Monday, October 09, 2017

Blind Item #5 - Himmmm

Another classic Himmmm blind. Again, I have only replaced names with a description and removed some easy identifiers. I have left his writing intact.

The REAL story I wanted to share with you has to do with more recent times. The 90's.   A spoiled, stoned, comedic dipshit named ______________ thought he was hot s**t.  Everybody gave him a break due to family connections. So spoiled b**tch-ass _______ got his shot and blew up big on MTV and stupid movies, etc.  He also was a spoiled brat with the hookers and blow all over Hollywood, disrespecting everyone in sight.

So punk b**ch ________ started hanging with rock stars, Guns n Roses, Crue, etc. and Charlie Sheen and porn stars like Savannah and Kelly Jackson (or whatever her name was in porn). He also got used to being comped everywhere in town. Trash a room at the Roosevelt? Comped. Heidi's girls? Comped. Buckets of cocaine? Comped. Meals at Drai's, parties at the Rainbow, or puking on diners inside Louise's Trattoria in Los Feliz? All comped. When he couldn't get it up? He blamed the whores. Not the cocaine, or because he liked tossing man salad  – he blamed the hookers for being lazy. (Ask poor ______________ ((co-star from one of his earlier movies who everyone knows, I Enty have a permanent soft spot)) what SHE endured from that douche-canoe). Then one night, his world changed forever.

This was around 1993 or 1994 I believe, and people on the Sunset Strip had grown weary of his shtick, and studios were weary of his one-note routine that no longer made as much money.  Even his family was sick of it.  Most of all though, the hookers grew very tired of his demands, lack of payment, and his physical abuse.  A major no-no to a glamour puss.  Even Charlie Sheen didn't hit in the face or rough up a studio head's favorite girl.  Charlie only shot his girlfriends. But ______ was too stupid and spoiled to know that rule.

After an epic 48 hour coke bender, several fights with his agents and others telling him his career's heading in the toilet _______ keeps partying.  He calls for Heidi's girls and is warned.  He agrees and agrees to credit card pay up front, so two girls go over to party.  He wanted one special girl and he paid a ton for her. Somewhere in there ______ came unglued and beat the one special escort within inches of her life.  This was a stunning young beauty  (at the end of the blind, Himmmm seems to indicate the escort is this former B- list actress/model/reality star who is an A- list celebrity ALL of you know) from a solid family.  An emerging legit actress hooking for the party fun and connections.  _______ put her in the hospital.

When the escort's favorite customer – a studio exec - found out? He was livid.  He ordered a total blackballing of _________ from the business, even calling in threats to Katzenberg at Disney to get ________ shafted.  Sent several guys to visit _______'s family and force them to make it right or they would.  Serious guys who could do damage.  Heidi and her backers were not so professional.  With the escort's other favorite actor client supporting them, Heidi's backers went and snatched _____ that night.  They beat him to a pulp and did very nasty things to him, took photos, video, and black-bagged him.  The next morning he woke up hoisted on the D of the Hollywood sign.  How he got down nobody knows.

Within days _____ went on vacation and didn't set foot back in town for months.  _______ and his family paid a handsome fee to the young escort.  Even put her in a new comedy parody film with big comedy stars.  Legend had it that _______ was one of the tipsters to lead to the raid on Heidi Fleiss.  Luckily the escort was out of the Madame's business after this event.  She recovered fully, and even took her hospital stay as a chance to get new breasts since they were repairing her face anyway.  She left the full-time escort life shortly after, and her studio executive clients helped get her work in legit films.  Her other best client, the actor, also helped her.  He eventually married her and got free threesomes with the escort and _______________ (former A list mostly television actress who seems to frequently get arrested for drugs and other DUI type things) as a bonus.

_________'s career went into the toilet.  Pathetically enough? He recently gave an interview to a former B+ list actor/host on his show about how "sad" he is while lamenting the loss of his glorious fame, career, and life of luxury.  He whines like a p**sy about bad movie roles, and growing older, but NEVER mentions the real reason behind his fall.  Denies drugs. He spends the whole interview pissing and moaning, and whining about how he was bigger than everyone.  You can see the interviewer thinking "f**k him" during the interview.  Priceless.


  1. Pauly Shore and Denise Richards as the B list model/actress

  2. He eventually married her and got free threesomes with the escort and _______________ (former A list mostly television actress who seems to frequently get arrested for drugs and other DUI type things) as a bonus.
    Sheen and Heather Locklear

  3. What does tossing man salad mean?

  4. Licking ass @monteverde

  5. Eating the ass of a man. Paulette Shore hangs around San Diego and I was sitting next to him and some very attractive ladies at Wind and Sea Beach. Very flirty and whiny but managed to ignore him.I always wondered how he got these chicks since he was not attractive. There is a comedy store in La Jolla and that's why he is here.Last saw him riding a bike in Misiion Beach and he looked like hell. That poor girl.......evil people get their dues.

  6. Jim Carrey as last blind

  7. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Two sentences in - Pauly Shore....

  8. Paulie is a douchebag, always had been

  9. Ugh.....ok. Thanks for the picture I now can never erase..

    1. Hoisted On the 'D' of the Hollywood sign 😂😂😂😂😂👸🏻😂😂😂😂👸🏻😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🥗🌌😂😂👸🏻😂😂😂😂😂

    2. I can't stop laughing about it for some reason

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Joe Rogan as the host. I just watched the interview on YouTube yesterday. Paul says "sad" several times.

  12. According to Wikipedia, Pauley has never been married.
    But, the blind implies this offspring's family was well connected to the film/tv industry.
    (When this is revealed (if ever) I will be going - oh, yeah. Him!)

    1. Did you even read the wiki on him? His mother basically started the LA comedy scene which launched who knows how many comedy/movie careers, so ya, his family had influence in Hollywood

    2. His mom owns the Comedy Stores in Los Angeles and La Jolla. I think she recently passed but yes his family has real estate, a successful business and cash. Who would marry that fool anyways?

  13. This one actually made me feel a bit queasy. Some people really take the cake.

  14. Pauley Shore....should be embarrassed

  15. I'm a little embarrassed to admit how many times I watched Son-In-Law. Oh Pauly. Even I couldn't stomach BioDome though.

  16. Pauly Shore, Charlie Sheen, Denise Richards, Heather Locklear

  17. I met Pauly Shore when he sat next to me on an airplane. He's every bit the hot mess he plays on tv (sideways hat, neon plastic sunglasses that looked like they were free, the bratty little kid posture) lol & this was last year smh

  18. Oh...hi there darlings, pals, and all my other friends from the animal kingdom. Hope everyone's been well. folks are smart. Seriously. I'm slobbergasted at how sharp everyone is. I never could've even got my brain working fast enough to fashion a guess. Is it too "meta" for me to guess? Oh what the heck. I never was as good at guessing as everyone else here so I'll leave you to it. Just wanted to hop in and say howdy. Glad to see this Enty person's in top form these days. He's like the old man in Oz behind the curtain. But with bacon. And Katherine Heigl's mobile number. But mostly bacon.

  19. Pauly has always had a reputation for liking really young girls. This is so gross though. It explains a lot.

  20. Super juicy day on CDaN today, old format and all, I'm loving it.

  21. Denise Richards is mostly movie and I don't think she has had issues with DUIs.

  22. I'm glad no one has asked me to toss their salad - I always thought it meant hand job...huh. The more you know.

  23. Oh and great to have a Himmmm resurgence today - I'll never forget the open letter to Zoe Saldana response and the Natalie Wood bomb. Such good times!

  24. this is why your blog is not reliable, u post bs like this

  25. Hey, I know it's a long item but y'all need to pay attention to what it does NOT say. It doesn't say the guy got married, it says the call girl's actor client (Charlie Sheen) married her. Also, Denise is not associated with DUI's, the third actress in the threeway, Heather Locklear, is. Young Adult confirms it with the Joe Rogan interview of Paula Shore, but does it seem like Chris Kattan could possibly fit too? The evidence points to Pauly. I don't recall Denise Richards doing reality tv but maybe she did Dancing with the Stars or something?

  26. Okay, she had a reality show that ended in 2009 called It's Complicated.

  27. Hi, Himmmm, hope all's been well with you!

  28. Hi Himmmm, nice hearing from you again :)

  29. Welcome back Himmmm! Carla Gugino for the tortured costar. She seems like a genuine doll

  30. Pauley has always been a creep. Amazing he had any sort of career.
    Welcome back, Himmmm!

  31. This would have been around the time my friend was engaged to Charlie. I remember there being some rumors about her and Pauly too...

    And welcome back Himmmm!

  32. Oh my good lord! Himmmm is here today!!! He's the reason I found this blog. I kinda feel like I just saw Elvis.

  33. fun fact: biodome is based on a real project, biosphere ii, that was run by none other than steve bannon. interview here:

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  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Himmmm! You're back. How exciting! I thought I'd drop in too now that the old gang is getting back together. Hello Frufra and Astrogirl!

  37. off topic - couldn't be happier to have CDAN back in its old format. life is crazy and soooo dark lately that a blind reveal about a drugged up, violent, spoiled celebrity brat is a bright spot. ty CDAN, ty!

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  39. I've always been curious about Denise Richards' sudden appearances in "Seinfeld" and "Friends"--always as the dishy ingenue/cousin. Seems she had a lock on that type for a time.

  40. Thanks for the welcomes, and welcome back to you gals n guys too! As someone pointed out it is important to read the details in these, as well as what's NOT mentioned in them. The big downer, of course, is that these acts happened and we know about it. The silver lining is that many people are getting the picture (albeit a tad tardy) and are realizing they cannot do this crap any longer.

    Sadly, for every monster dragged out into the sunlight - another monster is discovered. And for every brave victim stepping up to strongly accuse? Some shallow selfie-seeking fame whore will cultivate a way to make a false accusation, fake claims, and any number of horrific tactics to grab those headlines, sympathy, and say "me!me!look at me you guys!". That always hurts real victims - especially when their fake claims are uncovered (and casts shadows on claims of real victims).

    Not to trigger anybody - and def not "blaming" or "shaming" anyone, but several people I've spoken to were side-eyed to Ashley Judd's remembrances in the NY Times article on Harvey. Did Ashley endure real harassment as described? I believe she did. Probably from more than just Harvey.

    But if you read JUST HER STORY in the article you get to the quote of when she told Harvey that if she wins an Oscar for her role in his film...THEN he could do anything he wished with her. Did that seem sketchy to anyone else?

    Again, to repeat, I don't care to ever blame a victim. Even a prostitute can be raped, or a wife forced against her will. There's never any excuse to victimize anyone (even if drunk). Period. It's just odd that when a woman accuses a man of raping/harassing her...then says he can have sex/whatever with her later (as long as she gets HER way)...that seems a bit dirty. Of course it's no excuse for him to expose himself or touch her - it just seems shady to me though I admit I'm cynical to the goings-on in Hollywood. Very little is shocking anymore.

    For every Harvey out there in the industry, there's a ton of young actresses who WILLINGLY offer "tit for tat" to producers, directors, and even craft service caterers if they can help her get her goal (or even just the best bagels). All without the man having to suggest or threaten or do anything. More than one man has been tempted by the offers of ingenues, eager type-A junior execs, and even reporters seeking a scoop. Aggressive women, and women who "offer" are not a myth. Right Miss Potts?

    1. Kudos to the ladies who don't throw themselves at men for roles/fame/to further their careers (this includes women who pull baby mama moves on famous men).

      This isn't about slut-shaming, this is about:

      a) Protecting your sisters by helping build a safer/healthier work environment by making it NOT OKAY to casting couch/contribute to developing the mind frame that ALL actresses are okay with being gropes/sleeping their way up, etc. Chances are, if a douche groped/harassed an unwilling woman (as I have been) the perpetrator at one point in the past PROBABLY did thought it was okay to do so because some other woman in the past was okay with it/threw herself at him. Stop being so selfish and just thinking about YOURSELF getting ahead of the game, think about the bigger picture and how it'll impact fellow actresses.

      B) Fair competition where actresses who are actually willing to do the work get to compete for jobs like men. We need to start from ourselves, by showing them we won't take it and it's unacceptable.

    2. Just THANK YOU for being fair-minded without being a misogynist about. I totally, TOTALLY AGREE with everything you've just said. More people need to start seeing (and acknowledging) both sides of the story, and start thinking like you. 💙💙💙💙

  41. I am loving today! Himmmm is back..all the regular posters, juicy blinds, karma is being dished out AND the old format?! All is right with the world for one tiny second! Thank you, Enty!!

  42. Rebbeca Gayheart slightly fits here, but I thnk its more likely that it was Denise R.

  43. Ummmmm....did Himmm just call out Pepper Potts, AKA GOOP...the original Weinstein girl??

  44. This is my first experience with Himmmm and boy am I loving it.

  45. When will Singer be rightfully exposed and thrown out?

  46. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Welcome back himmmm. You have been missed.

    As for the anti hero of this story, I hope he is reminded of the letter D every day.

    1. It stands for "DOUCHE" too. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  47. boy do i second the vote for singer and the show biz nambla set to be exposed and prosecuted. unfortunately i think hollywood sees male pedophilia as being victimless, and it's not.

  48. Oh wow I was thinking Annie Potts and wasn't thinking that made a whole lot of sense. Yes, Gwyneth as Pepper Potts - Himmmm knows the rumors about him being RDJ (he isn't) - is perfect.

  49. OMG - old format! So great! Thank you!!!

  50. @hunter - my first thought went to Annie Potts, too! Considering Goop stole the script from Winona Ryder, perhaps those cookies she baked for Harvey were because she wanted to bake them.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. miss a few days online and miss out on the most interesting cdan for awhile... no slight to Enty, I love that man! But to have Himmmm back to play is just magical. HI HIMMMM, belatedly. Come back to us more often... but bring with you your insights on the sad Chris Cornell saga. I think Enty has his hands full with that one, Himmmm... help if you can, for us fan volunteers are getting worried. Blessings :)

  53. Again, thanx to each of you for the warm welcome. It does feel like a reunion indeed. One of the most endearing qualities of Entward and you all in the CDANisphere is the ability to disagree without devolving into rabid personal emotional attacks, or blowtorch-packing earth-scorching unlimited warfare...all because another takes an opposing view. Granted there's always exceptions (and even CDAN has some) but by and large the majority in this community surpass the asylum found in other comment/reader communities! Thank you each one for that.

    BeLynda? I feel like Elvis. Or his corpse anyway. For those wanting to lynch Bryan Singer? At least he's known for what he is. I'm sure he'll get "his due" eventually (like Jimmy Saville or Dennis Hastert). At least people know enough to beware of him now which hopefully limits his victim count. It's water-walking bastards like Jeffery Epstein that infuriate me the most!

    Yes, Scandi, there's much to consider by ALL people in power AND those "seeking the power", in every industry or group when it comes to treating others with dignity. Relationship dynamics like that are topics for a thesis or analysis by those smarter than I, so I prefer to adhere to the Golden Rule at it's most basic, simple, child-like form: Treat others how you want yourself - or your daughter-sister-wife-mom-etc to be treated. Of course we all fall short, but it's a good start.

    Redlight/greenlight? As far as Chris and his widow go...that's still a raw topic for me to wade into even today. Maybe in the future. There's too much raw emotion in that topic for me to comment. I just pray and hope for one girl in particular to stay safe and sane.

    And "Aimless"? Your comments had me rolling, but sorry to disappoint. Some people I wouldn't wish to be or wish on anyone. Like Jeffrey Dhamer, Courtney Love, A Lohan, Keith Olbermann, Sean Hannity, Jeffery Epstein, Kris Kardashian, Tripp Vinson, Himmler, Stalin, Honey BooBoo's Mom, or Pauly Shore. Everyone has their personal limits I guess.

  54. Oh, so excited to peak in at CDAN for the first time in a year. What a lucky day for me. The delightful HIMMMMMMMM and lots of juicy juice and the beloved old format. Good stuff and good times. Yay! And I guessed this one, too, minus Heather Locklear. It's a good night for gossip.

  55. Wow! Everything about this was perfect; the blind, the subjects, the throwback, the comments ... Wow! What a night!

  56. Sigh. First, I am confused as to why anyone is ok with the underlying proposition that "himmmm" (who is most likely not the OG) offered regarding this issue. Many women subjected to an incident such as the one Ashley Judd endured would react in a similar way. When one party has the authority to blacklist and/or ruin another so much so that it would materially affect their future, a person may say whatever necessary to get out of a very intimidating and scary situation. Saying that "It's just odd that when a woman accuses a man of raping/harassing her...then says he can have sex/whatever with her later (as long as she gets HER way)...that seems a bit dirty," is not only bullshit, but dangerous. IDGAF if any woman offered themselves quid pro quo, but I feel that it is reckless to make the implications that "himmmm" has made. Even if his/her claims were legit, what good would expressing it do? He/She is not clearing Weinstein, nor is he/she invalidating any claims made. I think that given the rape culture that we are currently enduring (Brock Turner, MI guy getting visitation rights, rollbacks on protective measures in college institutions), stigmatizing and questioning the behavior of a victim should be frowned upon.

  57. Oh, and shout out to the old heads out there!! Nice to see ya'll!

  58. I'm not going to debate issues with you "Mel", except to say that I think in any society it would be far more frightening and dictatorial to NOT question things or examine them in a critical manner (using the term "critical" in the dialectic sense not pedantic sense). When it comes to criminal charges in the justice system this is required to prevent wrongful convictions and abuse. Doesn't work always but it is how rights are protected. Likewise, when anyone files civil suits or makes public charges against another in the NY Times - where even reporters have standards for sourcing - then it is necessary to question them to a degree. Shades of gray exist - it's not always ATTACK MODE or FREE PASS MODE.

    Go back, please, and read the post I wrote to which you refer. AM I blaming a victim? Not at all. Read and tell me if you think I said I believe Ashley. What did I say?

    I'm asking people to think for themselves. Do you Mel think we should live in a world where any man can accuse you of molesting him? A boy/girl can accuse you of rape? And not have anyone question motives? History? Or anything to any critical degree? If so, then you and I clearly have totally different views on freedom. I personally am against dictatorships, lynch mobs (even digital ones), or only hearing one person's views.

    Ever hear about Tawana Brawley? And the damage she and Sharpton did to real victims of abuse? Or the McMartin Daycare case? Or how only those dying of AIDS were sinners and gays as stated by Pat Robertson? There exist many victims of moral panic and public outrage without proof just as there exist victims who get shut down by the system that's supposed to protect and avenge them. But this system doesn't get fixed by not thinking and talking and figuring out things.

    I totally dispute that we live in a "rape culture" in America. But does such a culture exist in certain industries or groups? I'm sure of it. But there's far more to this country than what is seen in NY or LA or online. Go to Bangladesh or Iran or Venezuela to see their culture. Many countries in Africa. There are indeed rape cultures, but you cannot call them that if you live there. And you have no standard of proof there either. And even having this discussion in this forum is all a bit surreal, ironic if not hypocritical on a gossip blog I think - lol :-)

    I respect your right to disagree with what I said and asked. To each their own. Writing think pieces on modern cultural feminist rights and social media justice are not why I'm here. But that's just me. (And yes, btw, I am ORIGINAL. The original. Not sure about "OG", but I'm over 30yo and don't refer to myself as "gangsta", be it original or even extra crispy! :-) Best of luck to you and have a nice day.

  59. I appreciate your dissent even with your snarky comments and logical fallacies, after all, it is a gossip site. And yes, I’m aware of this case and others as I happen to study law. I stand by what I said even if you tried to reframe my argument and morph it into something else. Maybe you should go back and read it again?? I also appreciate that my comment concerning victims and their reactions in a moment such as the one described somehow makes me a feminist. Oh and sorry that using OG instead of writing it out somehow offended you to the point that you compelled to make some ridiculous retort (I’m guessing it was a joke to lighten the tone?). But hey, you knew what it meant so I guess the meaning was not lost. Additonally, just bc this is a gossip site and most of us stick to the gossip (typically I just read) but if someone feels to speak on a topic directly related to the blind then I don’t see an issue with it. Besides, your the person that took my comment and threw into the realm of feminism(does it bug you that much?), social media, and chicken (?? ) with your follow-up short essay. Anyways, I think we both know where each other stand and welcome back to CDAN (please don’t ask that I write that out. lol).

  60. thank you so much Himmmm. Losing your friend, yes I understand totally. If you ever have the time, stop by LipStickAlley, where some amazing Chris Cornell fans are doing truly amazing things. Bring Enty :) blessings sent your way!

  61. @Himmmm thank you for your insite. Truly fascinating. I am sorry to bother you but I have to ask. Your list of people who you "wouldn't wish to be or wish on anyone" Courtney Love on a list with Jeffery Epstein and Dhamer? Himmler and Stalin? I have to know why.

  62. I was just listening to AJ Benza's podcast FAME IS A BITCH, episode "Pedophilia Part 4: A-listers, Escorts and Actors." He quotes at one point verbatim from this item, and although he doesn't explain it's from CDAN, he is otherwise generally from what I have listened to good about crediting. In fact, later on in this same episode, he frames a few more blind items as being from CDAN/HIMMMM.

  63. The weasel on JRE (Joe Rogan , fear factor, news radio) was just a sad. Guy can't get over his past.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. I believe Chuck Zito was the guy who Heidi got to do the beating and stuff.

    1. And the amount of compensation demanded and paid was $150,000.



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