Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Blind Item #4

Guess this A-/B+ list dual threat actress wants to get back into the football game. Not in the way she spent the past several years though. Recently she got this New England player alone and hooked up with him which she is forcing will move out the one year wonder he was dating. Funny how the one year wonder has done the same kind of work as our actress has done in the past.


  1. Olivia Mann?
    Danny Amendola and Olivia Culpo?

  2. *Munn... she’s a dual threat nothing lol

  3. Right? Munns a dual threat? Yachting and bearding?

  4. Bwahaha it's definitely Danny Amendola who must be hung like a horse considering he's only 5'11" and 190 and scores all these hot women who seem to line up for him.

    1. He is handsome as hell too. Olivia fight for your man!!

    2. Culpo not munn.

  5. What is 'dual threat' anyway? I took it to mean bi, but where's the threat in that?

  6. LC - too funny! Mrs. Meat - I thought dual-threat was someone who was famous for two talents. I.e. Gaga acts and sings. Culpo used to model/compete in pageants, so maybe Enty is saying whoever is trying to steal Danny Amendola used to do the same thing? On a side note, a co-worker of mine met Olivia Culpo in a clothing boutique and said she was probably the most stunning person she's ever seen in the flesh. Super nice gal, too.

  7. There are 3 "threats"...TV, movies and stage...I think.

  8. Anonymous5:21 PM

    LOL, LC, I snorted my drink! Isn't a triple threat someone who can sing, dance and act?

  9. @Mrs Meat OMG I love your avi so much!!!

  10. Is being 5'11 and 190 a bad thing? lmao that sounds like a good size to me....



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