Sunday, October 15, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 6, 2017

The father of this A+ list former reality star turned something else used to pay protection money to the grandfather of an employee of our A+ lister.

Donald Trump/Kellyanne Conway


  1. More details please.

  2. Her grandfather was Jimmy "The Brute" DiNatale of South Jersey. Lots of info if you google him.
    Accessory in the murder of Vincent Falcone, for one.

  3. So she is like a Kennedy, but without their bad luck and sex addiction.

    1. Didn't JFK's father use to pay off the Italian mob back in the day? (Despite Bobby coming after them on the surface at his job.)

  4. So Trump has been downgraded over the last month or two by Enty from A+++ to A++ and now just A+?

  5. Downgrade works for me.

  6. This blind was written in April.

  7. well sociopathy can be inherited or brought out by one's environment, so this helps us understand her a little better. i want to know more about the fred trump/jimmy dinatale relationship. donald trump's been around mob figures since birth, hence his attraction to and for roy cohn. still stumped by people who think he's a hero. sorry...i don't want this to be the start of a political debate...just spouting off my feelings. i don't hate or look down on his supporters, i just literally don't understand why he appeals to religious and conservative voters.

  8. So Kellyanne has mob ties? Apparently this is true. Everything involving Trump is always slimy in nature.

    1. I think Kellyanne is an idiot (come on guys, it shows) and it's évident now why she's where she's at, because it confused the fuck out of me at first. She's incompetent and unprofessional (and i say that as a very messy person myself).

      But it's also not so black-and-white that we can label someone as having "mob ties" like it's a buddy-buddy situation... Sometimes you have to keep the baddies close—otherwise, they can get a bit unruly and give you hell. 👩🏻‍⚖️

  9. just saying.... he appeals to us because he wants to make the government smaller, he wants to vet people coming into our country so they don't kill us. He wants to put conservatives on the supreme court as they are more likely to take a more literal approach to the constitution. We hope that putting more conservatives on there will eventually stop the massacre of unborn children. He wants to protect our rights per the amendments. There are others, I hope this helps you see why we supported him over Hillary. Hillary .... well she speaks for herself.

    1. Trump stands for nothing only himself. He's not a conservative he has been a democrat his whole life until a black president. It's ok to ban abortion but everybody gets guns. It's not people from other countries that are killing us it is our own people. More people have died from American hands seriously do real research instead of believing the guy from the apprentice. When u say u font people from other countries that is nice way to say you are a racist. It just makes no sense to take a document written hundred of years ago literally just like the Bible. It's sad peopl just don't have common sense anymore. I can believe all of these things you want but if think trump is white supremacist. He helped all of hurricane victims except Puerto Rico. There is you proof besides every word that comes out of his mouth.

  10. tRump is illegimate we all know it, he only appeals to the KKK

  11. thanks for your non-hostile explanation gina, i appreciate dialogue and shared ideas without the animosity of partisan politics. those are all excellent goals. i'm a registered democrat but wasn't until near the end of the bush -- i voted for bush 2x. my problem with much of what you say is because you trust donald trump to do these things when he doesn't genuinely care about much of it. he panders to the people who clap for him, who like or pretend to like him. but just as he blindsided republicans by embracing schumer and pelosi in the daca debate, he is going to continue to betray people as needed to satisfy his goals or whims. he gets a thrill out of unsettling people who are counting on him. if his base turns on him he will turn on them. he ran on a stated desired policy of universal healthcare, which is anathema to conservatives but appealed to so many struggling middle-americans. yet he was willing to accept any plan to repeal and replace, no matter how harmful. when he says to the dems, "call me, we'll work out a great health care plan together", the beginning of universal care may be what he's talking about initiating. (i don't know why they don't get busy on it. yes i do -- it's because they fear they can't trust a word out of his mouth.) but in the meantime, his sociopathic nature, hellbent on erasing the name of obama, an important part of our current healthcare plan just because he can -- victims of the cuts be damned. he even says it's not on him, it's all obama's fault. and anonymous is right about his bigotry. this is simply intolerable in a president. he comes from a working-class outer-borough mid-century attitude in which "puerto ricans" were akin to cockroaches, people that landlords were justified in banishing from their buildings. the man was fined by the government several times for discrimination and racist practices. and he is treating the island of puerto rico and it's residents as if it is a burden unworthy of being cared for and made whole. with so many natural disasters to pay for this year, he continues to talk about tax cuts for the rich and building that wall that most republicans i've spoken to agree is pointless. it's his character that's the problem. this is a man who says he's never felt the need to ask god for forgiveness. yet the christian right thinks he's close to a messiah. some even say that anyone who criticizes him is "anti-christ". in the anglican mass we ask God for forgiveness every week, saying "we confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and what we have left undone”. to me this sums up the heart of christ's message. trump feels that he's too perfect to say such humbling words. he idolizes gangsters & vladimir putin, declared bankruptcy repeatedly which means taxpayers paid his bills, caused thousands of workers (many of whom were illegal aliens already working for below standard wages) to lose their jobs and their homes. we all have made mistakes as well, but acknowledging our shortfalls and human frailty is the start to leading a better life in the future. he doesn't feel that he needs to. he and his daughter sell retail items that are made in china, then he hypocritically establishes a "made in america day" with this being the mandate he expects all (other) americans to live and work by. i could go on, you've heard it all before and chosen to cling with hope to the promises he's made. i guess i don't blame you for hoping he's for real, but i believe he's going to let you down "bigly" and i live every day in dread of the harm he's capable of inflicting on all of us, not to mention grief for the ugly image of america he's already spread around the globe, the pain he's already caused to so many people.

  12. Just Sayin & Gina- thank you both so much for having a "civil" discussion about politics. If more people would actually take the time to try to understand each other instead of immediatly judging and hurling insults, we could accomplish great things.

  13. thanks jennerationb for encouraging more dialogue. that's the thing that kills me about partisan politics, the accusatory "you stupid republicans", "you libtards". when we're all effing the same. we all got smashed by the financial crash of 2008 and are still hurting. we all want the same things: a safe home for ourselves and our families. affordable healthcare. work that enables us to pay the bills and feel in control of our lives. a government that protects us against foreign and domestic bad guys, that provides essential services but that doesn't intrude on our privacy and personal choices. the freedom to be exactly who we are, to speak our minds and live our lives and not be condemned for our beliefs, appearances or backgrounds. this isn't partisan stuff, it's human stuff. the sooner we recognize this basic truth and stop buying into the divisiveness being crammed down our throats by idealogues with agendas based on self-promotion, the sooner the people can truly make america great again. it's up to us people, not politicians! okay, i'll get off my soapbox now.

  14. Agreed!! Every religion, race and political party has extremist idiots, and Unfortunatually, they are the voices the media tends to bombard us with. I'm so tired of hearing from people who serve no purpose other than to cause hatred and division. We need to look around and realize that these zealots only represent a small percentage of "Americans". Like you said above, the majority of us want the same things for our lives, families, communities and country. We are united in so many more ways than we are divided, and it's sad that so many won't stop shouting long enough to realize that.

  15. Excellent posts and thread! Just sayin and Anon ...bravo . Said so much better than I could .

  16. I have wondered how Kellyanne managed to escape Trump's axe. Now we know.

    Thank you Gina for posting why you voted for Trump. When you explain the reasons, they make sense. Unfortunately, Trump handles everything badly (imo, and I'm Canadian so I'm outside looking in).

    What I'd like to ask not just you but all Trump supporters is what line does he have to cross for you to believe he should be impeached? (This is an honest question, and I'm not baiting anyone nor do I want this thread to turn into cat-spitting mode.)

  17. @shakey Probably the same line Obama would have had to cross before Obama supporters would believe he should have been impeached.

  18. I want more info about the Mob stuff.



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