Thursday, October 19, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 12, 2017

That late night host is feeling pretty smug about himself and his latest career get. It is going to come with a huge price though. The person formerly holding that space the late night host inserted himself into has already started indicating she is going to spill a lot and the tea will be overflowing.

Andy Cohen/Anderson Cooper/Kathy Griffin


  1. Kathy should try a new tack and focus on making a few friends for a change because it's catching up with her. I recently read her Wiki bio and was surprised to learn that CNN is just the latest in a long line of shows she's been banned from over the years.

  2. Well that's her thing, right? Too dangerously REAL for network or even primetime cable? Then the "ban" is retracted and she's back. Applause. Now she's spilling on the wrong people and making them look bad and she suddenly finds herself banned for real which must be a bit shocking.

  3. She should try actually being funny. It's not outside her wheelhouse but it has been a while.

  4. +1.. I've said it before.. crass garbage is just a poor substitute for 'out of genuinely good ideas'.

  5. Anonymous11:53 AM

    They're all pretty odious.

  6. Nobody’s watching these clowns anymore
    Coopers the only one with a tiny shred of accountability

  7. Please spill Kathy! What dirt do you have?

  8. Used to love her, went to her shows. After what Kelly and she pulled on Fashion Police, I was over both of them and she's only worse since. What she did to Melissa Rivers was awful and she's shown her true colors since. Only a douche lashes out at the world and reveals intimate secrets against former friends when cornered. What she did was 100% wrong and it wasn't funny. Her playing the victim all the time and then trying to take down everyone else when she's wrong is disgusting. Anderson COoper should not have defended the indefensible. She should've apologized and kept her mouth shut and tried to be funny. STFU. She's crossed over into the F List and she's a total ahole.



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