Thursday, October 26, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 18, 2017

This actress had a franchise. It really went off the rails at the end, which was not her fault. She then got involved in some outspoken causes and also did some other things to make studio bosses angry. So, what is an actress to do who wants to get out of the indie hole she has dug herself into? She got her masterful PR people to tease out a relationship with a foreign born athlete. The studios like that kind of thing. Paps scrambling to get the first shot of them together. It all creates a buzz and a way out of indie hell.

Shailene Woodley


  1. Good for her playing the game like a pro. She is a good person.

  2. I like her alot and i saw the pics, she looks pretty happy, but then, actress. Anyway, love her and hope she is happy:)

  3. I hope she does well. Shes a good actress and a good person. It's a pity that Divergent was such a mess.

  4. She stood up for DAPL, respect to her.

  5. Wouldn't it make more sense to get involved with someone well known in the USA, like a pro athlete here or a musician.

  6. You Americans are easily amused: an ugly communist thespian dates a completely unknown athlete in a minority sport, and you are hypnotized by their relation.

    1. Lol exactly. This girl is mediocre to lame at best. I don't think she'll be landing any more big roles

  7. if it was for pr she would date a more well known athlete. this is bs because no one cares.

  8. Thought she was a baby K-stew but okay good on her to figure out how to stay working.
