Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Blind Item #10

Bad month for the foreign born A- list mostly movie actress we have all grown to dislike. More racist comments from her this week which is kind of becoming the norm for the probably wishes her franchise would start filming again so she could stop looking like a hanger on to her actor boyfriend. Oh, and maybe she should worry more about her acting since she was basically fired off her most recent movie after a week. She was awful so they reduced her part to practically nothing and sent her on her way.


  1. This definitely has to be Diane Kruger. Since meeting Reedus, she's been obsessed with stalking him and showing the world she's banging him. She left her own gig to fly to the TWD premiere.... looking rather desperate. It seems her career is tanking because she's so used to getting by on her looks (and they are fading). Apparently she's difficult, with an entitled personality and not talented enough to get away with it any longer.

  2. Newsflash Kruger ... unless you get him to bathe we don't give a flip what you do with reedus

  3. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Because Josh is very vocal about his liberal positions and campaigns for minority causes, Diane was able to hide her racism behind him. Everyone assumed she shared his views. Far from it. She seemingly supports anything that undermines equality for certain races.

  4. Well, she is starting to look like Kelly Ann Conway...
    but i like Kate Mckinnons version better...

  5. Anonymous12:01 PM

    It's amazing that she did a parody of Kelly Ann Conway before, but now she has become her for real.

  6. Definitely Diane Kruger. Racist comment on her IG about a co-worker of Reedus which was beyond disgusting. And also the part that she got fired. She‘s been in Canada for a week to film. So it‘s perfectly fitting with the fired after a week part. Not surprising. Disgusting woman.

    1. What was said? I noticed comments were now turned off for that pic.

  7. This reeks of Diane Kruger! She is a glorified fan girl who stalked Reedus & begged her director friend to cast him in that crappy movie they made together even though his part was written for a Latino guy. She mimicks his mannerisms, his way of speaking, his clothing. She nails on her own movie showing in Europe to fly across the world to his tv show premiere but he wouldn’t even walk the red carpet with her or allow her to take pics. She’s an embarrassment to women. She claims to be a feminist but chases/stalks/mimics men. And she’s so nasty/racist/entitled that she gets fired from movie sets after only a week. Horrible woman!🤢

  8. ^^^ she BAILS on her own movie showing ...

  9. damn i didn't know there was so much tea to spill on her! Anymore? Why did she and Joshua really break up???

  10. @americanpanda - just do a search for her name on this site. You will have enough to read for a few days.

  11. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Hands down, my vote is Diane Kruger.

  12. this is sad the way she crashed or maybe just finally her true nature is being revealed

  13. I have no idea whether she is racist or not.
    I have started disliking her a long time ago when I read an interview with her in a German Fashion magazine.
    She sounded ridiculous. The movie with Brad Pitt and Joaquin Phoenix, in ancient Greece had just come out, in which she was Helen of Troy and had exactly 3 lines. She sounded completely delusional and totally in love with herself, as if she carried that film!
    It was cringe really, the interview was a gushing, and self gushing tribute to a commonly attractive (in Germany and France, Russia and Scandinavian countries, you can find thousands of Kruegers walking the streets), but utterly talentless bimbo.
    And then there was a focus on her speaking3 or 4 languages, like she was Einstein or something; never laughed so hard in my life. I speak 4 (maybe even 5) languages, I know ppl who speak 7 or 8, so?
    In Europe, and especially Eastern Europe, most ppl speak at least 3.
    I thought she was a young bimbo then, now I think she's a middle aged bimbo.

  14. @monteverde. Thanks for that. I've been interested in her earlier stuff as I'd never heard of her before this year. I'm also wondering now if she should have had more lines in Troy and if her lines were being reduced even then to bad acting. It sounds like a pattern.

    😂😂😂 "Foreign born actress that we've all grown to dislike"

  15. It's a little too easy to call her racist without giving an example of what she said. I would love to know how bad she really is.

  16. It's a little too easy to call her racist without giving an example of what she said. I would love to know how bad she really is.

  17. @Anonymous she posted that thing of TWD on her IG congratulating the cast. She first only tagged Norman, Nicotero, JDM, Lauren and Christian. Then someone commented “yeah leave out the black woman“ meant to be Danai. Kruger answered her “you‘re right“ which in this context was pretty racist. Others called her out on this and then she added Danai‘s hashtag under the post as well as Melissa. And it wasn’t the first time she made a racist comment. Honestly it‘s known she did it before. Same as supporting animals bla bla and them saying she loves fur. She‘s contradicting herself all the time. Her character is so disgusting, super self loving and attention seeking. Not to forget that she makes herself look super ridiculous by traveling after Norman when he won’t go out of his way for her. Anyway, that was the racist comment she made about his co-worker.

  18. Anonymous8:22 AM

    If you want to know what she said, you need to follow her Instagram accounts and her replies to people. However she has deleted the comments on her hundredth anniversary The Walking Dead post.

  19. She breaks her back to be by his side whenever he allows her yet he still cheats on her! This woman is a desperate joke so he continues to humiliate her

  20. @Sh*tshow - are you assuming he cheats based on his past behavior or is this known? Nothing mentioned on the other blinds so just curious. It does often seem like he humiliates her as much as he can and she will allow (which appears to be a lot) - maybe trying to get her to just give up and move on.

  21. Is a known fact he has a regular hook up here in GA and he’s seen her plenty when DK is around.

  22. @Sh*tshow - thanks. I assume you meant to say "when DK isn't around" not 'is around'. I kind of thought this might be the case and think some of DK's last min trips to GA were/are because she know's he's been seen with the other woman. Just my thoughts.

  23. Yeah sorry I meant isn’t. This woman he’s seeing lives in Atlanta

  24. @Sh*show - that totally makes sense. Thanks.

  25. @Sh*tshow. I imagine he has a few hookups both in Ga & NY. Kruger is definitely not his only one. She wishes she were but try as she may, it’s not gonna happen. Thus her always calling the paps to set him up. Sometimes he goes along with it, sometimes not.

  26. @Sh*tshow - I mentioned your comments on the other blind, hope you don't mind (although I think you post there too). Others are questioning all of the cheating rumors b/c the rumors have been going on forever but there is never any proof. Maybe you have some thoughts. Seems DK has been down in GA a lot more lately so would be hard to juggle multiple women?



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