Friday, October 27, 2017

Blind Item #13

A couple of things on the widow front. Apparently they are just giving up any pretense of a charity thing and are just doing any sales and other things as a form of profit. Within the next few months there will be one inch squares of clothing for sale that are going to purportedly be from clothing worn by our deceased celebrity while on stage. Chances are it will be a pair of cut up jeans from a thrift store. Also, the documentary thing is going through a back and forth. Apparently the widow is asking about ten times the going rate for such a project and wants to be on camera  at least 51% of the time. Think she wants to be famous?


  1. There's an old chinese curse...
    "May you come to the attention of those in authority"

  2. “Celebrity” LOL! Hey! Maybe Big Bird needs a stand-in! I can see that! LOL! I’m not usually a “catty” person but she asks for it so I feel inclined to participate!

  3. I have seen pictures of that Widow. Ms Kyariannis, even given the $100,000 of plastic surgery/shifting around that you have undergone, are you sure that being onscreen for longer than a minute in a documentary about your ex is a good idea?

  4. Ugh! Straps and now scraps for cash? She's shameless. That mock-umentary will be like the film version of that hideous letter to herself. Thank you Enty for all you do!

  5. Reading about Chris's wife always breaks my heart. To think he had to deal with that. I was lucky enough to see Soundgarden live on April 20th. He was really as amazing as he has always been. It totally shocked me a few days later to hear the news. You never know what goes on behind the facade. But man she makes me sick.

  6. Is the widow going to try to sell the scraps at the Linkin Park event tonight?

  7. No pride, no dignity, no grace and no respect for her husband. And no respect for HIS fans either.

    1. Do not worry, she does not represent Chris Cornell's legacy, no matter how hard she tries. With time, her attempts to be famous will end up sinking her.She is nobody, like her ugly mother.

  8. So his need to make money with whatever it is, means that there was not much to distribute. What do you know about Chris' heritage, Enty? Chester's will has been revealed, but with Chris we have no news.

  9. Hey Truthseeker: we are very lucky! Caught Chris and Soundgarden again on 4/30 in Ft. Myers - I had always thought I'd be able to see him/them again a few more times in my lifetime but at least I caught them twice. Right there with you on reading about Icky Vicky and the vile MIL. I'm absolutely heartbroken that she drove him to his grave. Chris was one of the most absolutely rare beautiful human beings in the world in that his gorgeous exterior was a true reflection of his inner beauty. I've had a helluva go since he left us: relapse, my own attempt to "follow" and other such morose things. It's just been super rough. For me personally (as obviously as I am just a fan and not a family member), the hardest part of him leaving us too soon is knowing there was so much more brilliance he had to share with the world still. Brilliance and generosity. As I am certain that his foundations were built in a genuine effort to help people (not just accumulate Birken bags and make multiple attempts to fix a jagged ragged face, etc). I'll never understand how she snagged him (well as an addict and someone who's been rehab multiple times I know how vulnerable one can be... ESPECIALLY when falling down/relapsing and then getting clean) - I think she got her hooks into him at one such moment and she probably, like many manipulative gas-lighting assholes I know, put on a really convincing facade of true love and convinced him she would be his salvation. Poor Lily, Peter, Susan, Kim, Matt, Ben and so on. The world lost a beautiful and talented genius in May and I'm enraged to know the Skary-anuses are going to profit from his death.

  10. I agree the other Amy, though i do not know how i typed in 4/20.. lol it was 4/29, they played here the night before they played down in Ft. Myers, you are Ft. rock yes?
    He was truly an inspired soul. I had a rough time dealing with his loss and then so soon after someone who really meant alot to my soul, Chester. It was almost to much. Next year we get the Foo Fighters here, to see Dave Grohl is one of my last musts before I can say i am okay.
    It is strange going to see Soundgarden, of course its a metal festival with very young ppl and most could only tell you that Soundgarden sang Black Hole Sun, i remember many even complaining about the lineup.. At the end of the night, every person was up in such a tight cluster, that the 40K ppl or so that were with me all felt as one. Everyone after commented on how amazing they were. I only regret that at my 51 year old age, i was to tired to fight to get close to the front, and stayed more to the back, my pics and videos were not great, but they are mine. and i am SO glad i have them now. I also took my 2 grandkids, Axel who is 5 and Rose who was 4 then as I enjoy sharing music with them, Its important to me to carry on the legacy of the greats!

  11. Selling scraps of HIS CLOTHING?!?!?!?! She is certifiably insane!!!

  12. Anonymous2:43 PM

    When I was a kid, Elvis stayed at a hotel in the town I lived in before a scheduled performance. The hotel
    sold squares of his sheets in the restaurant. I wanted to buy one, but Mom would not let me. Plus I had no money, but a girl can dream and whine a lot.

    Saw Soundgarden several times. The world is indeed a sadder place now.

    As for the widow, hopefully someone will report her and she will get audited.

  13. I've seen Chris alone and SG a few times. He was one of my fave musicians. I was devastated when I read the news. Hearing about these women make me sick. The lack of decency and respect is astounding.

    My question is in the photos of the bathroom in his hotel suite, why has no one addressed the massive blood loss on the bathroom rug? I was stunned to see it.

    So many questions, so little answers.

  14. Yes, Truthseeker, I was at Ft. Rock! GREAT show! Was so stoked to catch them again and was fortunate enough to just camp out near the stage earlier in the afternoon where I remained all evening so that I could be close to Chris! I've got the Joy Division "Unknown Pleasures" album cover art tattooed on the inside of my forearm and was close enough I swear there was a glint of recognition in Chris's eyes when he saw me pumping my fists in the air as I know he was a big Joy Division fan! Haha of course, it was probably just in my head but I like to think he saw the blue haired chick with the cool Joy Division tattoo and made him smile!
    Your grandkids are Axl and Rose?! love it!! (;
    And enjoy Foo Fighters!!! Caught them back when they opened for Red Hot Chili Peppers quite some time ago!

  15. @the other amy,didn't it freak you out that he died the same day as Ian Curtis's suicide?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Viks' documentary should be called Snuffaluffagus and friends! She & her mother have multiple accounts, trashing Chris' bio family & legacy. You can see all here, @ccwasmurdered; @zuzanzilver58; @argy.ilion; @hurtfamily; @thewildflower1909; @sleeptight4me; @kingcornell.etc; @chriscornellfanpage15. There are so many, just follow the hate trail within comments. Just the tip of the ice burg on Instagram.

  18. The Karayiannus' should consider having mental assessments done & get some help. Look what happened to Chris! They're a disease to others.

  19. ewwww. just ew, if this indeed is Vicky Cornell.Seriously dude, you have no talent, your husband was the star, not you. Please, tell me what your talent is!

    & don't even get me started on her looks... chick, seriously, you want close-ups? See here:

  20. @Guesser: it absolutely did! As I'm also a huge Joy Division fan, I was very aware of the date/occurrence. I was actually surprised to not see the correlation listed in any articles until a few days later. I still wonder if their was relevance to Chris for leaving us on that day or whether he was just fed up with Icky's gaslighting and manipulative ways. I had read somewhere that someone offered her condolences and she said to spare her as they were planning on divorcing. Of course I have also expended quite a bit of mental effort wondering just how involved Martin was in his death. His death continues to be an overwhelming source of grief for me. I recall seeing SG in Ft. Myers weeks prior and tweeting at him how my 14th birthday (4.9.97) was the worst one ever because Soundgarden had broken up that day.
    As I've read from many other CC fans, Chris was a guiding light for many of us; he sang such beautiful poetry that spoke directly to my soul. As an addict who has also battled mental illness for 20+ years, I have really struggled with "If Chris couldn't find his peace, what possible chance do I have?" Not knowing the truth around the circumstances of his death also compounds upon my worries. I've had to take a step back from LSA and other platforms for weeks at a time because the speculation and of course the feeling that Icky orchestrated the entire thing is just too overwhelming at times. I truly hope she has a dance with karma soon!



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