Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 24, 2017

This former A+ list mostly movie actress does not really act any longer. She could, if she got her meds right. Celebrity offspring abound and her ex is still A+ list. Another is A- list. Anyway, our actress is mum on her love life because she is dating one of the exes of her kids who wasn't really an ex when they started hooking up. Not the first or third time mom has done this.

Demi Moore


  1. Drugs will affect your judgement but that is disgusting

  2. Well, once D Moore could open movies and had the biggest payment for an actress at that time, so, yes, i would say she was A+ List once

    and i agree : EWWWWW

  3. she's been doing this for years. her poor daughters...what a f@@@@d up thing to have to deal with. destroys trust, destroys the mother-child bond.

  4. What were Demi's parents like?? Obviously, she was severely lacking role models.

  5. Demi was raised po white trash. And she was major league A+ in the 80s and 90s.

    As for sleeping with her daughters' boyfriends she IS a lot better looking than the potato heads even with her bad fake teeth.

  6. I've always thought something was different about her.
    She was once a very good looking woman with a career that was fast moving forward.
    I think her best film was "Ghost."
    Just my 2 cents....
    Standing down now.


  7. Demi is fierce. She can f@*k anyone she wants.

  8. Ew. No, she most definitely cannot.

  9. So Demi was with Harry Morton! I wonder if she's with Jayson Blaire now?
