Friday, October 06, 2017

Blind Item #8

I don't know if this former A- list tweener star used last night. What I will tell you is a drug dealer, who is not his usual texted me to tell me the former tweener was looking for drugs. The dealer I was in touch with does not deal crack so our tweener had to look elsewhere.


  1. Yup.. he just left rehab without completing treatment. Sad.

  2. I'd like to know how Enty knows drug dealers in St Petersburg Florida since that's where Aaron lives?

    1. I was thinking the same thing.

  3. Just read elsewhere that he was spotted in LAX on Wednesday or Thursday, so apparently he flew to L.A. after leaving rehab rather than return home.

  4. he's at great danger now. there are a lot of addicts who OD right out of rehab because their tolerance has changed.


  5. Wow. Two different drug dealers have your text information Enty. Should we worry?

  6. Aaaaw Aaron. Poor kiddo. Shades of Corey Haim if you ask me ...... Shame his family can't try an(other?) intervention. He's still young so too early to give up on him just yet, no?
