Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Blind Item #11

This permanent A list singer is not even the most famous singer in her family. Close though. Anyway, she is spending big big bucks to get some revenge. I really love her for this. She has several detectives following this A list singer/sometime actor and they caught him cheating. So, our permanent singer is slowly leaking that out and everything else she discovers. This really is glorious. An old wound has recently been reopened which is what led to this.


  1. Janet Jackson/Justin Timberlake?

    1. Good guess. Wow guess her grandson, I mean"son", has not brought peace to her life. Wonder if she investigated her soon to be ex?

  2. I'm taking Timberlake for the male singer\sometime actor. If your permanent A you should be the most famous singer in your family unless daddy is someone like Frank Sinatra or Elvis Presley

  3. Ha Beth pulled it off...

  4. Is this due to the recent BI hinting that they might get back together for a performance or something like that?

  5. but why would jj want revenge against jt? wasn't their superbowl stunt a pre-planned joint effort?

    1. yup but JT lied and claimed he had no idea she planned it.

  6. JT slinked away and left Janet to take the blame. She was blacklisted, while he was allowed to perform at the Grammy's on the same network a week later. Privilege has its benefits.

  7. what a little $%!#, don't know how i missed it. i just remember how hoaky that stunt looked.

  8. @just sayin' A little old, but still relevant: http://gawker.com/nipplegate-at-10-how-justin-won-superbowl-xxxviii-and-1511051968

  9. Yeah but his wife won't care so is it really revenge?

  10. old wound reopened b/c NFL asked JT to perform this year and she was banned.

  11. His wife will care, the prenup clearly states if he cheats he has to pay Jessica $500K. Didn't the illuminati plan nipplegate anyway?

  12. It wasn't privilege. Timberlake immediately apologized while Janet kept denying the whole thing.

  13. Love it! Get him Janet!

  14. She is just mad cuz Justin went on to put out 2 more records that had hits whereas she has not had a hit since the 90's.
    And don't get it twisted, I am not a JT fan I am actually more of a JJ fan but this is so low class and just childish.
    And if anyone thinks that Jessica Biel and JT have a real marriage... L O L
    She is a total tranny/lesbian. Please. It is a marriage for profit and I would not be shocked if he was cheating with dudes as the only other relationships he has were all with trannies as well Cameron Diaz and Ms Spears. Both born men.

    1. Well your theories are just bizarre. M styles. Really weird to classify women you are jealous of as trannies. Man faced lady perhaps or frustrated Gay.? Which one are u?

    2. In the Fergie blind you say how dirty she is and that she probably smells like a tranny... Drop the trans bashing M styles. Your attitude is repugnant.

  15. Def Janet and Justin. The re-opened wound is the announcement that he will be playing the 2018 Superbowl Halftime Show.

  16. Well that was satisfying to read. HAHAHAHHAHAAAAAHAHAHAHAHHA.

  17. Sd Auntie, I'm glad you said it because I'm sitting here like "WTF". And in the last blind Fergie 'smelled like a tranny'. This is just some bitter fucktard who maybe a T chaser but no one is interested unless he pays. Either that or just a jealous bitch who can't take the trans girls doing better than her. Regardless, it's pathetic as fuck

    1. Thanks Bubbles. Most definitely an angry granny chaser. Weirdos pop up all the time and believe me, I am not a fan of the Simpson sister's. Jessica Biel is beautiful with naturally endowed behind so M Styles is jealous of her.

  18. Since this is timberlake, what's the gender of the side piece?
