That link to the blind, What's that shit that he didn't force anyone? Coercion is still force. Give me a break if they didn't submit they would lose everything.

    It's still rape.

  8. Anonymous12:27 PM

    So Bob is worse than Harvey?

  9. I hope beyond hope that this tide turns into a tsunami and people keep outing the assaulters/rapists. I can only imagine how much sweating is happening in Hollywood right now as so many people are involved in this stuff one way or another (some as perpetrators, some as victims, some as perhaps complicit "bystanders"). Public relations professionals must be swamped right now helping their celebrity clients come up with statements on this shit.

  10. @timebob I'm a woman, and I'm not sure I agree. Yes, coercion is a form of force, BUT these women did have a choice. And most of them chose fame.

  11. People are always going on about iron clad non disclosure agreements. that only applies when there is no illegal activity involved.

    A court will throw the agreement out if it was made to cover up or prevent knowledge of illegal acts. It is usually applied in corporate cases of health and safety cover ups but can apply in cases such as this. Also once the agreement is signed and the signee knew that an illegal act had occurred they could be tried as an accomplice after the fact if it turned into a court case.

    The main reason Rose didn't come forward was because her career and reputation would be ruined by someone like Weinstein. All the nutter stories about Rose are believed to have come from Harvey, planted so if she did name names no one would believe her.

  12. Rose didn't get blocked by Twitter until she started going after Bob.

    Or am I the only one who noticed that?



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