Friday, October 20, 2017

Four For Friday - Traditional

All of these happened in the same country.

#1 - So they used to be the hottest tween couple around. Both tweeners are singers, and are still in the A list range. There was this time when the guy had an overseas gig, and he brought his tweener girlfriend with him.  They only had a one night stay in the country, but were overheard by the staff passing by their room - having sex really loudly. Loud enough where multiple complaints had been registered by guests. They checked out of the hotel the next day, and to the shock of the staff, the entire room was trashed. The TV was smashed, a chair and all the glasses were broken, stuffing from all the pillows was everywhere in the room. There was nothing left undisturbed. My guess is that both were angry because they were in a country where drugs would have got them executed.

#2 - This band is fronted by an A list singer who's also an actor. He has a lot of demands. At a music festival he demanded the organizer pay for a private jet for his use and that of his people. The organizer refused because no other bands were getting a private jet. The singer threatened to not play until he was forced to back down because everyone knew he was bluffing.

Once the singer arrived in the country, he threatened to leave because it was too hot. He refused to do a proper sound check because of the temperature. He threw fit after fit all because he was still upset about the private jet thing. He did say it was a place where it was super easy to have sex with groupies. His manager would just walk up to women and offer them the chance to meet the singer in his hotel room. No one said no.

#3 - This singer, who's currently on a reality show and a former reality contestant herself who has also done some acting pulled out of a concert in this country die to scheduling conflicts. In reality, she was terrified of of getting on a plane flying to or from the country.

#4 - This singer, probably a B Lister now and a one hit wonder, had that huge hit back in the day and was invited to perform at an overseas concert where he was the headliner. The thing is, no one in the country knew who he was. They hadn't even heard his hit song. When there was a technical glitch, he still tried to perform an unplugged concert. The audience though took him for some staff member and booed him because they wanted the headliner. Our singer was so ticked off her walked off the stage and headed straight to the airport. He didn't stick around for any of the obligations in his contract,. 


  1. 1.Selena and the Biebs?

  2. 3)Carrie Underwood
    Or Kelly Clarkson

  3. Selena and Bieber #1
    2_--thirty Seconds to Mars Jared Leto
    3Kelli Pickler

  4. #3 = Adam Levine / Maroon 5.

  5. 2 is Brandon Flowers from The Killers

  6. Anonymous10:55 AM

    1. Selena and Biebs
    2. Jared Leto
    3. Jennifer Hudson
    4. James Blunt?

  7. Meant Adam Levine for #2, though I was thinking it said reality star, too. But Levine's acted, too.
    Not sure he's as much of an asshole as Jared Leto, who also fits, but I don't think of him as an A-list singer.

  8. Assume country is uae?

    1. I thought South Korea or Japan.

  9. 1) If it is the uae (quite likely), doing drugs does not involve death penalty, it is trafficking what does. Doing drugs is not advisable anyway.

    2) I wonder that if this guy is Leto, who the person in 4 is that is less knon than his music.

    4) If people pay to see a guy they do not know who he is, they deserve whatever the bloke does to them.

  10. I thought Malaysia.

    1. Yup. Malaysia and get caned for chewing gum and spitting it on the sidewalk.

  11. 1 is Biebs/Selena
    3 is JHud

  12. #2 Jon Bon Jovi who is A List singer, he is also an actor, Bon Jovi played in Rock in Rio. Jared isn't A list singer.

  13. #2 country is definitely Brazil. Jared Leto, Adam Levine and Bon Jovi were there last month could be any of them, although Jared doesn't seem to request a private jet around.

  14. I was thinking Britney and Timbersnake for 1, but tv smashing sounds so much more Bieber imagining he's da man.

    I like Seal for 4, but I'll throw in Pharrel (Happy) and Robin Thicke (White Lines) just because they have more of that 'staff member' look.

  15. Pharrell is NOT a one hit wonder.
