Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Blind Item #7 - HImmmm - Easy Easy

Dear ______________:
Please don't leave your drug-smoking pipe, needles, and other items in your shaving kit in the bathroom before exiting. Then being so wasted you forgot about it. Seek help and please don't spin this as "the man" trying to frame you. We love you, but there's rules for everyone. Drug addiction doesn't help any victims. Good luck.



  1. Yes, Rose. She claims she is being framed because she accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment. Maybe it’s a concept she picked up while supporting Hillary Clinton, who spent a lot of time and energy smearing the ladies who accused Bill.

  2. Nooooo. I don't want this to be Rose MCGowan. Have no idea who it is, but please not Rose.

    1. It is. From what I read in the NY Post a warrant has been issued for her because of it.

  3. Rose McGowan! Yay, I guessed my first blind item, I'm impressed with myself, ayy lmao

  4. The “shaving kit” comment makes me think it’s a man.

  5. Mee too. But if it is Rose, that not negate her having been molested by well dressed skin tag, weinstein. ( name stolen from snl)

  6. It was in United Airlines right, huehue? I wonder who found this kit and what thit person done with this.

  7. Oh no. Rehab quickly Rose. It's the only solution. So sad

  8. Anonymous10:33 AM

    She has had a lot of trauma. You look for ways to forget. I hope she gets the help she needs.

  9. Sadly, Rose seems 'damaged' by her years in Hollywood. We now know why, but it's still very sad.

  10. Shaving kit = toiletries case?

  11. I don't care if Rose uses drugs, I would too. Self medication is the old stand by when confronting demons. Again, we don't get to pick our demons.

  12. Time for rehab if this is the case.
    You did an admirable thing Rose and you are carry around lots of baggage from it, rightfully so.
    Go take care of yourself.

  13. Same, don't care when people are doing drugs, but it's tragic what she's doing to herself, at the end she'll end up in even worse trouble than before, also her friends and family must go through hell, worrying about her. Been there, my brother died of overdose. All of this is unnecessary, no drugs will ever help, it's actually the opposite.

  14. Police said it was coke. Doesn’t jive with the needle talk in this blind

  15. @MommaBear has a point. I never heard of a woman carrying a "shaving kit." Are we sure this is Rose?

  16. Shaving kit means a man to me so this can't be about Rose; this has to be about a male victim. Anyway, only the "deranged" "drug addicted" "alcoholics" "nutters" are going to speak out about this stuff because that's the only way anyone could handle going public with abuse. The so called "credible" victims are considered credible because they keep their mouths shut and smile.

  17. Shaving kit for shaving legs and armpits?

    Gotta be Rose. Poor gal. Needs some decent rehab and a good Attorney.

  18. Anonymous7:26 PM

    People do shoot up coke. It's Rose for sure. She has probably been self-medicating for years. I'm hoping this will be the time she can get help and go back to being the great talent she is.

  19. (I read somewhere else that Himmm is actually fucking Iron Man, is that true? what the fuck is a gazillionaire doing in a gossip blog?)

  20. @German - No, it's someone who works with celebs, like lawyer or something. Apparently some people thought there was some links to RDJ, but it's been scientifically proven that it's not ayy lmao. Let's keep him/her hidden and safe, whoever it is, because there will be bad consequences for himmmm, if someone finds out who he/she is. And he/she seems to be such a kind person :)
