Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Blind Item #13

Apparently nothing will stop this foreign born former A+ lister who is an Oscar winner from harassing women. He has always done it and much more. You would think he would be taking a break from it at this point. Nope. He groped a makeup person this week on the set of a movie. Nothing accidental about it. Two hands, one on each breast. He knows she won't do anything. Even if she complains, the studio would keep her in court forever and in the meantime, no one will hire her.


  1. Disgusting. I guess they always think they're teflon until proven otherwise. It just takes one person. You don't even have to know where the bodies are buried anymore. Just pick a random spot and start digging. Russell Crowe made 1-1/2 good movies over a decade ago. Why do people think he can't be brought down? Studios should start writing/enforcing liability waivers in actors' contracts.

  2. someone needs to start taking pics. on their phone of these dreadful men I am sure someone will listen then.

  3. russell crowe is a really, really good actor so i beg to differ on his skills. he makes everything he's in better. HOWEVER, this shit needs to stop and if he's doing it, HE must be stopped. don't care who it is---quit this 'business as usual' crap.

  4. In court? Why not 'settle' like Weinstein? Get him girl!! Go get him.

  5. Come on Enty, out this guy, the sooner the better.

  6. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Nancer, not sure I agree about making everything he's in better, Les Mis was not his shining moment. Totally agree about him needing to be stopped if he's doing it.

  7. Does Gerard Depardieu have an Oscar?

  8. @Nancer He was terrible in Les Miz, for starters. You really need to rethink your whole stance on Crowe.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Nancer.fairylights:I think we can agree that he started out gifted, but decades of liquor, arrogance, rage and ego take a big toll on on talent. You can be a good actor and morally corrupt, but most of the time the light goes out.



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