Saturday, October 07, 2017

Blind Item #3

This A list celebrity married to a permanent A list mostly movie actor who might not quite be A+ list any longer wore a crazy padded bra to an event the other night. She wants people to think she is breastfeeding. We all know she isn't, but have to stick to the line. Oh, and if she is, how come the offspring did not make the trip.


  1. Replies
    1. Disfigured beastly ugly Amal Alamuddin was never pregnant. Wore prosthetic padding till early months and then hid from public after March till surrogate gave birth in June. Clooney is not biological father. Disfigured stinking c unt ugly Amal Alamuddin's eggs or her sister Tala's were used in IVF & a sperm donor. Twins look nothing like George Clooney for obvious reasons.
      Pathetic lying delusional grotesque insecure nobody ugly Amal wants fame & her low class peasant scum mother Baria Alamuddin runs her PR lies.

    2. Remember, only a dumb, alcoholic, passive-aggressive, bisexual closetted box office liability like George Clooney would destroy his career which he struggled to accomplish for 15 years,... doing anything it took to please those in power.
      Clooney believed his PR network hags who manipulate & scoff behind his back that a beastly ugly disfigured she male horse like Amal Alamuddin would be popular.
      Instead, he lost everything: career, popularity, sanity, happiness. And he can't even stand the obnoxious ugly grotesque she male Amal Alamuddin.
      Her surrogate born twins are with the wart faced walrus mother Baria Alamuddin in UK. The Help looks after them. Feral looking critters that look just like her. Biological father may be an ex boyfriend. Though I was told in confidence recently they're her sister Tala Alamuddin's surrogate born twins with her new husband Nico. And that is the public deception that this delusional disfigured ugly she male is promoting for fame.
      Either way, Clooney will be exposed for the lame loser liar that he is.

    3. I hope Clooney sues you. Racist bitch

    4. From your picture, I can see why you hate Amal.

  2. Replies
    1. Clooney is closeted bisexual. He's never slept with she man ugly Amal Alamuddin. Nor Stacey Keibler.
      He co-writes publicity lies script as his frustrations over his sexuality have rendered him an alcoholic.
      A team of PR network hags deceives the public with his fake, B lister unpopular image. Everyone in general in Hollywood, media even legal world knows whatca farce this is. Most other people sense it's overkill BS.
      He didn't want to play role of father to the ugly hump nosed Arabian gelding's IVF babies that are not even his biological offspring.

    2. Ever try therapy? Maybe you should look into it.

  3. It is possible to pump before you go out of town. This is such a dumb blind. Who gives af if someone breast feeds or not.

    1. The point is — she was never pregnant to begin with and trying to convince people she was.

    2. Exactly! Insecure, grotesque beastly ugly Amal Alamuddin is in a sham marriage to Clooney who cannot stand her nor has he ever slept with her. Rejected her advances. Not because he's a self-loathing alcoholic bisexual, but because he thinks she's hideously tranny ugly. Fact.
      Ywins are not his biological children. They look like her & her equally equine sister Tala.
      It's widely known in Hollywood that this delusional ugly nobody is faking it. Especially amongst high profile celebrities who leak info.

  4. Lots of working women that have to travel, have a stockpile of milk at home & pump & freeze the milk or pump & dump. With A list money travelling & transporting it would be a piece of cake.

  5. I think the bigger issue/question is whether she gave birth or a surrogate did...

  6. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Hard to breastfeed if you did not give birth.

  7. My coworkers are constantly pumping. The person that keeps sending blinds about Amal is probably that crazy troll on the old site....just a thought.

    1. F uck you, lying PR network scum. Deceiving public with sham marriage & fake twins so you can profit selling lies.

    2. You might want to talk to a therapist. And Amal is a yalented Human rights attorney and educated intelligent woman. Aww does her awesomeness make u feel small. Stay bitter bitch. George would nvr want u lol

    3. I wish I was a PR. Your statements here are slander and hope Clooney and Amal sue you Katiedot.go back to your basement. Thanks Ms. Jordan

  8. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Who cares? Oh.. that she might be faking breastfeeding tits? Again. Who cares

  9. I dont care how she feeds her children. Formula or Breast does not matter. I doubt she spends any time with her children. That is more important than method of feeding.

  10. so because she didn't get fat or pose naked on some magazine it means she wasn't pregnant?

  11. So another lying phony couple out for a periodic pap stroll. I liked the one snapped in the middle of their private woods just before she birthed the baby. Her padding stuck out funny.

  12. Pumping is obviously a possibility for most people. Enty loses credibility when he says shit like this.

    1. Read carefully:

      “Oh and if she is, how come the off spring didn’t make the trip”

      Has she left her babies back in Europe?????

  13. Disfigured beastly ugly Amal Alamuddin was never pregnant. Stinking grotesque delusional c u n t is so hideously equine but wants to be a celebrity.
    Surrogate gave birth to these IVF babies and not biologically George Clooney's. Either ugly Amal's ugly gene eggs or her equally equine sister Tala's. A sperm donor friend was used.

  14. Wow, someone got triggered.

    I don't know who these 2 think they are fooling but AMAL IS A MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Nothing feminine about that beast and it is utterly insulting to even think for one second she gave birth.
    Men cannot have babies.
    Are you people really that blind and brainwashed?!? LOOK AT HER/HIM!

  16. I may be missing something but what the hell is with the Amal hating rants?
    Is it jealousy, some sort of personal problem or just plain insanity?
    I can't remember anyone else who sets of the weird rants.

  17. Ummmm. Who knew that it was possible to hate Amal Clooney so much.

  18. These 2 as fake AF. All they do is lie. Whoever believes anything they claim, is dumber than a rock.

    1. Well that maybe so but no need to make racist ugly statements towards the woman. Katie Dot is a Mentally unstable obsessed fan and we are just calling her out. Plus, the extent of hatred may indicate a serious threat towards said individuals. Sorry. I'm jaded and hypeaware about these types.

  19. Despite the insane rants, I always found the Amal George story line offensive. George swears off marriage for 25 years and dates c list party girls - then he meets a professional woman with a politically correct impressive resume and he's finally met his match? Really.Thats why the stunt has failed. Women are pissed and men liked the cute party girls.



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